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Kai Sonnet .
Anything you can make up really .
Female .
Pan - romantic asexual .
-for those who don't know what this is, they like all genders and go off personality more than looks, though different from Pansexual because Pan-romantics only fall in love for romance and the love rather than other things that can be used to express love.
Park Chae Young

British accent, light, hard to tell she has one .
Cutesy style, lots of pastel colours, mainly white, light blue and pink colours she goes for the softer aspect, very feminine outfits and nothing that clashed all very harmonious and gentle colours are incorporated into her looks.
She has a small heart tattoo on her wrist.

Kai only has her earlobes done.
She has a few scars on her hands, they are from falling over or getting into accidents, she's a walking disaster. But the two that stick out are one from her wrist to her elbow and one from the top of her right hip to her knee, these were both given to her in the car accident she got into when she was younger.
Human .
None .
-Optimistic, Kai is always trying to cheer people up and wanting to make sure that they are alright, she doesn't want people to be sad, nor does she want to be sad so she always tries to look on the bright side, this quality can annoy people to no end and make others smile, it depends if you find her constant energy tiring or not. She doesn't really care to think of all the negatives, she is always cheery and hope's that other people will follow along with her optimistic mindset, believing that she everyone is hopeful the world can be a good place at last. In her head at least.
-Hardworking, as childish and energetic as Kai may seem when it comes down to it, she'll work as hard as she can, because she wants other people to be happy and she wants to please everyone, she doesn't like having to turn from a task a failure, it upsets her when she gets last placed, and she doesn't like being jealous but it happened quite often to her.
-Bubbly, she can get a tad over excited about things she's passionate about and honestly she's not afraid to show that she is excited about it, unless it's like a funeral then she'll just be really sad, like even if she doesn't know the person , she'll still feel sad because they could've been friends and she feels sorry for the family and what they are going through.
-Curious, she generally likes to learn things and question things so she knows a lot and can answer people's questions on the dot, she doesn't know where this thirst for knowledge and this random question generator of hers comes from, but she is known to ask completely random and sometimes quite disturbing questions. And doesn't notice like once she straight up asked her science teacher 'are hearts really white when you drain them of blood?' In the middle of a class in biology.
-learning , Kai loves to learn and she loves to see new things and just hear about them.
-meeting new people, she loves to make friends and you will never be able to stop her from doing so and making friends!
-She really likes butterflies for some strange reason, ask her about butterflies or Greek mythology, I dare you.
-People getting hurt, in general it's people upset that she doesn't like but when they are in pain upsets her more and she doesn't know why, it's just really upsetting for her.
-Getting laughed at, she doesn't like to be embarrassed and who does? She wouldn't mind if it where someone laughing WITH her.
-Being lonely, she doesn't like the feeling of not having someone to talk to it makes her feel sad, and often can push her to be even more loud that she already is.
-Tight spaces, she got shoved in a locker for a whole school day, let's just say, it scarred her for life!
-Being forgotten, nothing is worse than being non-existent to her, she doesn't ever want to be forgotten or left behind and she doesn't know why.
-Heights, she hates it up there we didn't have wings for a reason! Let's keep it that way!
-Emotionally intelligent, she may not be the brightest when it comes to books but she can read you like one! It's easy for her.
-Kind, she's sometimes almost too nice at times and that can really annoy some people and she doesn't know why it does.
-languages, for some reason she can pick them up very easily and loves to learn them anyhow!
-naive, she would trust a stranger even if they were creepy looking and that means her friends have to keep a close eye on her at all times otherwise she'd do something absolutely stupid!
-maths, it's difficult for her and she really doesn't like doing maths! Can you actually blame her for it though? Whoever created maths has committed a big federal offence!
-Too kind, she doesn't like being mean, she doesn't like hurting people and so that means people can hurt her and she would never hit them back!
-Running a hand through her hair when stressed.
-Fiddling and chewing on the cuffs of her sleeves when anxious.
-Huffing and balling her fisted when she's mad.
None, she used to have a mild allergy to chicken but it just went one day and she doesn't really know what actually happened to it.
Reading, flute, drawing, ice skating and she likes to dance and act!
Cashier and takes care of animals in pet shops and on weekends does work at the local library.
Actress on Broadway.
-Malachi Peaceful.
-Emma Peaceful
-Karl Sonnet.(Biological father)
-Abby Sonnet-Peaceful. (Mother)
-Markus Peaceful (step father)
A black Labrador called Charlie.

Kai was born into a poor family, her father died in an accident that Kai happened to be in, what happened was he was arguing over the phone with her mother and they crashed. Kai was injured in her arm and leg and still sometimes struggles to walk. Fast forward a few years her mother gets re-married to a rich and famous man who had to children so she had gained two step siblings of which only one actually liked her, this would be her older step brother. He was overprotective and her step sister didn't like her because it felt like Kai was trying to replace her, so she grew up all on her own pretty much, as to not put pressure on her sister and she went to college.
She sometimes get pains in her leg, and struggles to walk sometimes.

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