Benjamin (FATE)

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Name: Benjamin

Class: Avenger

Armor: (I do not own the picture, found it on Pinterest)

Sword: (I do not own the picture, found it on Pinterest)

Nobel Phantasm Armor: (I do not own the picture, found it on Pinterest)

VA: Johnny Young Bosh(ENG), Yoshimasa Hosoya(JAP)

Hair color: Blue

Eye color: Black

Age: 19(at death), 22(when summoned)

Height: 6'8, 7'0(in armor)

Skin color: Tan

Personality: angry, bland, cool, quick to anger(which is easy), socially awkward, ruthless, stubborn, battle hungry

Family: Nathan Taurus(father, deceased), Alicia Taurus(mother, deceased), Adam Taurus(brother, alive), Glynda Goodwitch(adoptive mother)

Likes: Nothing(minus music)

Dislikes: Everything(minus those he loves)

Nobel Phantasm: Arcane Resurgence

Description: When the Ben's armor sustains damage, the energy released is absorbed and stored within the armor.

This stored energy can be channeled by the Servant to enhance their physical capabilities and empower their attacks. The more damage the armor absorbs, the greater the boost provided to the Servant, allowing them to unleash devastating attacks against their foes.

This Noble Phantasm not only increases the Servant's offensive capabilities but also provides a defensive advantage, as the absorbed energy can be released in a burst to repel incoming attacks.

Theme song: (I do not own the video or the song)


Rage, thats all Ben ever felt when he grew up in the world of Remnant, which was merged with many other realms unlike they've seen. He may not show it, but deep inside is a raging inferno inside him, making him despise everything and everyone. Especially towards Union, a disgraceful academy that made him despise humanity, Devils and so many people

He hardly spoke to people, the ones he only speaks with is Glynda, Ozpin and CVFY. The rest he just ignored or straight up insults them cause he doesn't care. He was also a skilled fighter, with his fists and a sword he picked up, no one could match him or his strength. Some say he was part monster or demon, so they just ridiculed him cause he was an orphan

He hated it, but got use to it as he didn't bother to mess with them, cause to him he shouldn't bother with dumbasses that won't learn from their mistakes. He did have a soft spot for Coco, to the point they were romantically involved, even going far as having to having a child together. This however angered many, seeing a 'loser' have a smoking hot babe and a 'worthless' kid

So they decided to 'correct' this 'injustice'

And that was when Bens rage truly came out

Glynda went to visit Ben and Coco to check up on them and congratulate them on their engagement and child. But when she came to it, she was met with fire, ash and death, was she came to his house and found the new family dead.

Ben was beaten to death, stabbed multiple times, and shot with an arsenal of weapons.

Coco was the same, only her entire stomach had a hole in it, with her face burnt off completely.

And the was gone

Glynda cried for months after this, Ozpin broke down and became a shell of a man he once was. Team VFY was broken, dead and soul-less, lacking any drive to do anything in this world, they lost people precious to them, people they loved. It also didn't help that the residents of Union actually celebrated their death, even going far as insulting them

Minus Kirishima and Mina, who were destroyed by Bens death. Kirishima hardly talked to anyone, he just moped around with Mina as she felt lost with a guy who was like her big bro. The two stayed so they can find evidence to bring Union down, they knew it'll take forever, but it was their penance to atone for not saving Ben.

They rubbed it in their faces, even saying they deserved death for not doing the right thing or that they were weak to do anything. This made the three and two staff members transfer out to Legion, where they were treated fairly better and even given the help they needed. Ozpin was given treatment and was finally given the courage to tell them the truth

Glynda was also treated, as she finally managed to accept her sons and her future daughter-in-laws passing, deciding to live on for them both. She even started to date a man who would have been a great father figure for Ben, as he brith father died to suicide. He was a man who valued her more then anything, even giving her the support she needed

VFY, Ozpin and Glynda all came to peace with their passings, and buried them in peace.

Sadly...some dead never stay dead for long

For soon Ben, who was an unrestless soul after his murder , would come back, but not as the once kind man who many people loved. He would come back as a Heroic Servant of the Avenger, which fits him perfectly as he came back with one thing on his mind

Ben: I will make this world pay...I will destroy everything this accursed world stands on...I WILL ERASE THE RAGE IN ME, BY ENDING THOSE WHO TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!!

This was Ben declaration when he was reborn into this world, thanks to the summoning but the Holy Grail, which then he had given him enough information to fill him in on the current times. He saw armor that looked like his grand-grandfathers, when he fought in the Great War. He was amused, but went with it as he'll ever single armament to kill all of Union and make them pay

Ben at first didn't care about the Holy Grail War, he ignore it, and pretty much all the Masters and other Heroic Servants, and mainly focused on finding those responsible of his murder and his love. But as he did, he would run into the other Servants, those who were fighting in the War, but he didn't care. He would become such a problem for the rest that they would band together to stop him

Even going as far as to summon a Ruler class to even the power scale, who is unknown...cause yes

But he would hardly flinch or care, all he would do was roam the lands till he found Union, there he vowed to destroy it at its foundations. Seeing their annoying smiles and goofy attitudes, making him sick to his stomach. There he vowed to destroy...EVERY...LAST...ONE OF THE.

For Ben is the Vengeful One, the Servant born of Vengeance and Rage

And nothing will stop him till all is destroyed


Ben stats are all across the board, being proficient in sword combat and has pretty much all kinda of buffs to add to his arsenal

He shows kindness to some people, as to him this was something he owned them before Union city was destroyed by him. So might as well make them happy before they passed on

He can quickly be angered with slightest insult, given his soul was brutally haunted by the memories of what happened to him and his family

He will never hurt those he loved, given he can control his rage a bit, but he still loves those who cared for him

He's has a second Nobel Phantasm, called Aetheric Cascade, it releases all the pent up energy he stores during combat, firing off like an atomic nuke and destroying everything within a radius. One that depends on how much he redistributes when he uses it, which ain't much as he keeps it hidden from the rest and use it only when he wants to

He also listens to music to clam him down, his favorite is Breaking Benjamin, no not cause they had the same name, cause he likes their music


"Why should I tell you my name, I owe you nothing."

"Why should I care about a dumb cup? It's a stupid goal that greedy bastards use to cheat in this world."

"Death is natural in this world, get over it and leave me alone."

"Ruler? Sorry but not one rules me."

"I gave him a quick death, or did you prefer him to suffer to satisfy your need to keep him around?"

"I am vengeance, and I'm here for your head."

"Life, death, suffering, this are part of every day life, stop complaining and move on."

"Heros? Yet you kill villains that earn it and yet berate me for killing those thugs? Hmph, whatever Vanguardians."

"Regret? Oh I have one...not killing you the moment I meet you."


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