Topaz's Backstory

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(her backstory is mostly based off of "Older" , "Body" and "Hey Little Girl"- this will be in her Pov btw-)

!! Warning: This will have some topics that you guys might not like, so I suggest that you don't read this if you are not comfortable reading it !!

"I thought living in the city would be nice and all fun..."

"Tch. I was such a damn Idiot back then."

*When Topaz was 10 years old*

I don't like it when Mom and Dad fight. I hate it actually. I can hear them screaming at each other even though I was in my room while they were in the kitchen. I put on my headphones, started to play music and turned up the volume so I can't hear the awful words they were shouting at each other.

So I can't hear THEM.

I started to feel tired so I went to sleep, still having my headphones on.

∆ in the morning ∆

I woke up to the sun shining through my window, it was nice I guess. I got up, stopped playing the music and took my headphones off. I went outside my room and walked to the dinning room, Only to be greeted by my Dad looking really mad, Mom yelling at him for some reason and the smell of breakfast which is the only good thing. "Good morning" I greeted ' what's the point in even saying that? ' I thought while sitting down at a chair and started to eat


"Shut it already woman. Your giving me a headache."


"What's the big deal?"


"Yeah yeah! The money you got from screwing with some other man!"

Ah yes. The fighting. I tried my best not to listen to them and atleast try to enjoy my food but that task wasn't so easy for me. ' I swear I won't be like them when I grow up. ' I thought. I washed my plate in the kitchen and went to the living room to watch some TV. I keep flipping through the channels to find something that might peak my interest, no luck so far. I took a glance at my parents, who are still fighting. I couldn't help but start to wonder why we couldn't be like the other families...

No fights...



I looked away from them and started to imagine a whole other family, where everything was fine.... Where everything actually felt like I was with my family....

But I know that's not gonna happen. The older I get, the more awful things I'll see and hear. I should really stop this daydreaming and start to look at reality....

*When Topaz was 18 years old*

I met someone who I thought would give me the love, affection and care that I didn't have when I was still a child.

How many times am I going to be wrong.

"C'mon Babe! Let me see more of you!" He said trying to pry my clothes off "Take off that make up and those clothes~" He added "No! I don't want to! Can't you see that, Liam?!" I shouted while pushing him off "Do you not trust me??" He said while getting back up to his feet "You know I love you, right?" He walked towards me while saying that, I backed up until I hit the wall "Your beautiful, Your skin is golden~ if I could, I'd show the whole damn world~" He said while taking off my jacket

"The only thing that's missing...."

"Please.... I don't want to do it again...."

"Is that pretty little mouth of yours to be shut~"

∆ after 'that' ∆

HE was asleep while I was in the bathroom, sobbing. He didn't listen. Why did I think he was the right one?...

I looked at myself in the mirror. Messy hair, bite marks on my neck from that excuse of a man, red puffy eyes, tear stains on my cheeks.

"I don't want to be his toy.... I'm more than just my damn body...." I said to myself while putting on the rest of my clothes back on, making sure I don't wake HIM up. I wrote him note that said that we're breaking up. I grabbed my stuff and ran out of his house while still crying a bit. I keep remembering how many times he did that to me.

Life is just cruel, isn't it?.

*A few days before Topaz fell into the Underground, she's 21*

I'm sitting on my couch, still remembering what they did to me. I couldn't even talk to anyone after that incident with that horrible excuse of a man, Liam. I really do have a fucked up brain. I can't even atleast forget about what my parents kept doing even though it's been fuckin' YEARS. Though I don't want to forget their faces when they saw me leave the house for good.

Heh, I really wanted to make them feel bad when they go to sleep.

To make them sad when they remember me.

And I really wanted to make Liam feel bad for what he did to me.

I hope they lie there in their misery.

I sat up from my couch and looked outside my window to see people happily talking, taking their peaceful walks.... While I'm over here still fighting for all I have lost even though it's pointless.... I still wanted to go back to the good days....

Where my family wasn't fighting....

Where I was happily talking to my friends before Liam came....

I sighed and just grabbed a cigarette from the pack I bought, lit it up and put it between my lips. I know smoking kills but... For some reason I just love how it feels.....

Besides death can come knocking at my door anytime and I wouldn't mind.

After about five minutes, I took the cigarette out of my mouth, and put it out. I sighed and went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. "Sheesh I look like a mess..." I said to myself. I suddenly remembered when I could hardly breathe.

When Liam would choke me while I BEGGED him to stop and for some reason I still stayed with him for a few more months. Thinking he'd change. But he never did.

When my parents always fought and fought, I felt like I was being suffocated from the amount of times I felt like it was my fault they were like that.

"What the hell am I doing to myself?.." I said while looking at the mirror, angrily. That's when I couldn't handle the frustration I felt and punched my mirror, shattering it. I hissed a bit in pain, feeling my knuckles get bruised and the glass cutting my hand. I could still feel my hand so thankfully it didn't sever any nerves.

I sighed and walked to my room and bandaged my hand up. When I was done a laid in my bed, too many thoughts going around in my head. But then one thought caught my attention.

"Hmm... Whoever climbs Mt. Ebott never return huh?..."

"Let's go pay it a visit then."

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