Ashes to Ashes RP

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Araminta Silveira 



Wood Elf/Bosmer




Araminta is a learning sorceress who, despite being quite strong in magick, prefers to use weapons and fighting over her gift. She is very connected to nature, and highly protective of forests. She has a naive and excitable charm to her. Ara can sing and play a variety of instruments.

A bit naive and still struggling with magick, Araminta doesn't always take things seriously and tends to smile or laugh when stressed, which throws a lot of people off. She sometimes struggles with getting her thoughts across. 

Araminta grew up with a traveling band of wood elves, who helped her learn how important the forests were. She often goes into the woods and holds vigils, speaking to the Earth and the creatures around her.  It helps her keep her peace, and she has learned a lot from being connected to nature. 


Vasily Elias 







(young Johnny Depp)

Vasily is very skilled with many forms of weapons, as well as his fists. He has enhanced senses due to vampirism. He's flirty and able to get what he wants with a little sweet talk. He's a good kisser :D. He is able to generate and control flames. He's a painter; he can draw and paint extraordinarily well, often making hyper-realistic art. His flames are a vibrant blue color, due to the pure heat of them, and his body temperature is higher than average. 

Vasily comes off as abrasive and seemingly sexual, despite avoiding long amounts of physical touch often. He can get angry, though he often drinks it off. He doesn't understand magick past his vampirism and being a half-elf. If he overuses his pyrokinesis, he gets nauseous and sick. He can be aggressive, and struggles expressing himself, so he copes with flirting. 


Seren Morgenstern



Tiefling; born from the demon Stolas and a mortal woman




Seren takes great pride in her horns, regularly cleaning and filing them. During the day, her skin is pale; almost translucent. At night, her skin turns to a pale violet shade, the stars of the night sky broadcast across her body.

Her tail is the same color and material of her horns, barbed at the end. It is also extremely strong, and can express her emotions, akin to that of a cat. 

Seren is very tall and thin, standing at 6'0 feet. Despite being thin, she has a very high metabolism and has to eat a lot. She moves similar to a cat; being able to change position in the air and generally being very agile. 

Powerful in the magic of the cosmos, similar to her father, Stolas. She is a very smooth-talker and can be seductive, yet deadly, when she wants to be. She's powerful even without weapons, and has heightened senses. 

Seren is a bit arrogant, and she underestimates people's fear of her, not understanding why they would be afraid. If she overuses her magic, her eyes will turn white, and she will lose herself in the stars, unable to return to her body. Another marker of this phenomena is her horns will grow longer and longer at an unnatural speed. She has an odd sense of ethics, and is quite gray in the topic, not minding hurting others for the side she's on. 

Seren has a black barn owl familiar, which is named Noctua, or just Tua. The spots on the back of the owl, which are white in color, are reminiscent of stars. 

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