🌿 Remi Kaiyō 🌿

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||Full Name||
Remi Kaiyō






August 7

||Zodiac Sign||



||Body Type||
Muscle build like Bakugo, body type like Mina

||Hair Color||

||Class Year||

||Blood Type||

Outgoing | Calm | Loyal | Driven |Smartass




||Hero? Villain?||
Hero in training

||Hero Name||

||Hero Costume||

Storm (kind of like Nines Quirk)

||Quirk Description||
summons destructive thunderstorms in an instant and even creates a powerful tornado, can cause rainstorms that have hail, sand storms, and any other kind of storm that you can think of.

||Special Move||
Air Whip; she siphons air from one of her thunderstorms and whips it around quickly towards her opponent or opponents.

||Limitations/ Weaknessess||
Can have physical harm if she misses her target the lightning will go back to her and she'll take the blow, at the beginning of her training she can't summon big storms, just some strong winds. Mentally strains after a long time of using her quirk can pass out depending on how strong her attack is.

-||Villian AU||-

||Villain Name||



Her biological parents were killed in a villain attack protecting others from harm, but she was then raised by Thirteen. She also has a photo of her parents.


||Hand-to-Hand Combat||

||Close-Range Combat||

||Far-Range Combat||






Her far range combat is still a work in progress, she can't do direct attacks from afar and it is difficult to aim her attacks but as she grows she will learn how to direct lightning and other storms. She has a bit of a hard time dealing with others. But she will work with a select few.

Hitoshi Shinso

||Best Friend||
Eijiro Kirishima

Both of her parents were well-known heroes, and after they passed she was about to be placed into the foster system but before they could do that UA's teacher Thirteen decided to take in the kid. That's when Remi found out that her parents were friends with Thirteen and some other staff in UA. She had to work hard but she got a recommendation into UA from President Mic and some other teachers.

"Do you really think that's a good idea..."

"Hold on! Let me help you"

"Just try me pal"

||Theme Song||



When she was a kid her parents were her world being an only child, and when she was 9 that's when they both passed away. Once Thirteen took her in, they trained and practiced certain moves so that she could help rescue, like create barriers around an injured person so that the enemy can't get in but other heroes can, kind of like a hurricane. She learned how to fight hand to hand with Midnight, and she learned other techniques from Hound Dog. So even when she feels like she's alone in the world she's not, she has her 'family' and her friends.



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