Wendy "Red" Wilson

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P  E  R  S  O  N  A  L
"i just want my soul to be free."

-I spoke to the devil in miami

Full name-

wendy 'red' jane wilson

Name Meaning-

* The name Wendy means Friend Or Blessed Ring and is of English origin. Wendy is a name that's been used primarily by parents who are considering baby names for girls. Made popular by J M Barrie in the novel Peter Pan, from a small girl who referred to him as her "Friendy Wendy" or friend.
* Origin: English. Meaning: God Is Gracious. The name Jane means God Is Gracious and is of English origin.
* Wilson is an English and Scottish surname, common in the English-speaking world. The name is derived from a patronymic form of Will, a popular medieval name. ... Possibly the most common of these names was William, derived from elements wil and helm, meaning "desire" and "helmet", "protection".


red, babydoll, doll, red riding hood, wends, wilson


half german, half american




january 27


aquarius- born are shy and quiet , but on the other hand they can be eccentric and energetic. However, in both cases, they are deep thinkers and highly intellectual people who love helping others. They are able to see without prejudice, on both sides, which makes them people who can easily solve problems.
Although they can easily adapt to the energy that surrounds them, Aquarius-born have a deep need to be some time alone and away from everything, in order to restore power. People born under the Aquarius sign, look at the world as a place full of possibilities.
Aquarius is an air sign, and as such, uses his mind at every opportunity. If there is no mental stimulation, they are bored and lack a motivation to achieve the best result.
The ruling planet of Aquarius, Uranus has a timid, abrupt and sometimes aggressive nature, but it also gives Aquarius visionary quality. They are capable of perceiving the future and they know exactly what they want to be doing five or ten years from now.
Uranus also gave them the power of quick and easy transformation, so they are known as thinkers, progressives and humanists. They feel good in a group or a community, so they constantly strive to be surrounded by other people.
The biggest problem for Aquarius-born is the feeling that they are limited or constrained. Because of the desire for freedom and equality for all, they will always strive to ensure freedom of speech and movement. Aquarius-born have a reputation for being cold and insensitive persons, but this is just their defence mechanism against premature intimacy. They need to learn to trust others and express their emotions in a healthy way.



Birth Place-

washington dc

Current Living-

hawkins, indiana

Social Status-

middle class



Blood Type-

type b+

Sexual Orientation-





wendy finds herself liking many things that most others do not. she's very much into collectibles since her mother was a big fan of collecting cute object. collecting things just feels so satisfying, but it does depend on what it is. she collects small objects that she finds such as tiny tea sets or small objects such as acorns and tiny leaves. she finds it enjoyable to keep them since others may not have uses for them. she collects vinyl records to put on her wall, and sometimes to listen. they have a timeless feel to them, so everyday she goes to the record store to take a look at the vinyls. she enjoys music, as well as singing. if she has the time, then she'll usually pull out her guitar to sing, or just to strum the cords. it's extremely satisfying to her just to play an instrument. when she was younger, she had actually played the violin. it wasn't enjoyable for her, but she did play it. she still knows how to play, but that doesn't mean she'll pull out a violin and just rock it.


n/a, there isn't anything that she dislikes.


drawing, playing guitar, playing with her tiny zen garden, playing hockey with friends, soccer, track, sports, collecting vinyls, collecting small objects, listening to music, reading books

"I wanna ruin our friendship, I wanna be lovers instead."

-jenny by studio killers


Looks Described-

wendy is a fairly tall woman who stands at 5'9 and weighs about 170 pounds. she has an hourglass structure with partially muscular shoulders and strong arms. her legs are long and curvy from running in track. her butt is average sized while her bust is medium. her skin is the color of ivory pale with soft pigments of pink on her cheeks and nose. her skin has dots of freckles and moles every so often. she has a partially thin face with a sharp jawline. her lips are plump and always has red or burgundy lip stick on. her nose is narrow and pointed, in a nice sort of way. her blue eyes are almond shaped and always have some sort of eyeliner on. it isn't supremely dramatic since she would get made fun of. her hair is black and wavy. it reaches just below her shoulders with a wavy texture. her bangs are always shown with a red bandana wrapped around her head like a headband.

Hair Color-


Hair Texture-


Eye Color-

oceanic blue

Skin Color-

pale ivory

Body Type-


Nose Type-






Scars/ Blemishes/ Freckles-

freckles along her nose



Casual Outfit-

Formal Outfit-



"she smells on sunshine and honey dew, mixed within a mango tempura of lust."

Voice Claim-

vanessa hudgins

"though it's you, I watch tv, while I lie awake."

-as the world caves in

General Personality-

wendy is a very kind person who makes sure to make people around her feel safe. she doesn't want her friends to get hurt, so she would take a hit for them. her fighting spirit makes up for her past cowardliness, so one can always count on her. she is brave in times of need, and doesn't cower under pressure. when exposed to danger, she will always fight head on. in dire situations, she is usually the one that will pick up a close weapon and attack the being. in fights, she wants to end them as quickly as she can so that she doesn't overly harm the person. if her friends are in trouble, she will take one for the team and throw herself in front of the enemy. she doesn't expect anything in return for sacrifice, just that the person remembers her. usually, the person ends up pulling her with them anytime she tries to offer herself up, which isn't anything she expects. despite her need to protect her friends, she is actually really kind. she always wants to gift her friends treats or stuffed animals.


there are multiple ways to show kindness, and Wendy prefers to do all of them. she's the type of person that will remember a persons birthday and even plan their birthday party. she will use her own expenses to make sure everything happens, and sometimes people know this. they'll take advantage of her kindness and do something that'll go over her head. she knows though, but she doesn't care. she wants her friends to feel as though she cares for them. if she doesn't see a smile on their face then she feels as though she has made a mistake. despite this, her friends know that she cared about them. she likes to take her friends out for food whenever she has the chance to do so. spoiling them brings her joy, as well as makes her feel good. seeing people smile and be happy makes her feel good. making people smile is something she looks forward to doing, in fact it's something that pushes her to live.


when wendy is sad, she makes sure to do something that'll alter the feeling. she doesn't want people to worry about her— even though it ends up hurting her more. asking for helping is something that's extremely hard for her, even if the help is needed. she does have a tendency to lock herself away so that it doesn't affect the people that she hangs out with. she does have a couple coping mechanisms that help her when she's down. one of them is drawing. usually she carries around a pen or a marker with her so that she can have a utensil to draw with. if there isn't any paper or surface to draw on, she will openly draw on her arm. she will try and make those around her smile so that it makes her feel satisfied. just to take herself away from the situation, she has a tendency to just pretend like she's not sad. she'll bury her feelings until she completely forgets about them. sometimes her friends can tell that she's doing this, but they never say anything about it.


wendy has a tendency to be very obvious whenever she has feelings for someone. she openly wants to be by them even though it can be to an excessive level. if they don't have money for lunch, then she'll purchase lunch for them. if they want something at a convenient store, then she'll purchase it for them. whatever they want, she'll get it for them. it's not to an extreme level to where they'll be annoyed, but it is quite often. she often asks them if they want to study or if they want to hang out. if they're genuinely busy then she doesn't press, nor does she press at all. it isn't fair to force people to hang with her. If the person she likes is in danger, then she would sacrifice herself for them. she wants to do everything in her power to protect them. if she dies, then at least they'd still get the chance to live. she would never wish for them to be in pain, or to feel pain. if they need help then she would be there in a flash.

Mental Illness-

depression, anxiety

Good Habits-

honesty, being blunt about how she feels, always on time, always there for her friends, being transparent, being thorough, drawing when she's sad

Bad Habits-

chewing nails, scratching at her arms, burying her nails in her shoulders, chewing on the skin around her nails, pulling out strands of hair when she's stressed, stressful eating, compulsive eating, hiding her feelings


making people happy and protecting them motivates her to keep going.


works at the ice cream shop in town called 'melon roller'

S T A T S / 6
















Love Interest-

billy hargrove


steve harrington

How You Met-

steve and wendy met when they were in elementary school. she had just transferred to the school and they had been put in the same class. they got along pretty well since they had quite a bit in common. her and billy met when he first arrived to the school. he was intense, confident, and it attracted her to try and talk to him. it was pretty nerve wracking but she still did it.

What You Are-

they're friends

Reason For Loving Them-

wendy finds them both to be extremely sweet and confident. she finds confident people to be oddly attractive since it's something that she lacks.


billy, ruth, jen, brett

Best Friends-

nancy, steve, barb


hopper, nancy, steve, whole eleven squad


demogorgan, demodogs






mom: olivia wilson
age: 39
status: alive

dad: fred wilson
age: 41
status: alive






wendy was born in Washington DC by her mother olivia, and her father fred. they didn't have much at the time, but they wanted to give her the world. they were saving up to move out of country though, but it didn't exactly go to plan. fred, as a writer, had a job offer out in hawkins, indiana so they made the move. wendy not understanding the concept of moving didn't really mind, up until she had to go to school the month after moving. the first day of school had gone smoothly, especially since a boy named Steve had promised his undying protection to her. they became quick friends after that, even keeping that promise.


"stop trying to sacrifice yourself, that's my job!"

"if you take two and two; you'd realize that they're actually together you little dip shits."

"wow, it's like you released a shadow monster purpose, yes I'm joking."

"stop looking at me like I'm naked hargrove."

"shut it, harrington, your hair isn't going to save you today."

"stop crying; you're steve fucking harrington."

"shut the fuck up, reds here."

"stop calling me wendy, Hargrove, you're not my Peter Pan."

"reds the name, saving people is my game."

"I'm not talking because I have nothing nice to say. so stop talking because I say something you won't like."

"is that a fuckin cat— no what the fuck?"

"didn't you promise your undying protection to me? yeah, shut the fuck up then."


*she has a border collie named 'orca'
*she owns a car, it's a little messed up

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