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Name: Hazhil Browne

Nicknames: none/any

Species: Rīndea

Age: 57 which is about equal to 20 in human years

Birthday: March 25th

Gender: female

Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual

Power; she has healing powers that are quite instant but drains her of her energy, as well as voice mimicry and throwing and she is able to manipulate plant growth. Also she is unable to scar


appearance: a woman with a pear body and dark kinda orangey skin, she has long curly and thick as heck hair that has braids and beads in it. Her features seem kind of odd just appearing too healthy with overly flushed cheeks and her teeth are the slightest bit pointy. Her eyes are bright green and slightly reflective. She has freckles that are lighter then her skin tone and her skin scars that tone as well. Also she's kinda thick and her Face Is a circle shape. She has antlers that look like moose ones growing from her head with a tiny complex ecosystem on them that is mainly moss and mushrooms

Distinctive features: her antlers and her eyes

clothing: see drawing

Hair colour: dark brown

Hair style: loose or braided

Eye colour: bright green

Scars: burn scars on her upper thighs and lower back

Tattoos/piercings/birthmarks: freckles on her face


Mental illnesses: unknown

Physical illnesses: none

Habits: she scrunches her nose up when she's focusing

Phobias: she is terrified of hurting other people or doing something that will cause them harm


Personality: she's a very friendly, almost fake seeming woman trying to talk to everyone she meets and sees the good in everyone to the point she's blind to the bad. She is obsessive over things, mainly herself and her image needing to be the best and most helpful she can be as she feels if she isn't she is letting the world down. She is quite unnerving almost always starting at you as if judging you for nothing but being there, trying to decide if you should be or not. She gets annoying very quickly especially if she feels you are pushing her away or dislike her then disparate for them to like her. She's very unstable although what her disorder is is unknown, she's blind to the bad, and needs constant social approval. She thinks she knows best in areas such as healing and any criticism is not taken well.

Fears: not being able to help someone/being unable to heal them,

Strengths: healing, friendly, caring, supportive,

Weaknesses: her refusal to see the bad, wouldn't fight for herself, can't take criticism, his unstable she is, obsessive

Likes: helping people, medical things, Moss, deer, snakes, green things, big trees, her antlers, mushrooms, being a military doctor

Dislikes: people that try to get close to her for luck, feeling left out/unwelcome, being reminded of her flaws, dogs, cats, her help being rejected


Occupation: military healer

Ethnicity: East Indian

Time period: fantasy medieval

Backstory: she was born to an average but poor family, the eldest child who from a very young age was put in charge of her younger siblings and when one disappeared the 8 year old was blamed for it as she was supposed to be in charge of him. She was then sent off by her parents to a healer apprenticeship, there logic that after her having lost her brother she had to make up for it by helping others. That mindset quickly stuck with her leading to her obsessive behaviour starting. The girl then was still human but when after being put in charge of her first patient on her own she was as told to to put them out of their pain,!leaving her upset which lead to her fleeing to the forest for comfort turning into a Rīndea, living with others of her kind for ten years as she adapted to the change. But after a while her parents words came back to her and she tried to return to being a healer, enlisting in the military as a healer just as a war broke out. From there her mental stability decreased as she was often made to choose between who to heal and who to leave in the mud of the field leaving them for dead, or worse the rats. That very quickly worsened her mental state until she was basically unable to see the difference between bad and good, and always feeling as if she needed to judge who's pain was worse, who was more useful, and who was to be left for the dead.


hopefulfirebird helped with
the backstory a bit

She's a vegetarian

Used in hopefulfirebird applyfic


media related to character:

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