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Codename: SCP-974

Nickname: Chase

Known information: a lot is known about 974 for everytime that foundation operatives have found him he's willing to disclose information, though certain subjects can cause him emotional discomfort causing him to leave.

Chase is a anomaly similar to fellow cop SCP-973, though that's where similarities end cause unlike 973's homicidal nature Chase is a more by the book style officer and usually tries to peacefully pull over speeders, only resorting to grapples when going high rates of speed, or using spikestrips to hault a fleeing suspect.

974 was later identified as former Canadian officer Owen maguire who was killed by the infamous pembroke cop killer, Chase has no recollection of how he became what he is but still adheres to the oath he swore.

974 would have been given the "SAFE" class but he has unfortunately killed several people, though the only saving grace is that any deaths caused by him are purely accidents, he later goes missing for months on end as if on an administrative leave and the day after the death of the suspect a heavy sum of money is left to the family as "compensation" along with a heartfelt apology letter.

Known routes: 974 has no set location but appears in either Canada or the USA, though he only really makes himself known in the US when confronting SCP-973, which almost always leads to a death match, which is usually interrupted by mobile taskforces trying to contain 973, it is cause of him that many would be victims survived and where given class A amsthetics to erase the trauma of their near death

Weapons: 974 has the standard police arsenal, 9 millimeter handgun, nightstick, tazer, 12 guage shotgun, M1 assault rifle

Abilities: super strength, enhanced durability, limitless stamina, almost infinite bullets and tazer charges, telepathy (limited to his car)

Car Abilities: enhanced durability, self repair, superspeed, rudimentary sentience (can move on its own but mainly responds to Chase mental commands)

Car: dodge hellcat

Class: Euclid (is safe enough to talk to alone, as long as your not a D-Class cause then he'll attack)

Behavior: when pulling over suspects (who comply without issue) he's a very kind and approachable man, when pulling over a fleeing suspect he acts more like a disappointed father (which has a very effect way of intimidating them to surrender), when encountering a fleeing suspect who has warrants he will approach with his guy drawn and give orders like a drill Sargent (if your warrants are for non-violent crimes he will still act like a drill Sargent but won't draw his gun), if your a cop killer he'll break your window and drag you trough it to beat and cuff you

Overall: SCP-974 is a bizarre entity, though the O-9 council are very glad that they have someone like him helping out the field agents in dealing with rouge SCPs, though they wish to contain him still due to his similar abilities to 973 he disappears before anything cam happen

(*I hope you all like this, let me know in the comments*)

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