Won't You Please Come Get Your Baby?(Story/Rp)

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//Orphan! Mia//

Today was an ordinary day, I guess. Wake up, Eat breakfast (which was water-), make sure Ashana isn't getting bullied by those jerks, if she is, get beat up by those jerks, and get yelled at by the mean Orphanage caretaker. Though, the nice Orphanage caretaker said that some people were coming to adopt....Though, I'm sure they won't choose me. But hey, it's worth a shot right? "ALRIGHT! GET IN LINE BRATS!" The mean Orphanage caretaker yelled. I don't even say her name, it's ugly like her face. I get in line as I look to my left, seeing Ashana. Ashana sees me and slightly blushes, waving. I smile and wave back happily. "Number eight! Get back in line!" The mean Orphanage caretaker snapped at Ashana. "Hey! Don't yell at her because she waved at me!" I yell rolling my eyes. "Shut it brat!" "Thanks fir the complement!" I hiss. She then rolled her eyes, walking away. "Dumb clod..." I mumbled. "Alright, so what kind of child did you have in mind?" The mean Orphanage caretaker asked the group of....Six? I think. That's a lot of family...


(If you don't remember how she looks,I'll tell you-)

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