Benjamin Taurus (The First Son of Omni-Man)

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Name: Benjamin Taurus


Suit: (Bens is the blue one)

VA: Johnny Young Bosh(ENG), Yoshimasa Hosoya(JAP)

Race: Vilturmite

Height: 6'8

Age: 110, but looks 19

Theme song:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Super Strength
Super Speed
Healing factor
Enhanced sight
Enhanced hearing
1,000 year lifespan

Family: Nolan(Father, alive), Alicia Taurus(deceased), Adam Taurus(brother, deceased)

Home world: Remnant(destroyed)


Likes later on: some people, some Heros, cooking, reading

Later on loves: the Vanguardians(all females), his soon adoptive family and step sibling


Hates and dislikes: seeing his loved ones and friends hurt, Omni-Man, Thragg, Viltrumites, Viltrumite Empire, Union, Issei, Mineta, Bakugo, Vought, Homelander and the Seven


Ben was born on Remnant with his loving mother and caring father with his baby brother Adam. He thought he was gonna have a nice and normal life, but that wasn't the case, he was bullied cause he rather be a writer like his father. But he was hardly hurt, he took the pain and somehow as time went on, he started to not even feel the pain, heck he hardly had a scratch

As time went on, he then learned his dad was the once great and all powerful Huntsman named Omi-Man. But that wasn't all, his father wasn't even human at all, he was actually an alien called a Viltrumite from Viltrum. Nolan told Ben of his people 'past', and there Ben wanted to be like him and use his powers defend his home and family.

As time went on, Ben went on to learn all his powers and gotten stronger with each passing day. So strong he managed to kill a Goliath with one punch, took out a horde of Beowulfs with a clap of his hands and even bashed a Nevermores brain by flying at super speeds with his fist. He started to think he could protect his family from anything, even from other aliens

But then came...the truth of his Father and his race came to light

Like always from a son, he thought his father was being controlled by someone, but Nolan assured him that he wasn't and beat Ben mercilessly. He said that the Empire has been conquering planets for centuries and Remnant was next in line, but Ben said he would never let them take it. And what he got was a beating of a lifetime, he only survived cause Thragg said...

"Your not worthy to be killed," he said

But they noticed the planet didn't have anything of worth, so they decided to destroy the entire populace since they wouldn't submit. The Viltrumites destroyed Remannt in a manner of hours, killing every single last person on it and made it inhabitable for anyone. Ben was the last surviving member of Remannt, as he was a left to see his world burn and his father left him there

He managed to salvage parts for a spaceship, armor and food, then he went on a one man warpath against the Viltrumite Empire. He went from planet to planet, killing Viltrumites left and right, growing stronger and stronger with each one he killed and each planet he liberated. He started to gain a name amongst those who joined the Coalition of Planets

He was...Cerberus

With each victory, he still left a void in him, losing all those he loved, his family, his friends and those he loved. Each time he won, he grew angry and vengeful against the Viltrumites and how much they took from him and the galaxy. He hardly took his helmet off, he hardly spoke to anyone and barely slept, some might say he was losing his mind.

But to Ben, he thought he was fine...he was...FINE

He continued his crusade for a century, killing Viltrumites, destroying their fleets and liberating planets one after another. He continued till he stopped at Earth, where he meet his father again, and boy it do I say this?

Ben and Nolan FUCKING BEAT EACH OTHER SENSELESSLY AND DESTROYED HALF THE WEST COAST! Ben and Nolan beaten each to the point Nolan had to leave, seeing the damage not only he caused on Mark Grayson, but Ben as well. He left, leaving a destroyed and broken Mark and a raging and vengeful Ben who swore to kill his father

After the battle, Ben saw his ship destroyed and now he was stranded on a world he hated. Union tried to recruit him, but he rejected them at every turn, even so far as to beating them up and sending them back to their pathetic headmasters. He turned work as a mercenary, working for those who can pay him, he had one rule he followed

No children, that was his only rule

He did this as he trained Mark to be a Viltrumite, he told Cecil to fuck off multiple times and had to fight Immortal multiple times cause he hated Onmi-Man for what he did the former Guardians of the Globe. Ben always won, he never lost a fight after he last to Nolan and Thragg during the first time and he promised to never lose again

Ben meet some who were worthy to speak to, those of Legion Academy and the Light Coalition, he didn't join them or work with them. In fact he got annoyed by them, saying he can doesn't care hoe people see him or how he should operate, they had no right to tell him what was wrong or right. He believed no matter what, he had a right to live his life his way, no one else's

Especially when a certain group of an all female team called the Vanguardians: Elizabeth Kalder, Rachael Fairchild, Haven Lazarus, Alice Aveline and Jasmine Santiago

"Why, you can do so much good with us," Elizabeth(Fem Ethan) asked him

(Ethan:...Did not see that coming)

(DreamSliceRulez :...Tempest...what did you do?)

( : ) )

"Cause I'm not gonna let a stupid organization tell me what's right and wrong," he said as he looked at her,"I'm gonna use my powers my way, I am not gonna be someone's toy!"

"You can do much more than what you're doing," Jasmine said,"plus you can let go, let go out the hate in you."

"Its the only thing keeping me going girl," he said as he stared the red head down

"But hate won't keep you forever," Rachel said as she got in front of him, protecting Jasmine

"Just long enough to kill my dad...after that...I don't matter anymore."

Ben for some odd, yes odd, reason he couldn't bring himself to harm these 5 girls. He never knew why but he started to feel something, something he thought he lost when he's world was destroyed...he felt...Alive again. Every time they were near him, he felt at ease and when he saw them hurt, he got angry and destroyed those touched them

Ben is a warrior, a survivor and soon a protector. He is all these and more, Ben just wanted to avenge his family, kill his father and die till someone was strong enough to kill him and end his misery

But soon he started to see something more, thanks to people who came to give him meaning again.

He will never stop protecting, saving and guide those who needed takes one broken person to help other broken people

He never knew, but he had more people who needed him then he realized


Yes the Vanguardians are all females

And if one of them is harmed or insulted, Ben will be there and make the person pay for their transaction.

Ben doesn't show it, but he loves manga, comics, making explosions and sleeping on the floor while watching anime. The only ones who know are the Vanguardians, his friends and his adoptive family. So you can imagine the embarrassment when the girls tease him or blackmail him into doing something

He and Elizabeth like to hang out most of the time, when Ben is feeling down or bored. They also like to cook together and he even helps at the restaurant when he had time, mostly cause she teases him or blackmails him to help.

With Rachel, the two are both hot headed and like to train together, since he can handle her level of strength and power. He sometimes compliments her in ways that sounds like flirting and she gets flustered, making the other giggle at that. The stubborn and hot head getting re din the face

With Haevn, the two spent time reading and studying, Ben helped her get new books from planets that held mystical arts and other forms of magic. Haven would blush when he show up with them...mostly cause he was either half naked or nude cause of re-entry of the planet

Alice...well they would talk a lot and Ben helps her with anything she needs. She would flirt and giggle when Ben didn't get what she means or not know what to do when she needs help zip up her dress or clip her bra. Lets say she likes to tease Ben a lot and see him shirtless

Jasmine...umm...well she gets flustered every time he's near her, when he picks her up to move her and when he says she looks cute when she gets flustered over medical knowledge and such. One time, some assholes were bothering her and tried to move moves on her, Ben came and made them back off when he picked her and hoisted her over his shoulder and walked

She was red as her hair for the entire night

(Ragyo Kiryuin and Ironwood never experimented on her, so shes just flustered easy cause shes shy like crazy)

So let's see what happens shall we!?!?

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