Zoi Aetos

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Zoi Aetos




Florakinesis- User can create, shape and manipulate plants, including wood, vines, plants, moss, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, roots, fruits, and flowers. The user can cause plants to grow, move/attack or even rise from the soil and "walk", mutate plants by rearranging DNA structure and revive withered or dead plants.

||Ability Specialty||
Plant Mimicry- User is made up of or can transform their body completely into plant materials. Users' transformed form is anatomically identical to their normal form, aside of being made of plant, in which case, it contains all to organs and is somewhat vulnerable to attacks.


Farm Worker

Anastasia Tsilimpiou


When it comes to Zoi she seems like a kind approachable person however she is far from that. Instead, Zoi manages to be very stubborn and dull, she can be on rare occasions sincere as well. But more often she is actually rash and will speak her mind even when it will hurt people and end up getting her into trouble. She isn't good at reading people and their emotions in fact she is ore blind to them and overall. However there is one weakness to Zoi and that is nature, when it comes to nature she is kind and caring and motherly but only to her plant babies.


🍂Plant Babies {Jeremy he's an Aloe Cactus, Izzy shes a Lavander Plant, Lila is a small Mint plant}


🍂Comforting People


🍂Social Interactin


Zoi grew up in Caste Four one of the lower castes within the system. Growing up she took things seriously maturing faster then even her parents wanted to. It became especially weird to her family when she didn't really engage in social interactions and instead decided to use her free time outside the family home in the small garden that they had. There she would spend many of the hours in her day there talking to the plants and that is when she soon discovered the powers she held which soon became known as Florakinesis. Zoi didn't get a lot of social interaction after that and because of that she soon grew afraid of it altogether. So starting around the 6th grade she became harsh to people as a way to maybe get people to leave her alone she was even very straight foreword and grew a reputation (not a good one) for herself where she lived. As a way to get away more from social interaction more, Zoi decided to work on a local farm instead of focusing on her higher education, there she felt better working with the plants and helping them grow.

For the longest time, Zoi spent her time in the fields distancing herself from people, now there was one fateful day that gave her a fear that stayed with her forever. When she was in the fields one night it was a later night, she usually didn't stay past sunset but tonight she decided to since the plants seemed droopy. So while she spent her time in the field where she laid with the crops she saw that the birds, well crows specifically were in the trees looking at her and the crops. Not thinking much of it Zoi went to sleep, however, after what seemed like mere minutes she was awoken by the sound of screeching and cawing. Opening her eyes Zoi was meet with the crows in a flurry of back surrounding her and destroying the crops that she worked hard on. However, due to her Florakinesis all, it sounded like in her mind was the sound of the plants that she worked so hard on were dying. In the attempt to save the plants she oh so loved she used the powers she had to try and stop the birds her emotions making it stronger. With that though she was the target of the crow's attack and they ended up dead around her in the field.

Since that day, she ended up hating crows and actually grew a fear to the blackbird, and just an overall hatred of all birds in general.

A small scar on her left collar bone


||Theme Songs||

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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