Don't Be Afraid. We're Going Home. (Story/Rp)

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Mia's P.O.V.

I can't see. I can only hear. I hear punching. Kicking. Laughing...I'm getting beat up. Badly. It all started when this group of girl's that were bullying Ashana, to the point where they started to hit her. So, I did the responsible thing I was taught to do....I roundhouse kicked the leader straight in the jaw. "RUN!" I remember yelling at Ashana before I got punched in the stomach. Then, the pain went on. Until suddenly, it stopped. I could hear giggling and the girl's walking away. I then slowly open my eyes, seeing white snow in my face. I get up shaking as I wince, my stomach and thighs bruised up. "My bag.." I whispered as I grab it, digging through it. I then pull out my phone, seeing a bunch of missed calls from my parents. I then shakily sigh as I start walking home. I feel my body get colder each second longer I'm out in the cold. I then reach the house, knocking on the door as I feel my own legs start to give out as soon as I knocked on the door.


Choose who opened the door-

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