Elliott's Fall

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This is the backstory of the character that represents me- (The character up above) so yea- All of this is fictional- also I'm mixing up the Cuphead universe into this cus' yes-


You can only put so much pressure on someone, until they stop caring about it.

On ??? ??, ????, An angel was created, she was a sweet, energetic, pretty one. Her caretakers were ecstatic about the news that they'd be taking care and mentor such angel.

She was all they could ever ask for.

After 3 years of taking care of her, they decided they wanted another one to take care of. And then another angel was created, just like the first one, she was energetic, playful, full of imagination and creativity.

The caretakers were soooo happy. Their little Elliott and -----.

Elliott loved having ----- to play with, but as years pass, she wanted to meet with other people. So when she turned old enough, she was allowed to visit a place of her choice. She chose a place called Inkwell. It had three isles, it was big and filled with different types of residents. The caretakers forbid her to go to the last isle, reasons they refuse to say.

As she explored the first isle, she came across twins with cups for heads, red and blue. She was ecstatic to meet other people, even if they were talking drinkables- the three became friends, a friendship that only lasted a few years. As she grew older, the more pressure was put onto her to become better, to deserve a higher rank. The more busy she got, the less time she had to visit the twins.

To the point where the caretakers forbid her from visiting the Inkwell Isle. She wanted have fun. She hated having so much work. A break wouldn't hurt...

When the caretakers were busy and away, she snuck away to Inkwell. She got to spend time with the twins again, they explored the Inkwell Isles, even the last one. But that took a wrong turn.

A casino, a place where people can indulge in their greed. The angel was having so much fun that she had forgotten what this place was for. That angels weren't supposed to be here. Until that last moment, when the twins were gambling, the one and only Devil appeared. The one who owned the place. The mug tried to convince his twin it was a bad idea to gamble their souls, the cup was too distracted by his own greed, the angel? You'd expect her to be afraid of the devil, something her caretakers have tried to teach her. But oddly, she wasn't, she was fine. She didn't find him intimidating or scary. He actually looked funny to her-

That funny thought was interrupted though, by the sound of her caretakers calling out to her, not so pleased, and the sound of the twins losing the gamble. She was taken away, didn't have time to say goodbye or even a good luck. And back to the always piling work she goes.

"You need to do better at this"

"Don't let that pretty face fade"

"You need to have a higher rank than this"

She couldn't handle it, she yearned to feel free from the work. But then she remembered the man from below. Someone she was supposed to fear. All the tales came flooding back to her head, the ones about greed, sloth, wrath, all the sins. How an angel can fall from grace if ever commited these. She could do those..

But she was a coward.

Didn't have the courage to do any of those. Her "angel instincts" just wouldn't let go. she tried all these years, never did succeeded. Though the more the pressure was rising, the more she felt numb from it. She started to not care. What was the point? Even with a higher rank, all you would get is more work. What's so fun about that.

Though that did help her to snap. She admits it, she's too much of a wuss to do any of those sins, yes. But who said you can't just go there by force. Of course, these wings are something that's keeping her up there. So those would have to go.

He tore them off herself. Was it painful? It definitely stung and would leave a mark. But what's done is done. The moment the wings were gone, she fell out of the clouds. All the way down. The trip down there burned like hell, fitting. As she landed, pieces of his skin were burnt off and ash was everywhere. But hey! He's down there now, she couldn't care less about the pressure anymore. She could... Do whatever he wanted to.

But just because she's down here, doesn't mean he suddenly has the courage to do what demons do. Not yet. He's gonna need a little push. From other demons- duh-

He knows he'll be seen as an awful, pity story now. But maybe ----- has some better luck. Who knows. He'll just have to wait a few more years to find out. There are still ranks down here... But it's in a different way now. Like a gamble. That was fun, right? The more fun he had, the more souls he'll get, and with enough souls, you'll get a higher rank. Better than work. Fire was an entertaining way to get souls. But heyyy- who doesn't like a bit of arson?-

And cheese.

Cheese is yummy-

Marshmallows too- if ants aren't in the bag. Cursed ants.

And here I am now- A 2nd rank demon! A chaotic- pretty cool right?- still can't start apocalyptic chicken wars though- I wanna see people's eyes get pecked out- oh well, hope ya enjoyed this pity party story- hopefully there isn't grammatical errors anywhere- no I am not counting the sudden change of she/her pronouns to he/his- leave me be- I like both of them- I'm a greedy little shit- Heheh-

What? Did I not tell you it was in, yours truly point of view? It IS my fall, who better to tell it than ME.

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