pirates and princesses

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in the end, as you fade into the night who will tell the story of your life?  


Prince of Netherland


Jesse Van Dijk


J, Jess






Twan Kuyper


Jesse is, before all else, a social guy with an energetic and enthusiastic persona, twisting the most boring things into something better, however big the margin is. This is mainly for his own benefit, since he can't stand repetition. He isn't afraid to take risks, firm in the believe that 'shit happens'.

He's a leader, liking to take charge and that's why he prefers to have the upper hand and be in situations in which he has control. This could link in to his dislike of exams, in which he forced to submit an answer that he could easily be marked wrong in for no reason. He's not a wimp, and rises to challenges. His ego is a key role in the fact that when someone says he is too weak for something, he will prove that they are wrong. No matter what. He is extremely competitive, though reasonable about it. Being a lowkey optimist, he doesn't have much patience for pessimists.

And so when it comes to sticky situations, he is a loyal person. Perhaps not the dog by your side, but a good friend where necessary. He does, sometimes, tend to choose himself over others, but that is wholly dependent on the context and person in question. He holds huge grudges, and doesn't find it easy to forgive.

He's a spontaneous person, choosing to do things on the spur of the moment or just because why not? This includes the way he practically throws money away. It never had been a huge problem for him. He's always looking for new ways to mix things up. He prefers to do thins his own way, from where his rebellious streak originates.

He is extremely straightforward with other people, generally choosing to be honest than to lie and be caught redhanded in it later. Besides, everyone knows what he does. And he recognises lies when he sees them. They usually dampen his usually upbeat mood, but he doesn't blame them for not having trust in him.

He is very outspoken and confident, and it is a rare time when he sincerely apologises for something he's done. Despite this, he can be really sweet if he tries to. Ultimately, he's either the bowl of sugar, or the little devil child that ate all of it. Which brings us to the point that he adores children. Admittedly though, he's probably not the best role model.

He is incredibly impatient and gets frustrated with the slowness of others easily. Which rounds into his short temper, and if someone is slowing him down, he gets pushy. He doesn't care about leaving people behind. If he's angry, rest assured everyone will know, but he can be calmed down and back to normal pretty quickly.

J loves to put on the mask that puts him off as a bad person, and a dark guy. The stereotypical rich kid, an callous, emotionless jerk.




• creativity - there's got to be some way he comes up with new, thrilling ideas, right?

• honesty - if he's done something, he's done it, and there's no backing out. he knows. he also never says he will do something that he won't end up doing.

• vitality - he's always upbeat, except when he's in a bad mood.

• resilience - he doesn't buckle under pressure, and always rises to a challenge.


• temper - he's always on a short leash.

• nerves - when he's nervous, he smokes. he can't help it, and having happened for the past four years it's now a habit.

• wings - whether ginormous or minuscule, he is not a sucker for things with wings. at all.

• appreciation - his addiction to living a fast-paced life means he does not appreciate the beauty in the smaller things, and is almost oblivious to things that are, figuratively, right under his nose.

• vehicles - he shows interest in the care of all vehicles, especially his own. he will spend any amount of money to ensure his bike is in tip-top condition.


Martijn (often called Mitsu)

theme song

Gold Steps, Neck Deep


something they'd say

stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone.

life gives you enough scars, you don't need to manufacture your own.

something they'd wear





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