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LEGAL NAME: Isabella Sophie Williams
CHOSEN NAME: Carson Daniel Williams
NICKNAMES: Sonny (by the few friends he has), Bella (by his family, despite knowing how much he hates it)
GENDER: male (trans ftm)
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
AGE: 15
DATE OF BIRTH: June 9, 2004
PLACE OF BIRTH: Nashville, Tennessee
PORTRAYED BY: Avery Vernon (w/o the gages)
HAIR COLOR: blonde
HEIGHT: 5' 2"
GENERAL HEALTH: his overall general health is alright, although it's not the best.
MENTAL HEALTH: It's more on the south side a lot of the times. With how dysphoric he feels a lot of the time, and his family constantly mishendering and belittling him not helping at all, Carson feels down a good majority of the time.
MENTAL DISORDERS: gender dysphoria, generalized anxiety disorder, depression
PERSONALITY: Carson generally tries to be a happy, optimistic, person, but that's difficult to do when he finds it so hard to fit in. He can get very lonely due to that, and the fact that no one else really shares his interests, but he's loyal to the end. When he makes a friend, Carson will fight for them no matter what. He's also very motivated in that sense, and in the sense that he, as stated previously, tries to stay hopeful.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Carson tries to make people happy, and tries to do his best with whatever it is he does and puts others' needs before his own
NEGATIVE TRAITS: he sometimes is too loyal, and puts others' needs before the most important of his own needs. He also can be hard on himself
FEARS: spiders, being outed, the dark
BACKSTORY: Growing up, Carson had known he was different, but never really knew how to put the way he felt until he was about twelve. His family is very conservative, so when he tried to tell his parents, they wouldn't give him a chance to speak, and have been treating him as lesser or as a stranger, ever since. He was deeply upset by this, and to avoid the taunting from his siblings and parents, stays out of the house as often as he can. When he got his acceptance letter after sending in an audition film, he was ecstatic, and began to unpack immediately.
PARENTS: Andrew Joseph Williams and Samantha Clarissa Williams (maiden name: Simmons)
GRANDPARENTS: Harold Jackson Williams and Georgia Lorraine Williams (paternal grandparents), and Adam Alexander Simmons and Kristen Marianne Simmons (maternal grandparents)
SIBLINGS: Jacqueline Simone Williams (older sister by two years), Andrew Williams Jr. (younger brother by five years)
TRIVIA: Carson was originally part of a set of twins, however, his twin had been stillborn. Carson so plays ukulele and the drums, which is what he sent in his audition tape. His favorite color is indigo.

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