Roselyn Gray

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Roselyn Gray

Nickname: Rose, Gray






Bio: Roselyn was born of a product of a drunkin one night stand between her mother and the famous billionaire Tony Stark. Stark had left Roselyn's mother in the hotel as her mother got herself together and went on with her life, some weeks later she learned that she was pregnant and she decide to keep the child and soon gave birth to Roselyn. As she was growing up she took notice that she was way more smarter than her peers in class as her mother took notice of that as well. One day when she was nine she took some of her blood and ran it to a DNA test as she wanted to know who her father is as her mother rarely speaks about him same goes with her uncle and soon she found out that she was the daughter of the great Tony Stark. Roselyn wanted to met her father but her mother disagreed with her same with her uncle, but Roselyn kept on asking and asking and her mother finally agreed and went to one of his Stark's expo where she tried to met her father but he didn't want to met her and stated that he never had a child in his life, and made his security to push her away. After that, it broke Roselyn as an now hatrage grew within her towards her father and she never once called him dad but called him by his first and last names as her mother didn't want her to hate Tony but she couldn't stop her. Years later, she's in her high-school years and she having a good time with her friends and family but one day she was bitten by an seemly normal spider but that spider was an experiment that got loose from an lab and the bite soon changed her life as wells as the lives of her family and friends.

Personality: snarky, intelligence, honest(brutally), blunt, rude(a bit), funny, hard working, understanding(at times), eager, annoyed, a pick at times, have a short fuse but is working on it

Likes: her mother, her uncle, her friends, having fun, her powers, creating things, music, movies, pizzas, ice cream, sodas, helping out, video games, drawing

Hates: her father, bullies, assholes, people getting on her nerves, idiots, morons, villains, people she care getting hurt, terrible shows, terrible video games, snobby people, cocky people, egostic people(really hate the most)

Heroine Name: Night-Spider or Spider-Woman


Abilities: Superhuman strength, superhuman speed, superhuman durability, superhuman endurance, superhuman agility, superhuman stamina, wall crawling, spider sense, superhuman reflexes, venomous fang, talons(are venomous), immunity to every type of venom(but poison still affects her)

Web shooters:

(Are black and white)


('Hinata' Voice)

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