Zeron Hyun

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Before you continue below this OC is a broken bean, so his backstory is sad, however he's trying to fix himself!

Name: Zeron Hyun

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Faceclaim: Baekhyun (Hair Color in the Gifs)

Sexuality: Gay

Personality: He is very Selfless, he loves taking care of people and will put their needs before his. He is naive and believes every word a person will say and he is also a good listener. He is quiet as well, thus making people like him more for not infuriating their... talks about their crisis and such. He is lovable but he also can go unnoticed and he does very low self esteem as well.

Flaws: He is to trusting and sees the good in people even when evil. He is very naive as he doesn't care for himself.

Caste: 5

Powers: Nature, ability to make things grow, or decay. It all depends on his mood however.

Background: Zeron was always a quite child did whatever his parents told him. Especially his father who had seen Zeron more as a 'slave' than a son. Zeron didn't mind though, he believed this was how all children where treated and did it for his parents that he thought loved him. At age 10 Zeron got his first taste of something other than a farm life, he went to the local park and saw someone in the gazebo playing music. He loved it and from that day... he went back every day to hear it. Soon enough the woman started to teach him, and he picked up piano the best, When Zeron was 12 he decided he wanted to be a pianist, however his parents didn't agree especially his father. Zeron's father called him ungrateful and that Zeron should do as he commanded. That night which was also his birthday, Zerons father who had also been drunk went and broke Zeron's hands to make sure the boy wouldn't leave. An he didn't still believing his father was doing the best for him, Zeron continued to work despite it being hard. He stayed his fathers punching bag even more so when his mother left due to his fathers alcohol issues. Zeron grew quiet and listened to his fathers issues, and believed... that he deserved it all. At age 17 he left the house and went to live alone, where he became a florist in the city. He got a rabbit named Lilac and she helped him with his anxiety that came with loud noises as well as people who exuded power. As well as any words that would trigger his memory, especially ones that would be said to him... his father would usually call himself names such as B**tard, Worthless, mistake and many more as well as this verbal abuse the boy dealt with physical from his father. His mother didn't care for him as she saw Zeron as a burden as well. So Since Zeron moved out and got himself the bunny, he had tried to improve his mental health. However he still saw himself as worthless and not worth people's times. That's why he waited on people and hated them waiting on him.

Why did they join?: He joined to get away from the life at home. As well to explore the palace gardens.

Other: He has a pet Rabbit that is his therapy animal, helps him with his anxiety as well as when something triggers those bad memories he tried so hard to hide.


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