Charles Holt ~Human~

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PAST NAMES: Charles/Charlie Ryan Holt
CURRENT NAME: Charles/Charlie Ryan Holt
FUTURE NAMES: Charles/Charlie Ryan Holt

Germanic - ->"man" "army" "warrior"
Eastern Europe - -> "king"

AGE: 17-18

ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn


COUNTRY/CITY BORN IN: Edinburg, Scotland, UK

SOCIAL STATUS: High school student
DESIRED CAREER: Paralegal - or - EMT

REPUTATION: Though high school, Charlie is well known for mostly his naturally good looks and his position on the rugby team. As well as know for getting out of hand at parties and even hosting a couple parties himself. But this also includes his rather large body count he has with girls around the school. Weather it would be when he was at a party and got drunk, or would sneak out in between breaks on school property.

SPORTS: Rugby, used to play a small amount of basketball when he was younger

RELIGION: None what so ever. Neither of his parents were into any kind of religion or faith, so he was never brought into it. 0/10

BIRTHDAY: January 11th, 1999


SHORT DESCRIPTION: A young but tall, teenage boy with short but thick, wavy brown hair and peach coloured skin, but not fully pale. He has brown eyes with a defined athletically built/lean form - not too big but also not too small or skinny.

DETAILED DESCRIPTION: Charlie is a young tall teenage boy with dark brown, thick but wavy hair that is usually smoothly swiped to the left, having a bit of a easy rise to it. His hair has darker shades of his hair, all depending on how much light is being shown along it. His eyes are also brown, but instead of being dark, they are more light, like melted chocolate.He has white, but lightly darker tanned skin to match with his dark brown hair. However, his skin does tend to get more pale in the winter. His body is perfectly athletically built, having a ectomorph kind of body shape. He's not exactly huge, but he also isn't small. He has building muscle within his forearms and the rest of her arms, also causing him to have more of a broad shape with his shoulders - he also has very lean and strong legs.


EYES: Light brown
HAIR COLOUR: Dark brown

NATIONALITY: Scottish/German/American

PHYSICAL HEALTH: Healthy, athletic, slim, broad, muscular

SCARS: A medium length scar curved long his collar bone and stretching across to the centre of his chest

DISABILITY/MENTAL ILLNESS, ETC: Depression, alcoholism, and ADHD


PERSONALITY: Charlie does his best to be a forward and kind person to pretty much anyone. He always thinks that first impressions are the best, so of coarse, at the end of the day, he wants people to think he's just some regular, nice guy that's fun to hang out with. And he is! Most of the time at least. He pretty much does his best to be bright, but he's pretty much just covering up and basically putting up a mask for other people so that they won't see his actual suffering on the inside - and it's rather draining for him to keep up with it. He does his best to help everyone he possibly can, but if it's something deep and personal your going to talk to him about, then that's we're he gets kinda stuck. He has trouble on what to properly say, or if he should say anything at all. But to top it all off - the icing on the cake - is that besides him being a nice guy, he's also partly a smug and flirty bastard. He has his fair share of having his dirty side at work, or maybe being a tad bit over Baird with it sometimes. Then again, he's a teenager, but he does his best to keep it at a limit, especially in public.

NEGATIVE TRAITS: Short tempered, dangerously overprotective, clingy, deeply stubborn

POSITIVE TRAITS: Kindness, Humorous, charming, helpful, loving, sweet, sympathetic

NEUTRAL TRAITS: Sarcastic, careful, smart, fun, attitude


Socializing: 80

Fitness: 95

Intelligence: 85

Emotional structure: 60

Mental Structure: 50

Self-defence: 70

Awareness: 75

Kindness: 80

Leadership: 85

Trust: 100

Companionship: 95

Intimacy: 90

Parenting skills: 70

Speed: 85

Agility: 95

Strength: 70

Wealth: 80

PHOBIAS: Abandonment, not being good enough, loosing his loved ones, and failure


SEXUALITY: Demiromantic heterosexual

(Very important ;) )
VERGIN?: P f f t- Not even in the slightest


RIVALS: Jessica (mother), Amelia (gfs mother), Raphael (gfs ex)
FRIENDS: Fletcher (dog), Louis (gfs father), Mirabelle (gfs sister)
LOVE INTEREST(S): Jayden (old crush), Emma (his boo :3)

BF/GF: Emma Sylvent didemyolo


MOTHER: Jessica
RELATIONSHIP: Jessica was pretty absent during most, if not all of his childhood. Charlie knew that he had a mother, but he was pretty much confused his entire life on why his mother had no interest on having any bondage with her only son. And even though he lived with his father, he still wanted to have the privilege in having a mother that favours him. And to make matters harder, his parents had split, so it was difficult to see her when he wanted to. After his fathers death however, he was then entitled to go live with his mother in America, but the two of them still hasn't made any progress in their relationship, as she is always working and making excuses to not come home and see him, while Charlie has just given up on winning her approval. He would barely call her his mom at this point.

FATHER: Clyde Holt
RELATIONSHIP: Charlie had a super close and unbreakable bond with his father. You could instantly tell that they were the typical father and son duo. They practically did everything together, with Clyde raising him as an single father, it was no question that Charlie loves him deeply. However, Charlie's heart was shattered after he got into a car crash with his father, and having to realize that his father had passed on, and it broke him that he had to live on without him.
STATUS: Deceased

SIBLING(S): None. Born and grew up as the only child

~One if the best players in his schools rugby team
~Fairly wealthy
~Got the scar from the car crash
~One if the most admired boys in school
~Has has occasional past hook ups
~"mommy issues"
~He's the bottom with Emma - but I like to say he's more of a power bottom ;3
~%80 hOrNy, %20 baby


"Well, technically speaking, it's not %100 my fault, I just have some cause to it."

"Make me, babe."

"I don't really care what she thinks of me any more. I've tried enough as it is, and if she doesn't want to recognize it, then that's all on her. But I just don't care anymore."

"You seriously want to try this in a tent?"

~Spider Man AU
~Viking AU
~Zombie Apocalypse AU
~Normal AU
~Hogwarts AU (not started yet)
~Starwars AU (not started yet/just an idea)
~Sibling AU



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