BAND 17/??

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Name: Sonni Anneke Johansen

Gender: Female

Occupation: singer/cover artist, and caretaker at the local animal shelter

Appearance: faceclaim is Aimie Atkinson

Personality: Sonni is a very outgoing person, always a sweetheart. Or she at least tries to be. However, she's also sensitive, her past having left her heartbroken and anxious about what's around the corner. She's extremely sensitive to anger, and especially loud, angry yelling. Even if it's not directed at her, she will emotionally shut down of she hears or sees it.

Likes: cats, animals, memes, music, books, reading, writing, she LOVES action films or fantasy films

Dislikes: anger, people being upset with her, her biological father and his associates

Backstory: Sonni's mother died when she was very young, which lead to her father becoming careless and taking his anger out on her. Eventually, this lead to him allowing his 'friends' to do the same, and it continued to go on until she was fourteen, when a neighbor went to visit and called the cops. That neighbor then became Sonni's foster mother, and later adopted Sonni when she was sixteen. To this day, Sonni still gets flashback from when she was a kid.

Extra: her favorite color is purple, and her favorite flower is a marigold.

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