Bailey Taurus (Saga of Bailey the Evil)

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Former Name: Benjamin Taurus

Former looks:

Current Name: Bailey Taurus

Current looks:


Affliction: The Empire

VA: Mallorie Rodak(ENG), Megumi Toyoguchi(JAP)

Theme song:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sexuality: Bi-sexual

Likes: Revy, her lovers(haven't fully decided on who yet), training, her gun, the Empire, magic, reading, exploring in the sky

Loves~: Diego(Shadow), Revy, teasing them, rubbing their bodies and drinking wine

Dislikes: Union, Vought, Heros, Villains, pervs, assholes, annoying people, people harassing her lovers, being called a slut

Hates: Being X, Issei and Mineta, The Seven and Bakugo, being touch by creeps that aren't her lovers


Benjamin Taurus, a kid who just wanted a normal and peaceful life, was bullied cause he didn't want to be a Huntsmen and actually showed how stupid the Dumbass Brigade were,(RWB, JNPR, SSN). He even showed that they did more damage to the people then helped, which made them pissed and they decided to 'teach the loser a lesson in disrespecting heros'.

In the end, it left them beaten and broken, as Ben taught them a lesson in not assuming things. But sadly, they did more damage then he thought, as he was bloody and had a bullet wound in his chest, soon he succumbed to his injuries. Coco, his girlfriend and soon to be wife, came to help but sadly Ben didn't have the time to be healed and passed on, not before kissing her one more time

Soon he was about to pass on, until an entity of unknown origins stopped his passing. He called himself...Being X, he proclaimed himself as god, the creator of all of Remannt and said he made Ben, and belittled him cause he thought he let himself be killed and Sid he wasted his time. Ben called him out, saying he was no god, but the devil, further enraging Being X

So Being X decided to teach him a lesson. He teleported Ben to another world, a world which became engulfed in a war that would almost last 10 years. But that wasn't the only thing that Ben found surprising...HE WAS TURNED INTO A BABY AND WAS A GIRL!!!

(Bailey:~Ara Ara~, I'm gonna make Being X pay, and I'm gonna take my sweet time~)

(Revy: Oh no not again!)





Yeah so Ben became Bailey, who was raised in an orphanage. As she grew up, she learned the history of the world she was reborn in, seeing the different nations, cultures and how they did war, and even learned magic. Which she learned that she had a high aptitude, so she decided to enroll in the military at a young age, cause she would use her money to fund the orphanage she was raised in

There she started to show how strong and powerful she was, she got the Sliver Wings, sent to the frontlines and made a name for herself, The Devil of the Rhine. She then was given her own battalion of Mages, the 203rd Ariel Mage Battalion. Together she and her battalion won many battles and managed to win the war, even if the Federation tried to restart it

She even killed Mary Sioux, the daughter of a man she killed and stole his weapon. She felt bad for what she had to do, it was war...and war never changes.

So finally after many years of peace, she had a save and easy life in the capital of Berun. She was having a normal life, no war, no explosions and having to stop Revy, yes that Revy from Black Lagoon, from killing her own squad members, she finally had peace.

...Until an unknown event caused her and then entire Empire, with some of the others, to another Earth where other kingdoms were merged. She screamed for hours, blaming Being X over and over, even making some think she drunk to much coffee again. Soon she and her battalion were sent to investigate the other kingdoms

In the Twisting Realms and Ovius, she meet the inhabitants and managed to speak to them in peaceful terms and meet a lot of interesting people. Especially a wolfkin girl and a dragoniod...which she found rather hot and licked her lips a lot. At Union...well let's say she was ready to commit more war crimes then deal with those fucking idiots

She had to break a lot of hands of those trying to cop a feel. She almost killed Issei cause he tired to force her, Revy and one of her female soldiers into his harem. Even though they told him no, multiple times, and Rias has the audacity to tell them they had no choice and they will join regardless. They had to use their guns to prove a point

Next was Legion, which she liked WAY better then Union, heck she even meet Prussian Heros of the past. She even got Siegfrieds autograph, she keeps it in her safety deposit box. They managed to make a treaty with the others, besides Union, and managed to create a new economy and working industry. So far she had peace.

Especially thanks to a certain someone who made her feel normal, someone who she took solace in.

Diego Cross(Shadow): (lightcero made this with AI, pretty damn good, also imagine him with Shadows jacket)

At first the two started off oddly, as she flirts with him and teases him, playing it off as fun. But soon she started to feel something other then flirting and teasing, as when Diego adopted Millicas, he started to see her as a mother figure, better then his birthmother. Seriously the way they raised him and the stupid show they made in the Underworld made her want to destroy it

She got so embarrassed she hides her face in her cap. She didn't mind it, in fact she loved it when he called her mommy, it was just...she never knew how to raise a child, she never got a chance to. She tries the best she can, so she was lucky Diego was there to help her and guide her, making her thankful that he was there to help her.

She always wanted to be a mother, she just...never found the right one for a family. So she went for help with some of Legion, who knew how to help and there she learned something about herself. She uses teasing and flirting to hide what she was really feeling, as she never knew how to flirt with a male since she never did so as a guy, so she had trouble adjusting to it

So she needed to embrace what she was and admit something...

She was in LOVE with Diego Cross, and she needed to show she is willing to commit to being a better person for him and Millicas

As she wanted a life in peace, with a family she loved and show her past doesn't define who she is.

But how long will it last?

Union wants land and resources, believing they deserved it all

The kingdoms willing to defend themselves form them

And Bailey?

She once said, if you're willing to live a safe must be willing to pick up a gun

For war...War Never Changes.


She loves to tease her lovers and when you know shes horny is when she says:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Yeah she gets like this when she wants to get frisky or promises to give you unbelievable pain for messing with her or her lovers. Like seriously she did shit to one man cause he called Revy a slut, it would make Gods cringe and others turn pale for months

Do not..,AND I REPEAT!!, do not grope her or you will see God soon!

If Millicas is hurt or assaulted, she will use all her abilities to kill the bastards who did so

She likes to rub Diegos ears cause they are fluffy and makes her feel at peace. She likes it when he hugs her from behind and cuddles with her and Millicas, making her smile cause she now had a family she always wanted.

Oh and she likes to beat Blake up cause she thinks Bailey is dating him cause she had a kink for Faunus. Yeah let's say she showed Blake what a military veteran can do with a stick of butter...don't ask.

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