My Hero Academia OC #3

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Name: Souta Kikuchi

Nationality: Japanese

Age: 20

Gender: male

Sexuality: bisexual

Birthday: April 4

Backstory: Souta was born in a small town in Japan to a quirkless family who didn't really mind not having powers. They went about their ordinary lives like everyone else. He grew up going to school and playing with friends. He did think quirks were cool but came to terms with not having one which was fine to him. When he was 10, he somehow got into the crossfire of a battle between heroes and a nasty villain. The villain had saw him and captured him, using his quirk on him which made him feel all weird inside and faint instantly. In his subconscious space, that's when he came to meet Enchanter, the demon spirit that now lived in him. Enchanter wasn't happy about having a new host to possess but it is what it is. Souta got scared as Enchanter smirks at him and said he was going to have some fun with his body before he woke up in the hospital. His body felt like it had been hit by a truck as his parents rushed over to make sure he was ok. He was told that he had been in a coma for about a month, the doctors not knowing what the villain had done to him. Though, a few weeks later, it was shown when Enchanter had taken over Souta's body after he got upset over getting a bad grade in school. Enchanter was about to curse the teacher for what happened before Souta begged him in his unconscious realm to stop it. Enchanter had listened before Souta came back to his senses. When he did, everyone was afraid of him, some kids were crying and screaming while others were glaring at him and calling him a monster. Soon after, that's when the hate letters and threats came to him and his family. Even his own parents couldn't look at him the same. Whenever Enchanter came out, it made everything worse, so bad that an angry group of people had formed, wanting to run Souta out of town. The poor boy didn't know what to do so he packed up as much of his belongings as he could before he left his house, running to escape from it all. When he was far enough from his hometown, he found an abandon alleyway, slumping down against the wall. He finally let all the tears come out as he cried, Enchanter somewhat trying to cheer him up but not helping at all. That was until a man came down the alleyway and saw him, asking the boy what was wrong. He explains everything to the mysterious man, just crying some more as he did so. The man, All for One, gave the boy a gentle smile and extended out his hand, telling him that he could stay with him. He wasn't one to judge the boy at all. Souta was a bit iffy at first but slowly accepted the offer and heading to where the man lived. That's when he met Shigaraki and his new life began.

Personality: When Souta was younger, he was a bubbly kid who liked to hang out with his friends. He was really outgoing and always wanted to try new things. Pretty much a happy kid growing up without a care in the world. Didn't even mind that he didn't possess a quirk either. But after he had been cursed and now shares his body with a demon spirit, he slowly stopped being that bubbly and happy kid. Now he is all meek and shy, scared to show himself to any new people that he doesn't trust. He has become a bit closed off since society really tried to mess him up. The only people he really trusts is the league of villains. They accept him for who he is, demon spirit possessed and all. He is grateful to have them in his life.
As for Enchanter, he is a cocky type of demon who doesn't take shit from anyone. He does what he wants, whenever he wants though with Souta's permission of course. He has really bonded with Souta over time, him really protective of the smaller. If anything were to happen to him, he takes over and instantly shuts whoever it is down. He can be rude and has a bit of a foul mouth, really having no filter at all. But he is very caring and kind to Souta, not really liking to admit it out loud though. No one can mess with his host body.

Likes: reading, watching tv, taking naps, hanging out with the league of villains, eating sweets, getting to know Enchanter and growing closer to the demon spirit, learning and trying new things, somewhat stay active and not be lazy, comfortable clothing

Dislikes: being an outcast, having to leave his family and friends, heroes since they didn't help him, that he can't really trust people anymore, going out in public since he doesn't want anyone to know his identity, vegetables, people being scared of Enchanter, when he isn't productive and doing something

Quirk: quirkless but is possessed by a demon spirit

Demon Spirit:

Demon Spirit's name: Enchanter

Demon Spirit's powers: dark magic, able to curse people if they wrong him and can even cause great damage if not contained well; the league of villains secret weapon to use

Strengths: can curse anyone he comes into contact with if they do something against him or Souta, can cause great damage if really pissed off, even can cause an apocalyptic catastrophe if necessary but he would never go to that much lengths even though the league of villains would be satisfied if he did

Weaknesses: in a way Souta since he dots on the other and cares about his well-being; the people back in Souta's hometown are trying to find ways to kill off Enchanter in order to get Souta back but the villain he caused this won't share how to get rid of the demon spirit, not a lot of info is known about who the demon spirit really is

Hero or Villain: somewhat a villain but not entirely; taken in by the league of villains since society wants to get rid of him because of his demon spirit side he is possessed with

Crush: Dabi

Friends: the league of villains since they accept him


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