Death and What Comes With it RP

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Tala Amano

Talon, TJ, Wolf





Finding old books and storing them in her little "home" of Eugene

Tala is quite incorporated within her community, just as she was prior to the breakout of disease. She is responsible and good at keeping track of things. She's excitable at moments and quiet at others, such as when she's focused on a task. She's independent; though she wishes to be close to someone more than just in a friendly way. She can be slightly blunt and seemingly aggressive, but she doesn't mean to be. Most of the time. She's very strong-willed and determined, and her intelligence and tracking abilities are extremely capable.



Tala specializes with a variety of weaponry, but her favorites are
- Throwable axes
- Her handgun
- A flamethrower she scavenged

Tala was 10 when the outbreak started, living on a Native American reserve with her father. After attacks on their poor, undated reserve, Tala took off as a nomad, often staying above-ground in trees and other high places. Her father had taken charge of the reserve the last she heard, even if it was broken from the first attack. Tala learned from watching animals while traveling how to survive out more, as well as learning from watching the dead when in the trees and in need of escape. She wishes to see her father again, but understands he's either dead, or it'd be suicide to try to find him. She escaped to Eugene and has since helped reserve her culture, as well as teaching it to others and helping medicinally and in case Eugene is in need of food she can hunt or scavenge. She finds happiness where she feels like she is back home again, or where she can practice her culture in peace, often singing native songs or dancing in her small home in Eugene.

Tala often tries to get material from the outside, though she always tries to stay alert for any news or anything similar, and there's quite a bit already in Eugene. She owns a raven named Huginn, after the great ravens of Odin from Norse Mythology. She owns an apothecary, and has a wide variety of books she finds when scavenging. She offers anyone the chance for her to teach her Native culture with them, if they want to learn about it.


Alexander Runar (roon-are)
Alec, Rune, Xander, Ace





- Stealing
- Fighting
- Hunting/scavenging
- Running (very quick on his feet)
- Making teas and breads
- Intense discussions

Alexander has a very walled-off personality, where he struggles to talk about his emotions and allow himself to be vulnerable. He's very blunt and straightforward, and he's painfully honest to everyone. He is very standoff-ish and doesn't speak very often, but he does really like discussing philosophy and the future. When he gets caught up in a topic he likes, he will talk quickly. He shows affection in a slightly shy way; he may give small hugs or little hand squeezes, but he's generally awkward with his emotions and attempts to shove them down every day.

(Toni Mahfud)


Alexander varies in many weapons, though preferring:
- Hand-to-hand combat
- Crossbow

Alexander was 3 when the infections started breaking out. He lived along with all of the changes it brought to society and the issues that came with it. He learned how to steal as the economy took a nosedive from the infections, and his family moved around, trying to stay in towns that were protected. His father and mother both taught him how to fight in things such as martial arts and boxing, and his mother taught him how to use a crossbow. He loves tea a lot due to his family drinking tea in their calm times, such as in the evening before bed. Once older, Alexander's town was invaded by the living dead, and he barely escaped. His family succumbed to trying to help others, and Alex took off to the closest town, Fairview, where he has lived for four years now. He started working as a thief in the raiding parties and as a soldier for Fairview, where he has since made quite a reputation for himself.

Alexander has a wolfdog hybrid named Fenrir, which he found when traveling to Fairview. Him and Fenrir are practically never separated, and his dog shows extreme intelligence, but is obedient only to Alec.


Elodie St. Clair

Elo, Fleur




West Bank Tribe

- Acrobatics
- Martial Arts
- Tracking
- Hunting
- Swimming

Elodie is considered to be both very flirtatious and stoic. She doesn't like it when people see her at her most emotional, yet she will often put on a smile or use the more positive sides of her personality. She loves to flirt with women and men she finds attractive or cute, and she likes making them blush, as the petty little sh*t she is. Elo is very aggressive at times, and protective of the people of the Hilltop Tribe, and could almost be described as a "mom" friend, making sure everyone gets enough sleep and rest. Almost. She is restless and can often be found training and making sure she stays fit. She's very vengeful with the people who have gotten sick, and often shows no mercy when out in the field or away from the Tribe. She doesn't show much deeper emotion when not close to someone, but wishes for a partner often, and she wishes for someone she could both just hug and protect. She's a smooth liar and can be manipulative if she wants, and if someone is caught, she is often sent in for interrogations for her ruthless attitude and ability to draw out answers. She can be kind to those she loves, and very outgoing and loud when comfortable, but often she's reserved.

(Ruby Rose)

Pictured above, just what Ruby Rose wears in "The Meg." Namely the first outfit.

- Martial Arts
- Fighting/Throwing knives and daggers (Elodie likes the colorful ones)
- Setting up traps

Elodie hasn't grown up in a world without fighting and disease. It's all she's ever known. She moved around often with her parents prior to them falling to the disease, living in makeshift camps and learning how to survive. Of course, she gained the basic math, reading, history and science skills, but not to the extent she could have. At a young age, she picked up knife throwing, and has since made it extremely useful to her, often being described as using her daggers and knives as another appendage, and she's very capable with them. She also learned acrobatics through a group of older girls she met and eventually traveled with when the makeshift camp failed and her parents succumbed, and she found a family with them. She learned a lot while traveling, including fighting and martial art techniques from the short stops she would take to get to know other people, and from similar other experiences. She is an experienced tracker and can set up traps to keep away the sick people and ones potentially trying to capture their camp. She and the group of girls she had traveled with had all given tattoos to each other and themselves, leading to her having a crisscrossing of tattoos over her shoulders and spine, often of scales, flowers, and many other colorful images. She has since grown to become a protector of the West Bank Tribe, throwing herself in lines of danger to protect the other people.

Elodie does happen to be able to sing, though she doesn't do it often unless alone and if the silence is unbearable. She has a relationship with a cougar, which she happened to slightly tame and helped when it was a cub. The cougar helps protect Elodie and also helps her hunt, and isn't hostile to anyone within the small tribe, only to those outside of it, though Elodie can control that aggression through a series of whistles and clicks she trained the cougar to understand. The cougar is named Freyja.


Sarabi Kayne

(Only by her partner) Sara
Viper (by tribes-people and enemies)




Hilltop Tribe

- Languages
- Gardening

Sarabi has an extreme loyalty to her tribe, with a sense of commitment to both them and Ezra. She tries to contribute to society often, and is a trickster who will easily poison your cup of tea to protect her tribe or to make Ezra feel more at ease. She does happen to have a sadistic streak, though it doesn't show often. She seems open, but hides a lot the majority of the time. Unlike Ezra, she is good with people, sometimes tricking them into thinking they're getting closer and closer to her. She tries to help and calm down Ezra when he needs it, and together they both depend on each other for emotional support when alone.

(Yaya DaCosta)


- Spear
- Long-Sword
- Poison

Sarabi, as a teen, had moved from South Africa to America, and the accent is still noticeable slightly. When she was 23 and soon to graduate college, her parents were killed, and so were many of the people she knew. She ran from home, often hiding out with other tribes or taking down their leader for a time before returning on her way. She lived as a nomad for years prior to coming to Hilltop, where she washed up as a sick refuge and ended up meeting everyone there and staying. She helps tend to many poisonous and edible plants as well as thorns; many offering a natural protective wall away from sick people and strangers. She had always been connected with nature and her spiritual self, and will often stick to old traditions from her family. She has the ability to read a person's emotions and astral project if she needs or wants.

Sarabi acts as a motherly figure to many of the tribes-people and cares for them and their protection. She earned the nickname Viper due to her usage of poisons on strangers and for having a knack for eliminating or interrogating them.

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