Kuroko's Basketball OC #2

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Name: Shion Momoi

Nicknames: ShiShi, little one (Akashi), Shi-chin (Murasakibara), Shicchi (Kise), pinkie (Aomine), Shi-kun (Kuroko and Midorima), Nii-chan (Satsuki)

Gender: male

Age: 16

Nationality: Japanese

Height: 5'5

Weight: 119lbs

Sexuality: gay

Personality: Shion is a lively type of person who loves to have a good time with his friends and enjoy every moment that he can with them. He can be a bit clumsy at times but always picks himself back up again, not letting anything get him down or stop him. He just isn't the type to quit at all since quitters never win. He is a music protege and is always one to move people when playing any instrument, especially the violin. When around others that he doesn't really know, he can have a bit of a cold side, not really knowing how to handle himself well. This tends to make others scared of him in a way but after he knows they won't hurt him or judge him, he turns back into his bubbly, happy self. In some ways though, he tends to kind of act like a puppet when doing any bidding for Akashi himself. He could never say no to the older at all. He respects him and the other generation of miracles, having been so close to all of them when being a co-manager with his twin. He isn't one to go against any of their wishes. Just being around all of them makes him really happy. He enjoys their company, having a special relationship which each one of them.

Likes: GOM, sweets, music and playing any instruments that he can, especially violin, taking naps, animals, helping out with the basketball and having the same ability like his twin, nice chill days while hanging out with friends

Dislikes: bullies, his twin at times since she can be a little annoying but he still loves her, anyone who messes with the GOM, being alone, super hot days since he easily gets sick from the heat, when he is bored and has nothing to do

Fears: failing Akashi and the other GOM, when he doesn't place in a recital (which is very rare), being alone and left out, bees (he doesn't want to get stung at all)

School: Rakuzan

Year: 1st year

Club: music but is also the team manager for the Rakuzan basketball team


Background: Shion is the twin of Satsuki, only being about a couple minutes older than her. Upon going to Teiko, he meets all of the Generation of Miracles, instantly taking to them and starting his own different friendships with each of them. Even though he doesn't play the sport, he has the same ability like his twin, able to analyze each player and see their full potential that they had for the court. Though, he knew that each GOM player were something else compared to the others. Their potential was through the roof. Seeing their skills and how they played amazed him. While also being a co-manager for the basketball team, Shion also had his music talents and was apart of the music program they had at the school. He was a natural at any instrument he played, moving everyone with every piece he has ever played. They all call him a music protege, saying he could go across the world to grace others with his talents. That was a good opportunity but he wanted to stay in Japan and be able to at least go to high school and graduate before he did worldwide traveling. Besides, he didn't want to leave his friends at all. He knew that Akashi wouldn't have allowed that either since it would upset the other. It would upset all of them if he were to leave. Upon graduating middle school, Akashi requested that he go to school with him to be the team manager for Rakuzan and made his twin go off with Aomine to Tōō. It saddened him that all the GOM wouldn't be at the same school but noticed how they all changed during the end of their middle school days as well towards each other. Of course, they all treated him the same since they didn't want to upset him but he knew that they needed to grow themselves and be away from each other until they came back together once again. He knew that it would happen. And when it does, he wants to be there to cheer them on.

Crush: any of the GOM

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