All of my ocs biggest fears

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This will be including me at the end- and the reason why they're afraid-

Undertale oc: Blue Moon

Phobia: Amathophobia = Fear of Dust

Reason: if Monsters get killed they turn to DUST. Who knows maybe your just sweeping monsters remains in your house-

Undersail/ Oceantale oc: Teal Ocean

Phobia: Aquaphobia = Fear of water

Reason: she's not that scared of it she's only scared of the fact that she might drown in it some day

Underfell OC: Red Moon

Phobia: Philophobia = Fear of Love or Falling in love

Reason: when she was a kid she trusted her heart to other people which ended up very badly so now she's scared of loving anyone. Even her own little sister

Inktale oc: Paint

Phobia: None

Reason: she's soulless-

Dancetale OC: Disco

Phobia: Agliophobia = Fear of being hurt

Reason: it's a good reason why she should be scared of it-

Errortale OC: Exe

Phobia: Lyssophobia = Fear of going insane

Reason: If she goes insane she might hurt the ones she actually loves

Aftertale OC: Cide

Phobia: Pyrophobia = Fear of Fire

Reason: That's how she died-

Sugartale oc: BonBon

Phobia: None

Reason: like I'm giving her a fear-

Outertale oc: Stella

Phobia: none

Reason: No-

Mafiatale oc: Mary

Phobia: Gelotophobia = Fear of Smiling

Reason: she thinks smiling is a way to show weakness

Reapertale oc: Shade

Phobia: none

Reason: she's a literal goddess- she ain't afraid of shit-

Freshtale oc: Novel

Phobia: Thaasophobia = Fear of boredom

Reason: what did you expect from an oc that was for Freshtale-

Underlust oc: Magenta

Phobia: Genophobia = Fear of sexual abuse

Reason: who wouldn't fear that?-

Horrortale oc: Fright

Phobia: None

Reason: She is the phobia-

Flowerfell oc: Tulip

Phobia: Anthophobia = Fear of Flowers

Reason: BoI- ShE's GoNnA dIe FrOm ThAt-

Underswap OC: Yellow Sun

Phobia: None

Reason: no-

Dusttale oc: Deana

Phobia: None

Reason: you think a serial killer has a fear?- bish she killed her own SiStEr-

Echotale OC: Topaz

Phobia: Pediophobia = Fear of Dolls

Reason: let's face it- they are creepy-

Dreamtale ocs: Midnight and Gold

Midnight's Phobia: Mnemophobia = Fear of Memories

Reason: She's Afraid that she might remember the horrible things she did in the past

Gold's Phobia: Achluophobia = Fear of darkness

Reason: she's scared that some creepy crawlies get her-

Now my fears :D

Athazagoraphobia = Fear of being ignored

Didaskaleinophobia = Fear of School

Thanatophobia = Fear of Death

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