Alexander Axe(Genderbent Evander)/Revamped

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Alexander Axe/Byrne

Nickname: Alex, Axe, Guts



November 19th




Bio: Born in Dublin, Ireland but moved to London England, from her British father and Irish mother, Alexander was named by her father from getting her mother's name. She was growing up fine while having an little brother being born when she was four, Ross. Alexander had met a boy by the name of Evan Holland and became very good friends with him and his family. But she had to moved to the United States of America because her mother was transfered there. The Axe/Byrne family moved to New York City and got a house. Alexander was soon met with two people who became her best friends Petra Parker and Ann Brock after rescuing Petra from some bullies as Ann was about to rescue her. As they grown up Alexander soon made more friends by the names of Mary Jane Watson, Harry Osborn,  and Gwendolyn 'Gwen' Stacy, but one day as Alexander and the group was in their freshman year of highschool went onto a field trip to OSCROP to look at some gentic enhanced spiders but two went was missing as one had got onto Alexander's neck and bite down onto it which caused her to have a weird reaction towards the bite.

Personality: kind, nice, brave, jokeul, very annoying, trustworthy, smart, cunny, humerable, caring, thoughtful, hopeful 

Likes: her jobs, fighting crime, her family, her friends, jokes/puns, working out, donuts, pizza, coffee, protecting people, the cold, video games, winter season

Hates: the heat, tea, criminals, people getting hurt, villains winning, villains(who can't be reason with), bullies, pinapple pizza

Hero name: Wolf Spider

Abilities: organic webbing, talons, spider-sense, super strength, super speed, super durability, super endurance, shadow dimension, wall crawling, healing factor, fangs(Like wolf fangs), hyper senses(edge of time abiltiy), stamina, camofluage, subsonic howl/screaming, shadow punch, shadow shockwave, flexibility, agility, reflexes, spider sense. enhanced sense, night vision


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