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Name: hound

Faction: autobots

Team: (former) wreckers, (current) team prime

Backstory: Before the war hound was a military bot and hated the cast system, loved the guns though, and when megatronus spoke out against the corrupt council he provided security during these protests.

His support turned to horror when one day a peaceful protest turned into a massacre when megatron ordered all protesters to kill those who did not side with them, he gunned down many, who would later call themselves decepticons, and saved many who would have been killed, including a school teacher and her sister.

Hound would join up with the autobots and help teach many of the less experienced civilians into becoming soldier's.

Hound often times is threatened with court Marshall multiple times by ultra magnus for his disobedience, he doesn't like ultra magnus due to his strict attitude and his many blunders that lead to many needless deaths of many autobots such as telling a group of two rookies to flank a heavily fortified position by themselves, another time was when he gave them faulty info that lead to hounds unit being slaughtered by decepticon brutes.

It was after this incident that hound reported magnus failures and requested his removal from command of the wreckers, though once ultra magnus found out about this he had ordered the troops to execute hound by firing squad though this was the final nail in his coffin and was removed from command

He would form a close bond with the two sisters he saved, who would identify themselves as arcee and furai, though unbeknownst to him the two twins would develop feelings for the big guy.

When the order to evac cyberton was issued he was on one of the first few ships to leave, though due to tryipticon station his was shot in space causing it to go off course and into deep space and would remain in a stasis pod for millions of years.

His ship would crash land on earth near a military base and be found by the autobots a day before megatrons return from deep space, unfortunately he was severely wounded and in a comatose state.

It's uncertain when he'd wake up, which worries the twin sisters to no end.

Weapons: minigun, two pistols, two heavy pistols, two machine gun pistols, two four barrel sawed off shotguns, assault rifle, semi-automatic rifle, hand grenades, two combat knifes, bullet cigar, rocket launcher (built into forearm)


Feats: took two shots from megatrons fusion canon and still kept fighting, was once impaled and held off four platoons of decepticons so his squad could evac to safety he was later found three earth days later limping back to base covered in a mix between his own and deception energon, he fought megatron to what was almost the bitter end.

Looks: hound transformers 4 age of extinction

Love interests: arcee, furai.

(*this is what furai looks like*)


Furai voice


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