"So there's this rumor..."

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Hello! Here I am once again with a backstory!

Tammy's to be exact!

I actually changed A LOT to Tammy's backstory, so that one chapter "Welcome Home" or whatever I titled it, the one where Black finds Tammy, yeah that's not canon anymore. I'll make a different one once I finish up all the backstories for the Bad Gals

Now, warnings.

Cruel Orphanage
Creepy/Haunted School
Face Blindness (Is what I think it's called)
Body Horror
A popular rumor...

Anyways! Let's get this show on the road!

"Hey! Samantha! Over here!"

"Yeah girl, get over here!"

I shook my head playfully, walked towards them and sat at their seat, putting my lunch on the table. "What's got you two all excited?" I asked, taking a bite out of my apple.

"Okay, so, you know how our vlog channel has been going to shit?"

"Yeesh, no need to remind me."

"Weeellll, Brittney here, the absolute genius snooper that she is, just got us a new video idea!~"

I raised my eyebrow, looking at Brittney who flipped her hair dramatically. We had a small snicker before she started explaining what her idea was.

"Ok. So, with some little help and researching, this place used to be a huge, and I mean HUGE orphanage back in the old days. You know, where monsters and half monsters weren't welcome and shit."

"Ugh, if this video idea of yours going to be political, then I pass."

"Let me finish! It was a really shitty orphanage, like y'know, the system. So shitty in fact, they care more about the money and public image than the actual children. Which pulls the ACTUAL idea to play. There's this interesting little rumor..."

She made little hand gestures towards us, encouraging us to lean in to listen. We all leaned in to a small circle.

"There was an attack in the orphanage, resulting in one of the oldest orphans to be killed. But they never held a funeral for the poor soul. Forever forgotten."

"Soo... What are you getting at here?"

"There's this rumor... That the soul is still roaming around this school. Furious by the cruelty of this place. That couldn't even bother to keep a picture of her. They say when the clock strikes 12pm, on the day she died, the whole school is littered with her screams and begging. If an unlucky soul ever entered a room while she was in there, you shall never be recognized again."


"Keep your voice down, Barbara!!"

Brittney put a hand to Barbara's mouth, silencing her as our other classmates looked at us strangely. But she is right, that's creepy as fuck...

"Oh quit being little babies! It's a rumor! There's only like, 90% chance that it's true. Hell, everyone has their own take on what happens!"

"Brittney, if we go missing, I'm annoying you to your grave."

"Haha, sure."

I sighed a bit, deciding to indulge Brittney a bit and ask her for more details, since her idea is basically to go here at that date and time. She says it's safe to leave the building at any time, so that's good. No curses or creepy ghost following. Though to balance out that good, she suggests to split up to speed up the searching. That's classic horror movie stupidity right there. But then again... What good is a group against an, allegedly, already dead person? That's gonna be a work in progress. It would be an interesting vlog video, but having absolutely nothing happening is not so interesting. Sure the tension after telling the story could make the viewer a bit jumpy, but still. That can easily wear off. And the date of said death was 2 weeks from now, a weekend. Barbara had complaints, and she made that VERY clear. But.. we all eventually agreed to the silly idea. We finished up our lunch and started discussing a back-up idea, in case that idea failed and nothing happened. Hopefully this goes well.

~ T I M E S K I P ~

Cameras are good to go, phones charged, parents informed, got Barbara's whining controlled, and we'll be starting recording in 20 minutes. I look up at our school building, the sun shining bright behind it. This would be a lot creepier if it was nighttime, but then again, it'd be the same as any other ghost rumor. In the two week preparation, we decided a few things. I get the top floors while retelling the rumor to the camera and story tell about what I could find about it, Brittney gets the middle floors as she explains more of the historical facts and joke around, while Barbara gets the lower floors, being the screamer and has access to an easy escape. Cus' she wouldn't do it unless she got it. We make sure we got our stuff ready, and headed inside. Dear Asgore, I hope this doesn't go to shit.

~ 12 a m ~

I pointed the camera straight forward as I walked throughout the corridors of the school.

"So, apparently lucky or not so lucky coincidence, me and the girls' school is basically a orphanage hellhole back in the old times. Y'know, with the unjustly rules and shit."

I looked outside the window, showing the camera the beautiful sunset view. I really need to calm my nerves. I literally go here every week, what's so scary now?

"Y'know, there was an incident here once. Concerning one of the oldest orphans, nothing much I could find about her other than gender, species and the fact that she was the oldest. She was a half-monster that got attacked here years ago. Same day and time right now, XXXXXXX - X - XXXX, 12pm."

I went back to walking, checking inside every classroom. Nothing much to be said about the surroundings, nothing changed, nothing recognizable as "out of place" or weird.

"So pretty sure Brittney is gonna tell you more about the orphanage itself, but, I'm here to talk more about the girl. Due to the sickly environment, there were also other older kids that were shitty. Most people were shitty at that time, total douches. So there might be a chance that she was, I dunno, hated for being half monster or something. Sounds too fiction, right? Half-monsters are fucking awesome."

I stopped every now and then to point the camera at me, not only to show whatever is behind me, but to give the viewer a break from the same hallways.

"You know what I think though? I think, it wasn't some 'attack' in the orphanage, I think it was an overboard punishment thing the caretakers did. Since you know, they're fucked up and all that. They never even got a funeral for the poor girl. No burial, no cremation, no nothing. I wonder what they did to the body then..."

As I walk through more of the empty hallways, I could hear Barbara's scream from up here. Dang, at least she's doing her part. She knows she can take a breather any time. Or just leave a message when she wants to leave.

"Hm. Anyways, the parents of this girl is of course, unknown, couldn't find a solid name for her either. The internet had a lot. Charlotte Evermore, Taylor Eclair, Sophie Turner, Amelia Harper, etc. How she died is unknown, but one part that people really found important was the lack of picture for some reason. Those reasons either being, face got horribly mutilated, head chopped off, or, hear me out guys, they simply just did not care to take a pic of her. Or any of the kids to be exact. Sure a pic would be required, I think, for an adoption paper or something, I ain't a lawyer, but in the old times, it'd be highly unlikely a half-monster would've been adopted. I mean, that could be why she's one of the oldest."

I checked my watch real quick, huh, I didn't realize an hour passed already... That was quick I guess. I kept walking, commentating about how nothing is happening while also still telling the viewer some stuff I found online. As I continued on, I could hear faint footsteps.

"Do you hear that?... Fucking hell I hope the camera picked that sound up—"

As I turned a corner, the footsteps started getting louder and louder. Until I could hear them as clear as day, rushing towards me and—

"SAMANTHA! There ya are!"

Oh. It's just Brittney. Fucking hell I never felt my heart pump that goddamn fast. Thought I was gonna have a heart attack.

"Bitch! I almost had a heart attack because of you!!"

"Well Sorry- I just finished up my section and decided to help you finish up yours. Barbara sent me a message saying she was gonna take a breather."

"Oh, alright. We still have a few floors to go. Say, should we check the rooftop too?"

"Yeah sure, why not? Might as well check the whole school, right viewers?~"

She grinned and did a little peace sign towards the camera, I sighed and continued on with her. With her around, my nerves calmed down only a bit, but still wrecked by that stunt she pulled. Could have given me a heads up before running towards me. She made a few jokes and pulled some pranks as we searched the classrooms, while I give short theories I could find and think of, Brittney throwing in some of hers too.

"Ok ok, what if, she was so sick of this place that she decided to fall off of this building?"

"That's actually sad. All the children here were poor souls."

"Yeah.. I wonder if ANY of them got adopted at least or survived, considering the staff was shit."

"Mm. I hope they did, it'd be a shame if they spent their entire lives rotting away here."

"Maybe that's why the classes are so deadly boring—"

I stifled a laugh, while she let loose. I have no idea if we should even be joking about it while the possibility of an angry ghost is around. We soon came across bathrooms, I gave her the camera and told her I was gonna go use it real quick. She said alright as I went in. I got into a stall and sighed, pulling out a cigarette and a lighter. I put the cigarette between my lips and lit it, taking a quick puff. Might as well calm most of my other nerves. Brittney doesn't really smoke, so no need to offer her one.

Horrible smell.

I jumped a bit, almost dropping my lighter. The fuck? I checked outside the stall real quick, no one there. Didn't hear Brittney come in either... Weird. God damnit, my nerves are getting back to me. Shit. I quickly put out the one I had and started another one, fuck this shit. As I lit the cigarette again, I saw something drip onto the back of the toilet seat. Confused, I leaned in and took a slightly closer look at it. Dark red.

... A liquid, dark red and dripped from the ceiling.

Nope. Fuck that. I ain't looking up. I quickly sped out of the bathroom and met up with Brittney again. She was chatting to the camera about random things. She handed me the camera back, concerned.

"Yeesh, you look pale. You alright?"

"I think the rumors were fucking right. While I was in there, I'm pretty sure blood dripped from the goddamn ceiling."

"What? You sure it wasn't your cigarettes talkin'?"

"Yes I'm fucking sure. And cigarettes don't do that dipshit."

"I dunno, I find that hard to beli—"

She suddenly stopped dead in her sentence, face turning pale, as if she saw a ghost.

"Brittney? Brittney I swear to Asgore If it's behind me—"

"B-Brown eyes.. short hair.. and p-pale skin tone...?"

Huh? The hell is she talking about??

"U-Uhm.. You're wearing something peach colored... And you're name is.. is uhm... Miranda Park?.."

"Brittney. Talk to me. Cus' I'm fucking sure you're not talking to m—"

A scream pierced through her as she held her face, crying and begging in agony. I panicked and dropped the camera. Her eyes darted towards me, yelling for help, that it hurts, that it burned. Before I could lay a hand on her, a disgusting rip can be heard, tearing of flesh, skin and bone as her head tore itself apart. Her face ripping itself to shreds, bit by bit. The blood getting on the windows, walls, the camera, me. She dropped to the floor, blood pooling under her as I took steps back, almost stumbling from the pure shock and terror. what the fuck. What the fuck. WHAT IN THE ABSOLUTE F U C K. Before I could even remotely process what happened, her hand moved. It lifted itself up and used her blood to write a message on the floor, slowly. The blood smearing and making the floorboards have a slight squeaking noise.






The hand fell limp once again, I wasted no time and started running. Ran away as fast as I fucking can. I scrambled and got my phone out of my pocket, dialing 911 quickly. It finally stopped ringing, but before I could say anything, a sickly, slightly high pitched voice started speaking.

"You're going the wrong way you know...~"

I quickly hung up and still continued bolting my way through the hallways, stairs, doors. I can't go back anyways, that psycho is DEFINITELY chasing me. Did she get to Barbara too? Is there some sort of loop hole around this?? Can I just, not answer? Or will she get pissed? Questions ran through my head, as my lungs burned from the running. Until the sudden breeze hit me. I'm on the rooftop. Shit..


I should try ignoring her at least, there's no way I'll be able to guess, there's basically nothing about her onli—


Ignore her. Ignore her. Ignore her... !!!


Suddenly, I was pushed to the edge of the rooftop, something or.. more likely, someone is holding me by the collar of my shirt from behind. This is it.. this is fucking it... I took one final deep breath and remembered what specifics Brittney tried to guess...

"... Dirty blonde hair... Green eyes... Tanned skin.. you're wearing something.. grey... And you're name is... Bianca Lawson..?"

Hm. One right. All of those are wrong.

Well. Shit.

If only you brought your camera with you... What a shame! Bye bye now!

How annoying. They always get everything wrong. Even when they have this stupid thing.

How cute! They tried making me popular! Hahahaaaa! OO, I wanna try. Heya there viewers!~ looks like this haunted school vlog went wrong! Uh oh! Seems like Miss Samantha fell off the roof, what a clutz!

Oh? And is this Miss Brittney? I can't tell! Oh well~~ I could copy her generic looks anyways.

Oh and little Miss Barbara! Oh, seems like she can't talk right now... All her screaming tired her voice out.. oh well!

And it's likely this school will be shut down for the already multiple deaths here! So for everyone who's just been 'dying' to know who I am, I'm Tammy Woods!~ Too bad this camera can't handle what I look like...

Oh well! This vlog, and their channel, is officially cancelled! Bye bye!~

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