Jingyi Li

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Jingyi Li



Panromantic Demisexual



Jingyi was basically raised as a servant, while many think she hates her job (which she does). She is very SERIOUS and will make sure things get done correctly for her highnesses or even better, thus why many call her a PERFECTIONIST. While she is LOYAL she does oftentimes long for something different. Jingyi is quite the DREAMER and often wonders what could have been. She used to be a KIND-HEARTED person, however, the happy go dreamer side of her that wishes for more is hidden behind her STONE-COLD FACADE. She has a Facade that makes her seem BITCHY and BITTER that is so that she doesn't end up getting hurt at the end of the day since she is very much a BROKEN vase glued back together. Because of this, she does tend to get LONELY and she doesn't act on it because of her STUBBORN nature thinking she has to do everything on her own.

((I'm sorry her personality is horrible ;-; I'm so bad at writing them....))

Chocolate, Roses, Orchids, Sunflowers, Cherry Blossoms. Coffee, Cooking, Baking, Reading, Caring for Others and making sure things are perfect. Singing and playing the violin along with letting her hair loose when she gets to, she also likes the idea of love and that maybe one day she will find it, she likes all sorts of animals.

Things not being Perfect, People being hurt, Disappointing her Highnesses. She also hates the thought of not being able to find love it scares her. Fighting, Bloodshed, People who are unloyal (that's why she sorta dislikes the king but doesn't show it) along with the spider's dear god she hates them.


Jingyi was born in servitude, basically, as soon as she was proclaimed female her father proclaimed her useless, that is until he decided he would keep her around just to do the household chores and such to take the weight off of his wife's shoulders. So since she was 8 she started doing household chores such as cooking, washing dishes and much more as well. However, as she got older things just grew tenser in the household with her father hating her with a burning passion that grew day by day. Finally one day he broke and started shouting words at Jingyi calling her useless, pathetic unwanted and a good for nothing cow.... when she expected to be hit she wasn't. Instead there stood her mother who had taken the hit from her and since that day her father began to abuse her mother because as her mother said 'I don't want my little joy harmed.'

However, fate had its way and got what it did eventually want, which was Jingyi at the receiving end of her father's palm. Because during the winter of Jingyi's 12th year Jingyi stood by her father's side as they put her beloved mother and his beloved wife 7 feet into the ground, from that day forward Jingyi hated her father, possibly even men in general however that hatred didn't build until her later year's. The next day after burying Jingyi's mother Jingyi was shocked as the door opened and there stood her father and a woman who he introduced as his new wife, which made Jingyi mad to no end. While her mother was loyal to her as well as her abusive husband the man had the decency to go out and likely cheat but nit even grieve at her death.

Jingyi didn't blame him though, because at the end of the day her father blamed her for everything that happened and Jingyi believed in it. So she just continued as the loyal and quiet servant who did as she was told and got beat when she did. However she grew a hatred for men... men who were unloyal, men who were cruel and abusive and outright brutes but she hid it behind her stone-cold facade, hiding the broken happy girl that was deep within her and hidden.

In the summer of her 20th year, her father grew a hefty debt with the precious gifts he kept buying his new wife along with the amount of booze he drowned himself in. In an attempt to pay off the debt her father tried to marry her off however it didn't work out as each time she called the men out for their true unloyal colors and she was a true bitch to each and every one of them. Finally, she was sold off to the palace where her father managed to get money from her just becoming a palace servant and there she was grateful for the escape she was given by the royal family even if they didn't give a rat's ass about her. But before she left for the palace Jingyi still had some unfinished business with her father. On the day of her departure, her new 'mother' was with her lady friends while she decided to serve her father the last meal she would make for him, she did end up leaving a little surprise.

Later that week she heard from the palace grapevine that a man with her father's name was found in his house by his wife.... dead. It was stated that it was a heart attack but the wife kept saying over and over that it was the daughter and she herself ended up being sent to a psychiatric ward, but then later hung for being proclaimed a witch.

Years and years passed and Jingyi still didn't believe she paid off her debt to the royal family for saving her from the hell hole that was her father's house. She became the most loyal and devoted servant in the palace and while she liked everyone, except for the king as he was unloyal to his wife and that was something she despised, however.... she would never kill him unless asked to by the queen of course. Anyway's at the palace she learned of a world that was different from what she knew all her life and with that she dreamed of something different that is where her dreamer sense really kicked in, however she never actually went to chase after that little dream. Instead, she stayed as a servant and was actually loyal to the royals of Valka working hard to please them along with becoming a loyal servant to this day.

((Again sorry it's crap ;-; I really can't think. ))

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