Stressed out

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Obsidian walks back to his house after an hour of staying at X's place.
"Hey obsidian, how are you?" Madness asks him. "You look a bit stressed...are you ok?" Sebastian asked while making food. Obsidian just retorted saying "I'm just freaking peachy!" Sebastian was surprised by his angry tone "calm down obsidian, why are you mad?" Obsidian just got even more furious. "Oh where the heck do I begin?! I know, how about my admin being an idiot and angering the other admins about a dumb joke! Also I'm stressed because I just wanted to talk to malachite because X was gone but Jasper would not let me and she got pissed off at me! I'm furious right now so I don't wanna see anyone, not even the admins, nor X!" He shouted at them as he walked to his Tom and slammed the door while madness and Sebastian looked at each other worriedly.
(Sorry if I misspelled some users names)

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