Fashion time with Magenta!

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Magenta: I am going to be choosing Elly's, Exe's, Disco's, Frella's, Akira's, Trouble's, Machigai's, Luna's, Fright's, Fionna's and my outfit!

Magenta: Alright let's start with Elly!

Me: this is really good actually-

Magenta: Exe!

Exe: I guess it ain't that bad...

Magenta: Disco!

Disco: I can keep this right?-

Magenta: Of course!

Magenta: Frella!

Frella: this is kinda comfy-

Magenta: Akira!

Akira: ÙwÚ

Magenta: Trouble!

Trouble: I am loving this!

Magenta: Machigai!

Machigai: i-it's very nice

Magenta: Luna darling!

Luna: owo?

Magenta: Fright!

Fright: I am not coming out.

Magenta: c'mon please??

Fright: ... Fine.

Magenta: Now that wasn't bad now was it?

Fright: shut it

Magenta: Fionna!

Fionna: you have really good fashion taste!

Magenta: aww thank you darling!

Magenta: and last up is Me!

Magenta: well that is all! Hope you all like your outfits!

Me: yup!

Exe: *shrugs*

Disco: Yay! I can keep this!-

Frella: UwU

Akira: owo

Trouble: these all look cool!

Machigai: Mhm!

Luna: *noming on the fabric-*

Magenta: Luna- honey no-

Fright: eh...

Fionna: *smiles*

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