Joseph Redheart

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Name: Joseph Redheart

Age: 16

Race: magician/Human

Appearance: 5 feet 4 inches, brown hair, red eyes

Backstory: Joseph was born and raised by his parents who were also magicians, his parents were infamously known for their experiment of magic as they created items and outfits to allow anyone to use magic to use other forms of magic that wouldn't be accessible to them. So Joseph's parents and by logic, Joseph are infamous magicians even so far as to have a bounty on them. 

His parent's history is rather weird as before they used to be from different clans that had a sort of mutual alinement with them creating a familiar named Luna, an artificial familiar created to have support and healing magic while also the ability to transform into any bird so that it can move around places without being suspicious. Each clan had their sort of ideology, his father's was more on the creation of items to help people having a hard time with their magic as training wheels for beginners while his mother's side was more of allowing the innovation of one to use more than one magic without the need of extensive years of practice or genetics and instead converting one magic into another.

His mother was the one who created magical items to allow one to have control of the magic created, while his father created outfits to turn one's magic into another form of magic. Joseph learned much about this stuff from his parents allowing him to create outfits that allowed him to express his creativity even so far as to have a small gig of creating outfits (regular outfits) or fixing them. His goal is rather to become a fashion designer, while also being able to create outfits based on different magic.

Sacred Gear: Book of Stored Knowledge

This Sacred Gear is a hardcover book that can gain more pages the more the user uses the ability. Its main ability is to "copy" and store any weapons or sacred gears however anything it copies results in it being about a weaker version than the original. This has limitations where excessive use leads to the user passing out.

Balance Breaker: Wise Sage of the Liberian of Knowledge

This Balance Breaker has never been shown but rather was told to Joseph as a story but supposedly an old relative of Joseph's family was able to unlock the power of the Sacred Gear allowing the user to create new pages based on combinations of old pages available. This also makes the book float near the wielder, also any old pages that were copied give the weapons or sacred gears copied on the book double the power of its copied form.

Abilities: Joseph possesses magic but it's rather unstable to where in the minimal case he can't cast a spell and at worst he could lose control of it but he was given some bracelets on both wrists to limit his magical powers, storing it like a battery.  With it, Joseph can transfer that magic from his bracelet or without it onto simple items to give it magical properties like giving a guitar the ability to conduct and release electricity. 

However, he uses the magic he stored up in clothes he designed and made to give them magical property, and he uses the same materials to limit his powers. This gave him the practice to create a spell to swap clothes and bring out the enchanted weapons. However, he has two pieces of armor that were made for the sacred gear.


Regular outfit- The regular streetwear outfit Joseph wears is a dark grey jacket, a red shirt, black pants, and white and red shoes. This outfit allows Joseph to use magic but in a weaker state than the other outfits, no additional benefits are included and the only weapon it has is a katana with a small amount of magic in it. 

Water outfit- The design is based on a mage outfit with a large blue hat, mainly blue and white with some black to mix in. The weapon of choice is a wand with a blue crystal, which can control water.

Wind outfit- The design is based on a kimono outfit, the outfit is primarily light green with black and red being the secondary colors. The weapons for the outfit are two fans capable of creating gusts of wind or slashes.

Iron outfit- The design is based on rather rock or punk fans designs with the main color being silver, grey, and black. The weapon of choice is not a weapon but an accessory of fingerless gloves which have the properties to control the iron of anything including things that contain a small amount of iron (i.e the ground or the iron in the human blood cells)

Ice outfit/cryogenic outfit: The design of the outfit is rather a sort of battle armor mixed with a warm clothing outfit for the winter. The armor is only of an upper chest blue armor with the rest of the outfit being teal and white. The weapon of choice is some blade wrists on the side that once sliced can freeze the person but it takes a while as it first starts to freeze the body part/location of the person.

Blood outfit: The design of the outfit is also based on a mage outfit but this one, unlike the water outfit the primary color is scarlet red and black to mix in. The weapon of choice is a large staff It is capable of manipulating blood but it can only manipulate blood outside of the body of living creatures, it's rather difficult to manipulate the blood inside anyone.

Electricity outfit- This outfit's design is based on rock outfits but this one has more colors than the Iron outfit. The colors used are a dark shade of yellow and orange with the outfit capable of absorbing electricity without harming the user. The weapon of choice is an electric guitar capable of creating electricity and releasing it and the way it can create its electricity if the outfit doesn't absorb any the user must play the guitar.

Black Armor of Power- This is one of two armor outfits, for it to work at full power it requires the wearer to be a battery for the armor and the armor drains the magic of the user wearing it but in exchange, it gives the user increased power and speed. If the wearer runs out of magic the armor will fall off and remove itself from the wearer. The weapons of choice for it are a greatsword or a single-bladed sword.

White Armor of Rampent Magic: This is one of two armor outfits. This one also requires the wearer to have magic but it works in its own way. Its ability allows the wearer to amplify any magic they know. The downside is that it's slow and once the wearer runs out of magic the armor will remove itself from the wearer. This armor has no weapons so it's either fist or magic.

Shine Light outfit: The outfit is similar to the Dark Shadow outfit, it's based on an assassin outfit being mainly white with yellow as an accent with a hoodie. It can produce bright light while also capable of shooting light attacks.  The choice of weapon is a bow where Joseph can create a light arrow to shoot.

Dark Shadow outfit: The outfit is similar to the Shine LIght Outfit, it's based on a sort of rouge outfit being mostly black with grey with a hoodie and face mask. It can dive into the shadows but its weakness is to produce a bright light at him that will force him back out of the shadows. The weapon of choice is short-bladed.

Card outfit: The outfit is based on a casino/magician outfit. Its main ability is to control the cards which are the weapon of choice as it's a 52 deck of cards including two joker cards, these cards depending on what he pulled in a 5-card hand can apply effects based on the hand, and jokers can be subsites for whatever card needed or act as a power boost

Drill outfit: The outfit is based on a steampunk outfit. The weapon of choice is drills where they can assemble as spear or claw-based weapons except replace the claws with drills. The outfit can manipulate the drills and the drills can dig down or piece through a magical circle or defense.

Music Conductor outfit: The outfit is based on a conductor's outfit. The weapon of choice is a baton the outfit's ability allows Joseph to create musical notes that will produce a sound blast to anyone however the outfit is fitted to where it can reduce the noise to Joseph while the baton allows Joseph to control the notes and have it move to where Joseph conducts it to. The sounds are mostly based on instruments.

Other- Joseph creates many outfits based on ideas or inspirations which takes him time as he hopes to make some fashion as a living so he started with himself as the example. He also has a familiar named Luna, a bird that doesn't have an actual form but is usually either an owl or a cockatiel, it's main ability is to shapeshift into different birds and to provide support magic and a small amount of healing magic. Luna is a familiar that's been in Joseph's family for many generations so Joseph refers to her as family.

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