Dreaded Faith Infodump pt. 2

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- She's the one in charge of keeping the group's energy in check, whether she'd admit that or not-

- She badmouths the opponents a lot-

- Her strength is above average, she can lift abouuutttt- 6 or 7 rice bags, you have no idea how big and heavy those are-

- She has a strong swing too, she's mostly hand-to-hand combat and melee.

- Her weak point is her temper, it's easy to piss her off and it's easy to see that. Her movements get more eratic, more predictable when she's mad.

- Her favorites are bats, especially if you nail in the spikes correctly. Metal bats are also a win-win.

- She hits where it'll hurt the most, the longest to recover from, depending on the opponent. The head? Sometimes it'll be too hard to hit that, she'll have to go for something else.

- She has good aim too, if you can't tell she used to play baseball.

- Her and RS are a power-duo, RS throws the bombs she made, she batters up and sends it on a homerun towards the enemy-

- She normally just goes for more "normal" weapons, but Dysnomia's upgrades are an exception

- Her speed is pretty good too, as well as her stamina. But not that high.

- She likes using the enviroment to her advantage. Bar? Broken glass bottles, chairs. Woods? Dirt, rocks, fuckin' bugs-

- She can handle some heavy weapons, but it slows her down, she tends to do heavy weapons at a last option thing.

- Anything fire related though, she loves that shit.

- Her bat is on fire? You fucking bet she's still gonna use to beat you up

- She cares little for her own health too, shrugs it off like it ain't a big deal. Ma'am you have second degree burns from the fire-

- Unless someone actually yells out that she's had enough, she'll keep going until she passes out.

- Another one that pushes past her limits. I mean, it's what she was taught to do back then.


- She's the one who schemes most of the traps.

- She makes her own bombs, she often lends some to the others, y'know, just in case.

- She's pretty low on almost everything, bit her speed and stamina is above average.

- Karma put her on a strength training session, but she doesn't attend most of the time due to her pulling all nighters cus' of her bombs.

- That also lead to Karma closing off the lab and garage at a certain time so her and Dysnomia go to fucking bed-

- Her memory is pretty good, what chemicals go with each other and all that.

- Other than bombs, she prefers daggers. She puts poison on those too.

- She knows when to quit, it just takes a while since she's also as stubborn as RM.

- Unlike RM, she's not provoked that easily, she hides it pretty well when she's getting pissed off. That and how the hell are you gonna see past the smoke of the bombs-

- She and Dysnomia are the best when it comes to making weapons that include explosives.

- She also carries an extra gun or two. Her aim is pretty good.

- The most sane out of all of them, somehow-

- She visits Black a lot, mostly for advice on some stuff, weapons, whatever.

- Totally not her mother issues screaming-

- She knows a lot about poison too.

- She does normal bombs most of the time, but she can make acidic ones. It just takes longer to make.


- At first, she was only helping because her goals mixed in with Black's and she owed her a few favors. But now, she's officially joined.

- Her memory is also insanely good, I mean, look at all those AUs to destroy.

- She's pretty durable too, since some metal is mixed in her skin.

- She's agile too, since she works with strings.

- The strings are strong enough to carry someone, not some regular scissors can cut it. But can still be cut.

- She's amazing with swords. That's one of the things she has a hard time remembering. When did she learn to do that?

- Her strings can be used as a shield too, the bigger it is though, the more magic it drains from her.

- She has a high stamina and speed. She goes with her instincts too, almost like a spider.

- She's pretty strong physically, she has her own little workout sessions.

- She can also see a person's exp, lv, HP. But unlike Karma, she'll see whether or not you'll be a good puppet.

- She doesn't play "fair". When you least expect it, she'll go for the soul. Maybe crack it a little bit. Or just full on shatter it. So watch your back.

- She'll even use some of the puppets she captured. Bonus points if the opponent used to to know them.

- She'll even strike a deal. Don't even think of crossing her. She'll put a special type of binding on your soul, if you break the deal, goodbye to your soul.

- Normally she's in charge of the more dangerous plans. She handles whatever the group can't handle.

- Getting under her skin isn't that hard, but not that easy too. Her poker face is good, but some of her actions can tell more than that.

- Using more strings, rushing on attacks, closing whatever distance you two had, etc.

- She's watched AUs do their own thing for centuries. She's probably already heard about the opponent's trauma. She will jab at that.


- She's normally not on the battle field, she's more set on being the mechanic of the group.

- She's the one making the weapons, defenses, any machinery for the group.

- She also upgrades their weapons, which is a huge help for certain missions.

- She makes her own weapons, most of them are long ranged.

- She's... okay psychologically weakness wise- that's because the main root of her problem is IN the group.

- Her and Fright used to date, which didn't work out obviously.

- Physically, she's pretty weak. "But she works with machinery, she's had to have lifted heavy metal before" here's the thing, she doesn't fucking sleep- hence why Karma closes up the garage at a certain time.

- If she could get a few more healthy sleeps, she's actually pretty strong. But her greatest quality would be her speed.

- Total opposite of Fright, instead of strength, she's extremely fast. And mix that with careful decision making

- If she does go on missions, she's normally paired up with RS.

- Her problem is, she's hard to cooperate with. She's stubborn and often makes her own decision without taking in consideration what the others have to say.

- She's smart though, she knows when to quit it.

- And there's also her refusal to just work with Fright at all. I mean, they DO work together, but not as well everyone does.

- She's impulsive too, if she has an idea for a new weapon, she'll make it. Which often leads to lack of supplies for other projects.

- Morrigan normally brings her the supplies she lacks and extras.

- She doesn't bother hiding what she feels towards someone, if she's ticked off, she's ticked off. Shows both in her words and actions.

- She doesn't bother to answer to the opponent either, she doesn't have time to taunt someone she's gonna bury six feet under.


- She's a powerhouse honestly, they don't call her the "fall of kingdoms" for nothing.

- She doesn't live with the rest of the group, so any interaction with them is mostly business.

- She makes potions and finds... special artifacts for the group. Even makes them if she's up for it.

- She's strong. Extremely so. Like almost to Fright's level.

- She's smart, she doesn't go willy nilly and blows up a castle. That takes planning.

- Speaking of planning, she's normally the one in charge of that department. She takes into account what the group can and can't do, how much danger certain spots for them would be, how much damge they can take, everything.

- She takes what Karma can't handle, Exe also helps with that. Overwhelmed by too many opponents? She'll pummel them with Fright. Dysnomia is being a prick? She used to have an impulsively, positive son. She can handle some sleep deprived psycho.

- She's also in charge of getting the group supplies. Food, gems, potions, wood, metal, etc.

- It takes a LOT to get under her skin. Even if that includes her son, her poker face can almost rival Deana's.

- What gives it away is her words and certain glints in her eyes.

- She doesn't need those training sessions from Karma, she has her own. She knows what she's weak at and strives to improve that.

- She also knows when to quit. When she says retreat, better fuckin' retreat. She knows when enough is enough. Don't make her drag you out of there.

- Despite the lack of interactions, she won't just leave a group member. She respects them, their strengths and loyalty.

- She has some interesting books from her friend that lives with her, so she knows a few spells and curses to use as last resorts.

- and that includes Black's from her backstory. "Misery".

- She's good friends with Black, so she knows a couple of tricks from her.

- She's not one for taunts. But she will if needed.

- Her preferred weapons are mostly melee. Swords, maces, axes, etc.

- She normally goes solo on missions, she doesn't need that much help with most things.

- And she normally takes the missions that take longer to finish. Like 2 days to atleast a month.

- She also offers armor, because she's so confused why most of them don't fucking have them- like, y'all get beaten by some mass god or something, how are they alive-

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