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Name: "Mother"

Nickname: Lemom

Age: ??? You don't ask a lemon its age, it's rude

Height: 4'0

Species: Fruit people, Lemon (She/They)

Relationship Status: Single 👁👄👁 and not mingling
-basically the child of Nat's since he has to take care of her
-close with Gray

Appearance: short lemon creature that wears sweaters and jeans, big yellow/green eyes, brown-ish freckles, the plant on top of her head actually grows and needs water, hands change from blobs to actual hands

Personality: extrovert, a people person, good at giving advice, a bit excitable and hyperactive, has a big social battery but it runs out eventually, very impulsive, pretty shameless

Powers: can grow various flowers and plants from their hands, her stare can usually get the truth out of your mouth

Likes: fruit, friends and family, standing in refrigerators/freezers, being short as it has its perks and they can intimidate tall people

Dislikes: hypocrites/fakers, hot drinks, trombones

Backstory: Woke up in a strange abandoned lab drying out. After walking outside in the rain and lying in a puddle to absorb the water, she wandered the downtown till she met up with an aspiring lab assistant that help modify their body so she wouldn't dry out so quickly and help her with her mobility. In exchange mother gives them samples and plants for his many thesis' and reports.
Then they ran into an unsuspecting human person that simply asked for directions and ended up following the pair across the City to the Underworld looking for who knows what.

Fun Facts: Cannot consume salt or they will start crying uncontrollably
(The tears are like lemon water)
(Oh yeah, she consumes things through her eyes as she doesn't have a mouth. That or through injections)

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