Taiyō Yamamoto [Rokami]

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"welcome to our freak show, come meet my monsters. oh, such a fine collection of stranger things."

-freak by sub urban

Full name-

taiyō yamamoto

Name Meaning-

*the name taiyō is a unisex name of japanese origin meaning 'sun'. it can also be spelt as taiyou.
*yamamoto (written: 山本 lit. "base of the mountain") is the 9th most common japanese surname.


tai, yō, mystic, ro, ai, rotai, sun, sunshine, sun child, red, sun at the base of the mountain, beast, ruby, starshine


half scottish, half japanese




october 26


Scorpio-born are passionate and assertive people. They are determined and decisive, and will research until they find out the truth. Scorpio is a great leader, always aware of the situation and also features prominently in resourcefulness.
Scorpio is a Water sign and lives to experience and express emotions. Although emotions are very important for Scorpio, they manifest them differently than other water signs. In any case, you can be sure that the Scorpio will keep your secrets, whatever they may be.
Pluto is the planet of transformation and regeneration, and also the ruler of this zodiac sign. Scorpios are known by their calm and cool behavior, and by their mysterious appearance. People often say that Scorpio-born are fierce, probably because they understand very well the rules of the universe. Some Scorpio-born can look older than they actually are. They are excellent leaders because they are very dedicated to what they do. Scorpios hate dishonesty and they can be very jealous and suspicious, so they need to learn how to adapt more easily to different human behaviors. Scorpios are brave and therefore they have a lot of friends.


quirked human

Birth Place-

tokyo, japan

Current Living-

shizuoka prefecture

Social Status-

high class



Blood Type-

type b+

Sexual Orientation-





sun beast


taiyo has a wide variety of likes which range from common to uncommon. she has a large attraction toward antique buildings. the building doesn't need to be ancient for her to like it, but buildings from the 1900's are always her favorite. she enjoys urban exploration, so anytime that she's free, she'll grab her ghost equipment and go urban exploring. usually she'll go by herself but sometimes her grandma insists on going with her. she enjoys exploring abandoned buildings as well as abandoned tunnels. her sense of smell allows her to be able sense her away around so she doesn't get lost. besides urban exploring, she enjoys nature as well as the animals that surround. if she has the chance, then she'll take her pets for walks that pass through forest. she enjoys spending time outside, even if her skin doesn't agree with it. since she's almost always outside, she will take her polaroid camera and take pictures. they always end up coming out aesthetic-ish so she hangs them up on her walls. she enjoys decorating, which can be obvious by the way she lays out her furniture. she puts a bunch of plants everywhere since she believe they lighten the room. so since she had so many plants, it's obvious she adores them. she even named them.


its obvious that taiyo has a dislike for people who can't fight their own battles. she has always been the person that finishes her fights, sometimes even starting them. if a girl (or man) can't take care of themselves then it infuriates her. she thinks that weak people should be put down, and lay to rest 6 feet underground. people who insist sleeping with someone helps their happiness makes her want to strangle them. anyone who gets close to her or touches her, she will throw hands. any sort of physical contact like hugging creeps her out and she gets feral.


taking care of animals, playing video games, starting fights, taking care of pets, donating to different charities, creating outfits for herself and others, drawing fashion outfits, fashion designing, sewing up rips in her siblings clothes, going to museums, training, working out

"shut up, count your calories."


[this is my art, which you may not use without permission]

Looks Described-

taiyo is a short female who stands at 5'7 with animal ears that barely make her height. she has a thin structure with no muscle to make up for the skin and bone on her arm and legs. she has very small muscle, but nothing to be overly proud about. her chest is flat, but she has a average sized butt that someone could bounce a coin off of. her skin is pale ivory with pink pigments on different parts of her body. there's very feint freckles on her shoulders, but the notable ones are on her face. her face is thin with big blue eyes that shimmer like the surface of the ocean. they have an almost dull look whenever she has a straight face, but when she smiles, they shimmer. her hair is a bright red and goes to her shoulders. the front of it hangs just above her breasts. her face is littered in freckles that travel from her nose to her cheeks. with her features, she is equipped with a fluffy red tail and fluffy red ears.

Hair Color-


Hair Texture-

slight wave

Eye Color-


Skin Color-


Body Type-


Nose Type-






Scars/ Blemishes/ Freckles-

freckles on her cheeks



Casual Outfit-

Formal Outfit-


"she smells of cherry filling mixed with the sweet scent of vanilla frosting. her lips taste of strawberries, and poisonous words."

Voice Claim-


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


General Personality-

taiyo is an extremely selfish person, putting herself before anyone. her past made her into a selfish person, since the last time she was selfless, it backfired. despite her being selfish, she is loyal, bright, but confident. she is loyal to those that are loyal to her, but she doesn't go to far with her loyalty. if someone is in trouble, or in danger, she will go out of her way to protect them. she would fight tooth and claw for them, to get them to safety. despite that though, she would never kill for anyone. it isn't that she's afraid to kill, if she has to, then she would, she just doesn't want someone's blood on her hands if it means protecting someone that wouldn't do the same. she learned at a young age that no matter how loyal someone is, the other wouldn't do the same for her. loyalty should be split equally, distributed in equal parts. her loyalty— she believes people need to earn that. even though she wouldn't kill for anyone, she is one of the most loyal, loving people to a friend. besides loyal, she is confident in her ability with her quirk and herself. she doesn't believe she's perfect, no human is. when she first gets to ketsubutsu, she thoroughly believes she didn't want friends. she didn't want any. though people kept pushing their way into her life. though, she can come off very cold and distant.


it's hard for taiyo to properly express herself since she never had the opportunity to do so. she didn't fully have friends until she hit the age of fourteen due to home school. if she was going to be kind, then it would be to objects like stuffed animals or actual animals. she spends her time with animals since they are the only company she likes. being able to communicate with animals is a perk, since they all have interesting stories. she doesn't waste her time with humans, she doesn't like hanging out with them. there isn't really a friend she had that she would waste her energy on. when it comes to people like teachers or her family, she does offer treats but nothing that's too out of her way. she wouldn't spend money for people, most of her money is for herself so that she can get away from her siblings one day.


it's hard for taiyo to be able to feel any sort of positive emotion, but she can feel balanced. whenever she wants to be somewhere at peace, she takes herself to the forest to be by herself. being by herself surrounded by nature's puts her in a state of peace, and it's obvious by her expressions. her ears will twitch with the occasion tail wag. her nose would twitch with an occasional nose scrunch that no one talks about. being alone in that sort of peaceful bubble makes her happy.


unlike most people, taiyo is extremely obvious when she's upset. her ears will point down while her tail tucks between her legs. since her quirk is so sensitive, she has a tendency to transform into her beast form and curl into a ball. if she's upset in public, then she'll dig her claws into her shoulder to ease her pain. it isn't moral to self destruct, but it's the only way she knows how to cope. she doesn't want to be the type that cries in the middle of class, or show it. due to her extensions, they end up giving her away. so when she's upset in public, she'll distance herself by going to the bathroom or locking herself in a empty classroom. it's not the best way to cope, but it's a lot better than talking to people. she won't ever honestly admit when she feels the way she does, but she tries to get through that. it's hard for her to be honest, no matter how hard she tries, she physically can't bring herself to trust.


it's hard for taiyo to trust anyone since her brother took everything, but she tries. she tries to trust people enough to be their friend but that trust depletes when someone hurts her. people have a tendency to lie, cheat, manipulate, and she can sense all of that. it begins to become exhausting overtime, so eventually she gave up on trying to make friends all together. once she got to ketsubutsu, she ended up being able to make friend. when she has friends, she's dedicated and trusted. she will go out of her way to protect the person, but she won't open up. being trusting is a big step for her, telling secrets for her is a big step. she won't ever tell anyone about her life, her story, her problems, not if that. she doesn't think any of that stuff is anyone's problems. so even though she would have friends, she wouldn't treat them as such. more like, glorified team up buddies.


when it comes to shame, taiyo is very familiar with the feeling. she doesn't mean to feel guilt as often as she does, but she can't help but feel it. ever since the fire, she had a tendency to hold onto that. there isn't anything that makes her feel true shame other than that night. her stomach drops anytime she sees fire, and it sets her straight into that same mind set. she has a tendency to hold onto things she says to a person, and it sprouts into guilt. when she gives pep talks and it makes the person upset, she starts to feel bad since she doesn't know what to say. anything that upset anyone to a point of hurt, she feels bad. she has every intention to be violent sometimes but not when she's giving pep talks.


if someone is in a deep state of being upset or feeling lost, taiyo has a tendency to feel for that person. she wouldn't ever give them a pep talk since she isn't good with words, but she'll being very passive. if the person isn't her friend, then she'll give them a sad expression but she wouldn't go up to them. not many people really talk to her since she's so unapproachable, so she doesn't have many friends. if the person is her friend, then she'll give the person an extremely weak pep talk. the person ends up feeling worse after the pep talk, but they know at least she tried. sometimes she can find the right words, but it ends up coming off very aggressive at times. she does mean well, it's just the way she is.


taiyo finds it hard to express her emotions in a healthy way, but she manages to do it. sometimes it's completely by accident. whenever she's near someone, or something she loves, she has a tendency to act overly confident. it's a bit passive aggressive, but she'll puff out her chest and swish her tail to show off. when it comes to yo, she'll constantly stick by his side even though it ends up turning into a fight for them. fighting is her way of showing her affection, since she doesn't know anyway else to do it. if the person she likes is mean like her, then she'll bicker with them back and forth. her body betrays her sometimes because her tail will start to wag and her arts will flip to a shy stand. her face has a tendency to turn a deep red color when she's with the person.

Mental Illness-

depression, anxiety, ocd, ptsd

Good Habits-

always on time, makes sure everything is in order, strives to make herself better in combat, coping in healthy ways when it comes to anxiety, drawing when anxious, playing with animals when she's upset, using rubber band trick

Bad Habits-

chewing nails, biting her bottom lip until they're red, tearing at paper, starving herself, forcing herself to distance from people, clawing into her shoulders, clawing into her arms, biting the skin around her nails, pulling at her hair when she's crying, pulling at her hair in general, clawing at her desk , smoking weed


"my motivation is to prove that i'm worth something more than a silver spoon and a privileged life style."

Q U I R K / J O B

Quirk Name-

sun beast

Quirk Description-

this quirk allows the user to be able to transform into a mystic beast. they may not transform into any other creature besides the one they are assigned to. with the quirk, she is able to hear better and have cat like reflexes. her strength is only activated in her quirk form, since naturally she is weak. the way she activates her quirk is that she needs to hold her hand out and form a orb that looks like a miniature sun. as it forms, her hair slowly fades to a sunset orange color while her body begins to slowly morph. when the orb is at full form (which is the size of a tennis ball), she has to devour it and she can go to her beast form. the orb forms by sunlight, which ends up being a downfall when there isn't any sun.

Quirk Drawback-

if there is no sunlight in the vicinity, then she physically cannot form. if there is no sun in her beast form, she gets forced back into her normal form. her skin is very sensitive to sun, which is due to her quirk, but she's able to maintain being in the sun. though, this means that her cheeks always have a sunburn on them.

Ultimate Finishers-

sunflare bolt-
the user harnesses a charged light attack which makes their fur appear to be aflame. they can almost look close to a Phoenix, but this distract from their attack. she will blind the person temporarily which she will take to account by knocking out the person.



Hero Name-


Reason for being a hero-

"I was told that I would never be a hero, that my quirk could be used for bad, so I want to prove that's not true."

Hero Outfit-

The Outfit Explanation-

she wants to be a bad bitch even in battle


yokai agency


hero course, yokai agency, second year at ketsubutsu

S T A T S / 6
















Love Interest-

katsuki bakugo


yo shindo

How You Met-

they met on their first day of school, though the meeting was a little forced upon them. they stirred up trouble by accident when they slammed into each other. it had definitely been on mistake, but still, taiyo got absolutely pissed that her stuff got knocked over.

What You Are-

they're barely friends but bakugo and her are best friends but they don't say anything about it. it's more of a private agreement they have.

Reason For Loving Them-

the way that he feigns kindness towards those is what she finds attractive. deception had many perks, especially since he comes off as a teddy bear until battle. same as her.


yo shindo, eijiro

Best Friends-

katsuki bakugo










father: hugo yamamoto
age: 42
quirk: sun wolf
status: deceased
hugo was born in Scotland on farm land. he was raised by an extremely abusive mother and a coping father. he is the only child of his family, and it's the reason why he has always been independent. some of the hatred of his family resonated with him, even as he had his own children. he moved from Scotland to japan where he met pom. the first child was ven, who he automatically despised. no matter how hard he tried to love his first born, it was impossible. as each child came, his hate turned into absolutely envy. each child was a memory to who he as, apart of him. his distance turned each and every kid against him, which led to the downfall of the yamamoto family estate. he was killed in the fire, along with most of the yamamoto clan.

[not my art]

mother: pom yamamoto
age: 40
quirk: shape shifter
status: deceased
pom was born in japan, where she was born by her parents but raised by her grandparents. her parents are kind people, although they just travel a lot. she learns to forgive them, even inviting them back in her life when she sees them next. as she grew up, she discovered what poverty felt like. even though her family offered help, she wanted to be the one to bring herself up. so as she moved on, she began to think of a future business, what she could earn money for. with just a loan and a cheap apartment, she built a business that served for making hero equipment. as she hired more employees and came with more designs, she automatically skyrocketed. it wasn't until she met hugo, till she learned how to invest her money into better savings. so when they began to grow, she didn't realize that he was stealing her money. when she discovered this, she confronted him, and was manipulated into having pity when he told his story. so she forgave him. this led to them becoming lovers and having kids. she was always a loving mother, and tended to them with love. though her love couldn't protect them from the trauma that came with her death by the yamamoto estate fire.

[not my art]

sister: xeno yamamoto
age: 15
quirk: shape shifter
status: alive
even as xeno entered the sweet life of the yamamoto family, she was always cursed with being different. she never learned how to speak, since she wasn't blessed with that sort of ability. even though she wants to talk, her fear of making people angry halts her. she never learned sign language, but she knew how to write, so she took her thoughts to paper. for her silence, she hid a brilliant mind that not many can come by. since she was the youngest, she wasn't seen for the future, or having a potential good future. she kept her talents a secret from everyone besides taiyo. taiyo would read hours of her writing, and she was surprised. for her age, she was gifted with natural talents, but not the words to express them. when the yamamoto estate fire happened; she was severely damaged in the flames. half of her body was burned, and her psyche was destroyed. she is being held in a hospital in a comatose state, and has been in one for many years since the fire.

[not my art]

brother: ven yamamoto
age: 21
quirk: red wolf
status: alive
ven is the oldest yamamoto sibling of xeno and taiyo. when he was born, his care was automatically handed over to his mother and the nanny. there was no true fatherly figure in his life, the only one making him believe he was nothing. he was born to be manipulate but he was good at hiding it. he became jealous of his siblings and very slowly began to formulate a plan. it was a plan to destroy his family. he manipulate taiyo into thinking her quirk was under control when he was trying to manifest it into something evil. no matter that, it didn't end up working. so when he figured out she accidentally activates her quirk in pain, he used that to his advantage to make her use her quirk to start the yamamoto estate fire.

[not my art]







taiyo was born and raised in tokyo, japan where she lived in the yamamoto estate. it's structures were ancient, yet they were beautiful. the estate had been passed to pom, who had made the inside seem almost timeless. ven had been raised in the estate, knowing each and every corridor and secret. there were more secret tunnels and hiding spots that he can count. taiyo has eventually found them all herself. there had been a crawl space that she was oddly fond of, and it was a go to hiding spot in hide and seek. whenever she wanted alone time, she would go to that spot. it was often that she did that, especially since her dad was explosive and mean.
the hiding spot was known to her mother, but her mom never exposed it. ven and xeno, not her father knew about it, and taiyo was thankful for that. the first time she was a victim to her dads abuse, taiyo would go to the hiding spot and her mom would go with her. they would spend hours and hours in that hiding spot, sometimes talking about school and about work. she was a young kid, on 6, but she was able to converse like an adult. having a father who enforced no childhood forced that upon her.
going to school was a little hard for her. every time she would come to school with claw marks on her shoulders and arms, which were all self inflicted. those self inflicted wounds ended up getting her bullied. they weren't her being emotional, she just had a tendency to do that to herself. when she's upset, she would hold herself and dig her nails into the blades of her shoulders. her mother taught her at 7 to be able to cope a better way when upset. she taught her to use her hurt and turn it into art, or into words. she wrote her first poem at 7, but she never showed anyone.


as she began to grow more in school, she didn't realize she had a quirk. she never had the opportunity to be able to learn how to use it, but her older brother ven mentioned it to her. he had asked her if she had a quirk. she knew about them since the school seemed to teach kids how to control them. her brother was 13, and he was curious about the idea of quirks. her quirk, at least. xeno knew about her own quirk but she didn't like to use it. if she used it then she would be afraid of what she would use it for. taiyo wasn't sure though, she never had the chance to know. her mother nor father ever gave her the idea to learn. so when she got home from school on her 8th birthday, ven taught her how to use a quirk. her quirk has turned her into a creature that wasn't in catalogues, a creature that could harness sunlight and use it as a weapon.
her brother helped her use her quirk, but in secret. they would go to the woods behind the estate everyday after school and practice. as they practice, she began to master her quirk; able to harness it to perfection. her brother would give her a scratch behind the ears every time she did a good job. though, he would always make fun of her for not knowing she had a quirk since she had the ears and tail. it should've been obvious due to that, but they never got the chance to test it out.
when taiyo turned 12, her brother had began to change. it was a subtle change that taiyo hadn't notice at first, since it was gentle things. in the very middle of january, ven greeted taiyo after school. something had been odd with him, though he had always seemed odd to her. their father had always been hard on him, ranging from bruises, and drunken screaming sessions. their mother could've offered so much, but ven was far gone from trusting his parents. ven had brought taiyo to her bedroom, and closed the door. he had said he wanted her to practice her quirk in the house, but she knew her quirk was dangerous to closed areas. her quirk had destroyed trees in her wake, but not on purpose. he had done something that activated her panic mode. he had started to pour burning wax on her arms, and it activated her panic mode. she had forced herself to activate her quirk since the sun was shining onto her skin, and her skin begin to blaze. ven had neglected to mention that the room had been doused in oil, grease, salt, many things that help fires. the vintage wall paper had started to burn, then the foundation, and taiyo had tried to escape. she ended up escaping, as well as ven, and xeno, as much as she could. Hugo had put as much energy as he could to get her out, he had transformed into his beast form and dragged her out. it was the last thing he had done before he had crumpled to the grass and passed. pom was not so lucky. the only thing remaining from her was the rosary cross that her parents gave her. it was passed down to taiyo. the only thing that hugo had remaining was the ring he always wore on his finger, as well as his journal. none of his children wanted it, but taiyo took it anyway. she wears the sun stone ring, and she had forgave her father, especially after she read the journal.


with only grandparents left, taiyo was put in their home, who owned the second branch of a yamamoto estate. it was a lot smaller than the original, but they had a plan to rebuild it. xeno was put in the hospital, only being powered by a breathing machine. ven was put in a psych ward where he will remain until he turns 18. as soon as he's 18, he would get a trial. when he finally turned 18, they agreed to put him in life in jail but protected. since taiyo had been a victim, she got minor punishments, but they knew that it wasn't her fault. she was put back in school, and she studied and trained to be able to be a hero. she applied to ketsubutsu. she held onto what happened, and was scared of trusting anyone. she was scared to use her quirk but her grandparents counseled her to motivate her.
her past traveled to school, and kids accused her of purposefully starting the fire. she didn't deny this since there was no justifying how it looked. if people had an opinion, then one can't change it. she knows her truth, there was no need to justify herself. when she got to ketsubutsu, she had done hard to ignore people. she was going to focus on herself and school. her teachers started to worry for her, since she didn't like to be near anyone. she didn't want to work with anyone. she felt she was perfect with being by herself. though the kids around her forced their way into her life. an old friend she knew in grade school had come back to her life. katsuki had been at the provisionals, and she had been extremely surprised to see him. as he had too.


"please don't touch me, the last person that touched me ended up setting my whole family on fire."

"as much as I want to love you, I can't help but think about when you're going to end up leaving."

"the only person I trust is myself and my grandma, so please, stop trying to be my friend."

"don't try and act like you can't fight your own battles, you're not weak."

"fuck you, and fuck your thigh highs."


*taiyo visits her fathers grave often as well as her mothers.
*ven reaches out to taiyo very often which she doesn't want.
*taiyo lives with her grandparents in their family estate.
*xeno is in a home since her psyche was destroyed due to the fire.
*ven is in prison but gets privileged phone calls.
*taiyo attends ketsubutsu but visits ua to walk with bakugo.
*the only person that taiyo trusts is her grandparents and xeno.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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