elena bloodedge crowe

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name:elena bloodedge crowe




relatives:jason{brother}jenny,hakkekkyu{sisters} velt{twin}



{second outfit}

{third outfit}


azure blade:a special blade create by the azure frame grimore with that blade elena can cut almost anything olso can cut trought dimesions and create portals

blue queen:

a modifice version of nero's red queen this one use the azure frame grimore as power to make her more powerful this one olso can use lightning

azure and purple rose:

modifice versions of nero's blue rose just like with azure queen can use the azure frame grimore and lightning to make the attacks more powerful


azure frame grimore:elena can use the azure frame grimore to maker her attack,weapon o herseft more powerfull she can create and manipulated azure frames

lightning control:elena can create and manipulated the lightning olso can absorb soo can heal herserf o have more power olso she can use to enhaced herserf to make her more fast to reach the speed the lightning

enhanced speed

enhanced agility

enhanced refrexes


master gunslinger

sword master

master a nero's fighting style

personality:friendly,kind,fun loving,generous,kind,stylish,tought,childlish,lazy,humorous,athletic

likes:eat pizza,kick ass,good fights,hangin aroud with her friens and family,buy unique outfits,good music

diskiles:be piss off,weak opponets,someone put pranks a her,idiots



{this one is use to a her unlimited mode too}

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