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Name: Koi Calment

Nicknames: any/none

Age: 17


Gender: non binary (afab)

pronouns: they/he

Sexuality: androsexual

Languages: english, mandarin and french

Power; n/a


appearance: see face claim in "media" section, they have softer features tho

clothing: a white hoodie and light blue jeans with no visible logo, a pair of white vans and round glasses

Hair colour: black/dark brown

Hair style: dreads(?)

Eye colour: hazhil

Scars: none

Tattoos/piercings/birthmarks: pierced ears and freckles


Mental illnesses: body dysphoria

Physical illnesses/disabilities: near sighted

Habits: pushes at his glasses or fiddles at his earrings when he lies

Phobias: rats


Personality: koi is a lot of things, but at the top of the list of personality traits is a rich àsshole who thinks he's better then everyone and a hopeless Romance who wants to just swoop in and save people. He can be rather snarky and passive agressive at times believing his wealth makes him better then others, and somehow he earned it. He is rarely outright mean but he does tend to make comments that are intended to put others down or are at times outright funny. He is a hopeless romantic often talking about one day he'll find the one, someone to stargaze with, and snuggle with in a field or dance in the kitchen at 3 in the morning. He has a bit of a savours complex often giving things away to seem like a good person, or being the face of his family's donations or just walking around looking for someone who's problems he thinks could be solved with cash. One of the only world issues he feels strongly on is lgbtq+ rights

Fears:  losing his family's wealth/getting cut from the will, being a disappointment/never recovering what their relationship with their parents once was

Strengths: sailing, swimming, plays the violin, socially strong, good stamina, good public image

Weaknesses: physically weak kinda, passive agressive, thanks he's better then most, also thinks they're a disappointment, honestly his irl personality isn't great.

Likes: sailing, sushi, swimming, pool(the game), stars, listening to people sing/play instruments, cities, jogging, the water, their school, his friends, sparkling water, seals, CATS!

Dislikes: being called out on stuff, leftists, strategy games, seaweed, losing, not having stuff to do


Ethnicity: biracial(African American, native American)

Birthplace: New York state

Backstory: koi was born to money, just like both his parents and their parents before them. They had quite the good childhood their parents where around more then you would think until he turned around 8 when they started to work more as their companies expanded. Him and his sibling have always been very competitive with each other in basically every area of life, sailing, marks, being the favourite child, owning the coolest stuff. When he was around 12 he came out to his parents telling them they didn't feel like a girl, it was rocky for a few years as they adjusted to the idea but after 2 years they legally changed their name and started on T. Their relationship with their parents never quite recovered and now they want the superhero thing to change that, as it was their idea afterall... and their money that got him in.

-in hopefulfirebird apply fic

-he has 2 Savannah cats named Maple and oak, oak is a kitten

-they've been on T for two years and some days bind sometimes don't

-koi still keeps in touch with his surrogate mother who is a family friend

-they really likes sea food

-has been in sailing club since they where  7

-he's a rightist

-he hates chess and team sports

-their dead name is Lilian


media related to character:

their cats

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