Ocs in Empireverse pt.2

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Empireverse Red Moon:

She's aggressive-

She met Black by staying really near the Abyss Forest, despite the danger she's putting herself in.

She now lives in the Abyss Forest with Black, Fright, Deana, Karma and Frella.

She has daggers as weapons, they were made by Karma and Frella

Whoever enters the Abyss Forest, they'll need to get past several parts of the Forest to get to Black. RM is the first part of the forest (I'll make a drawing of the forest later ->-)

The way she attacks is that she silently go behind the person, cover their mouth so they'll be quiet and slit their throat or snap their neck (Depends if you fight back or not-)

She's new to Black's Group

Empireverse Fright:

She met Black and the others by Karma finding dead Deers, Wolves, rabbits, etc. everywhere. So Karma hunted Fright down and brought her to Black

She now lives with Black and the others in the Abyss Forest

Fright has the second part of the forest

Fright is a bit more aggressive than RM but she likes to play around with her food first and then kill them. Like a simple tag game

She has 4 machetes and 2 butcher knives.

Why does she have so many? Black noticed how reckless she can be, so she'll end up breaking them or just forget where she put it which will give the victim a chance to get a weapon-

The way she attacks is that she'll jumps are her victim, letting them run for a bit, chases after them, they'll play a game, if the victim loses then they get death-

She is also fairly new to Black's Group, she arrived 5 months earlier than RM.

Empireverse Deana:

She's more calm than the last two, which can be a bit strange.

She has the 3rd part of the Abyss Forest. You'd expect her to be somewhat more aggressive than the last two-

She met the others by going in the forest without knowing anything about it- she managed to survive Frella and Karma but was severely injured, which got Exe's attention so she took her to Black. Now she lives there :D

She has a crap ton of traps around her part of the forest, she changes them every 4 days.

She has 3 knives and a Bow & Arrow as weapons

The reason why she only has knives and a Bow & Arrow as weapons is because she's more on magic attacks than physical attacks. Her favorite is Blue Magic and Chain Magic.

Chain Magic is basically chains made out of magic- but since Deana practices them a lot, they gotten really strong.

The way she attacks is that she'll cover up all your way outs with blue magic, catch you with chain magic, taunt and torture them for a bit before finally killing them

She's sort of new but at the same time she's not- she's in the middle-

Empireverse Frella:

She has the fourth part of the Abyss forest.

She's also calm but can be really aggressive- like- a mixture of RM and Fright-

She also has traps in her part of the forest, but a crap ton more- unlike Deana, she doesn't change them every 4 days, she changes them every 2 months-

She met Black the same way Deana did, by barely surviving Karma and Exe having to carry her to Black-

She's really quick to killing her victims

She has a Bastard Sword and a Ring Sword as weapons made by Karma and Exe

The way she attacks is that she'll quickly aim for the legs, slice them off or atleast injured them enough so the victim won't move and slice the head off.

Unlike original Frella, she hates being around anyone

She's been in Black's group for really long time but not as long as Exe and Karma

Empireverse Karma:

She has the fifth part of the forest

She's really quick to kill her victim as well but doesn't mind toying around with them for a bit or get aggressive with them.

She's the second one to meet Black (Exe was the first one) but she's the first one to join her group (Exe just helps around, she didn't actually join :V)

She has a lot of weapons- which is a Sword, Spears, Bow & Arrows, Knives, and a regular Axe

The way she attacks is she'll throw knives directly to the victim's legs and arms, if the victim is still standing she'll use her bow & arrow to shoot the eyes and then stab the victim in the heart with a sword or spear.

Most people don't make it to Her part of the Forest or Frella's so most of the time, she and Frella talk

She met Black by surviving the Abyss Forest, like Exe

Even though she's practically the 2nd oldest in the group, she's the one who messes around the most.

She was in the Empire of the Sun before, well specifically in prison but still- she went to the Abyss forest when she escaped thinking no one was there ->-

She's encountered Paint before. She didn't like her at all- in fact, she's the reason Paint almost died two times-

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