In The City

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In the City
Tempest Brown

"Fighting to live another day"

|Full Name|
Tempest Brown

|Birth Order|
Second born between two brothers
|Significant Other|

•Physical characteristics•
|Face Claim/Appearance|

"Obstacles are the cost of greatness"

|Hair Colour|
Dirty blonde
|Eye Colour|
|Skin Colour|
|Distinguishing Features|

Excellent, always been training and loves it to the fullest

•Personality Attributes

"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will"

Is there one thing she excels at it is staying confident in herself and those around her. Building confidence was a big part of her childhood, her parents making sure their kids knew to trust themselves before anything, be secure in their actions and ready to confront others without problems. They made sure this confidence did not turn into stubbornness. Making Tempest able to trust herself and feel secure in her values, believes and information but also receptive to what others have to say and their opinions. Her own opinions might well change when interacting with others, as she is rather open to new views on the world. However, she will seldom find doubt within herself or let others creep under her skin. She knows who she is, and she knows how to live with it.
Tempest is a girl with brains, she takes on tasks and is quick to understand the concept or pattern. The introduction and understanding of knowledge come naturally to her, she doesn't need a lot of study time to understand and pick up on things. But she often spends a lot of time on things out of pure interest and because we are never outlearned. Her appearance often fool others, as she cares about looking good, having people think she is only that. But have a conversation and one is quick to realise she is far more than what her appearance indicates. She is intelligent, loves getting to know new stuff, really study and get into it. If you can provide her with new knowledge, she will listen like there is no other thing in the world.
Lastly, she is a very positive and happy person, always trying to look at the bright side of things and keep everyone's mood up. She is not intruding in her wish to keep others happy, instead it just comes naturally through jokes, light talk and an overall positive vibe. She is in fact rather peaceful, very content with her living and at ease with her mind. She doesn't miss out on having fun, sharing fun or making sure others smile at least once during her time of presence. She can find at least a small strand of sunshine even on the darkest days, but also knowing when to back down and take it easy as not to overwhelm or annoy others.

-Spending time with family
-Hanging with friends
-Listening to music
-Dirt talking
Murky waters
Thinking – she has a clear mind in almost all situations, able to think and therefor react quickly and appropriately to situations
Observant – little goes by without her noticing, she makes sure to note even the most insignificant things in case it might appear to be of importance
Helpful – she will do her best to help anyone in need or anyone struggling, even though she might portray some annoyance she won't back out of helping others
Weakness in others – she just have a hard time accepting and understanding it
Confidence – it do sometimes get out of hand and she takes on more than she can handle simply because she is confident in her ability to do whatever is posed in her way
Closed up – she doesn't easily open about what is going on inside of her, pretending to keep thoughts that can be rather self-depriving within herself as not to seem whiny or bother others

•Background Information

Tempest comes from a loving family, growing up alongside her mother, older and younger brother as well as a military father, a paranoid military father that is. She was raised to be prepared for any situation, any catastrophe that might hit her, her family or even humanity itself. Knowing the most basic skills of self-defence, how to use weapons and survival. Whatever is dropped on her and her family they will stand prepared simply because of her fathers' paranoia. While it certainly has been tiresome to times, it has given them important life skills she brought with her through life. It made her a hard nut to crack, able to stand against what life has thrown her way, and work hard in order to overcome challenges posed to her. She is the little genius of the family, which compared to her brother who followed in the footsteps of his father, decided to go into work largely based on brains She certainly need that small adrenaline rush in her everyday life, but finds other ways to do that. She is currently studying, thus lives in another state than her family, but she is soon to finish her degree and ready to jump into the work life.

GPS – Saba, Twist
Ain't No Sunshine – Bill Withers
Ray Liotta - Lomepal

|Photo Gallery|

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