"workhouse!" pt.2

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This is literally an Awsten Knight appreciation post hah

Noah Oakley Beckham
None as of now


Bisexual, leans towards males

Noah's on the innocent, insane side. He doesn't know what he's doing, and tends not to listen to people. A bit like a 5 year old in a 26 year old's body. He always likes to apologise after he's created his mischief, and say thank you after he has his eyes (or whatever else he wanted). Sometimes he's very random, and he's extremely curious. If he doesn't get what he wants he throws a tantrum of sorts, and that's very bad. Not for him, more for the people around him. You're never going to catch him crying, whether under pressure or not, except for the most extreme of extreme circumstances. For example when everything's falling down around him - he's mature enough to understand when that's happening. He's literally a spoilt child.

AWSTEN KNIGHT needs appreciation and his band needs recognition and they are amazing
This is the hair I'm using him with:

Eyes. Lot and lots of eyes. He prefers ones with different colours, but they fascinate him. And he loves colours, bright, metallic, neon, etc. He likes singing, and is actually quite good at it. If you catch him, he's often singing other people's songs, but sometimes slot in a few of his own lyrics. And food, wow. You can bribe him with as little as a milkshake, if you get the right type and prove to him that you will give it to him. Ooh, and he likes pirates, but he wouldn't want to be one because they don't have very good food choices.
He doesn't like pigs. As in muddy, roll around on the ground, alive pigs. And even more hates the idea that they might be able to fly in the future. Flying pigs are a big nono. He dislikes wearing the wrong shirt at the wrong time - he must, must, MUST wear the right shirt. The little things always matter. And he doesn't like tinkerbell. The little fairies that flutter around making mischief - he's envious of them for being tiny and unnoticeable. Though he wouldn't actually want to be tiny. He doesn't like tiny people.

He fears changing, he doesn't want to grow up and be the adult he already is. He fears wearing the wrong shirt at the wrong time. He's scared of water - but excuses his refusal to go into water by saying his hair will fade. Controversially, he claims he's a 'natural blue'. He's also scared of bulges and bumps - he can't deal with burns, blisters, and people who've hit their head really hard.
Noah was born in Australia, but moved because it was too hot and the only way to cool down was a fan or water. It required effort to put a fan on, and water - well, no. Around about the ages of 5-13 he always wanted to grow up and be independent. Though independent he became, he then realised the horrors of having to fend for yourself, becoming serious, and losing everything that made you a fun person. So he's really happy he found a job that let him stay creative.

Sorry not sorry for the awsten knight spam :)

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