Jae Yun Zailong

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Youngest Prince

Jae Yun Zailong

J, Mama's Boy, Devil, Monster


(Leans towards Females)

18 (Just before the Selection)

Dino from Seventeen

Jae is a sweetheart, he seems young acts young and may seem like a child however that is all his facade. Deep down behind this facade, Jae is very mischievous, cunning,conniving, vindictive and a avid liar. He is dark and and takes pleasure in the darker things. He may seem cutesy and act all adorable but the prince is far from that. He will string you on like a toy and play you like a fiddle. He will do anything for his mother as well, he sees her as a goddess and he is the servant sent to help her so yes. He dislikes the Tailong family, especially Ryan. Oh my god he HATES Ryan with a passion and will make it his goal to make Ryan miserable. So.... Jae wouldn't be surprised is a little... accident happened to Delilah while the Selection was undergoing.

Jae had the power of Charmspeak, a person will do as he says but than immediately after the task is finished they will retaliate depending on their will. Some will remember and know how to fight back while others will be in a daze not knowing what they did.

Even though Jae is a little wicked devil. He loves teddy bears, he is a sucker for them along with pocky, chocolate, strawberries, caramels and ice cream, and a small breed of dog called Pomeranian. He loves chinchillas and all cute things. However he does have a darker side, taking humor in it when his enemies suffer. Having a smile on his face when people he doesn't know suffer. However he is protective of 1 his mother and 2 his non existent significant other.

The color pink, glitter, roses, spicy foods, cats oh he HATES CATS they are the devil, squirrels, bugs and tea. He also dislikes when someone insults his loved ones... however insult his siblings all you want it's mostly his mother.

When Jae was born he was.... unique, he was sweet kind and energetic almost like his older brother Kai. However at age 10 that all changed, many called him a copy cat, a follower, a attention seeker and many more words. So Jae changed, from his favorite color being baby blue it went to dark purple. From him loving everything cute he turned dark and hated everything the only one who liked his change was his mother. The one who saw him useful while everyone called him worse names such as monster devil Satan and much more. However Jae never showed his siblings why would he they wouldn't care in his mind. Only mother cared, mother knew best. So he became a mamas boy did all she told him to do, go on a trip ok, go marry someone ok, kill Renus Tailong he gots it down flat. He will do anything to please mother. Jae however even though he is happy with pleasing his mom, he... does have dark thoughts at time. An takes things out on himself, his body to be exact. Punishing himself by not eating, working himself to death. Self harm or just sparring and getting bruises to last days. He believes that.... he needs to be the devil... that everyone says he is.

Has a chinchilla named Sugar


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