heros and villains

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@darknessem I'M waiting FOR Love, Simon are yOU??

Lance Niall Callaghan


The beautiful (i love him sm oml) Nick Robinson

He tries to avoid pointless drama and conflict and when possible will simply walk away from a tense situation before things get too heated. Despite trying to be a pacifist, if you leave him no option, he will not hesitate to retaliate. He's not afraid to stand up for himself and can be quite cutting with his words when angry. He's fiercely loyal once committed to someone, though picky about placing his trust in someone. Those who have earned his trust will have it for life, unless they do something to lose it. They will then never have it again, no matter what he says. His mind is constantly racing and contemplating all sorts of thoughts, ideas and questions. He is naturally curious about practically everything and can find it hard to stick to any one thing for too long because his passions and interests are so diverse. However, he is extremely observant and constantly soaks up knowledge. He is independent and very self-reliant, liking to forge his own path rather than follow one in front of him. If you try and control him, he will be quick in distancing himself from you. Because who likes someone who is overcontrolling? At times, he can be a flirt – of course, he is a naturally friendly person. He has no patience for overly critical people who find bad things about everything or just go on like a broken record. He finds herself drawn to people who stimulate his mind, with witty banter, jokes and light conversation. He's got lots of opinions on things and doesn’t hesitate to speak them, even if they’re not pretty. He has a knack for picking up problems amongst his friends, and knows exactly what to say and do to make someone feel better. He can be a bit of a… weirdo at times, tending to have plenty of hyper bursts. He can also be random. He can be persuasive if he wants to, and make people think it was his own idea in the first place. However the emotions he experiences are generally intense, his highs being amazing and his lows leaving him emotionally drained. This leads to his closer friends often making the joke that he's on drugs - which he isn't, but he might actually be drunk sometimes. He loves to talk but if you bring up something that’s too personal he may just suddenly put up a wall and avoid the topic altogether. Sometimes he gets a bit defensive particularly if he isn’t sure he can trust you yet. He tends to be very ‘all or nothing’. He has a wickedly sarcastic sense of humour yet manages to be very adaptable and flexible skillswise as well.

Does he like being a villain?
He prefers it to anything else. But of course, he doesn't know what anything else is like, he just assumes. But yes, he enjoys messing with people, and ruining lives. It sits well with him. He enjoys the freedom of being able to do whatever he likes.

Does he dream of going good?
Pfffttt nooo way!
Okay, let's be realistic here. Some part of him is probably telling him that its beyyer being good and that he should totally change life paths (because thats not a huge step) and become good. However he's likely spent his 'career' ignoring that and therefore become so used to it that its second habit, pushing the thought away.

He's an excellent shot with a gun, and amazing at knife throwing. All the old arts. He can shoot arrows accurately, and knows a bit of martial arts.
He's not very strong, so that makes it hard for him to find a bow he can hold. He relies more on his agility, and for that reason he uses darkness as his cover. He's an insomniac, which helps, but also means sometimes he sees things he shouldn't or aren't really there.

Does he have powers?
Other than the ability to use darkness to his advantage and being an excellent shot? No, no special 'magic' powers at all.
As mentioned before, he's an insomniac. And also, during daytime, he doesn't leave the accompaniment of his dog. Or rather, the other way around. Its a Pomchi.

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