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Like apple. Get it? hA

(I'm redrawing this^^^)

(I did it ((: )

Name: "Apple" Smith (not his actual name thats classified)

Nickname: Pel

Age: 19

Height: 5'7

Gender: Male (He/They)

Relationships: probably dating this lass

His bodyguard who he makes fun of often

The guards name is Ana, I'll make their bio shortly (y e s I k n o w t h e y l o o k l i k e
C h a r o n I n e e d t o r e d s i g n t h e m)

Pel's family is ....to be frank, a crime family, mafia, illegal stuff, so he's mixed in all that, not that he minds

Appearance: Caucasian male, red wide eyes, ginger red hair, medium build with more resilience to bullet/knife/explosions than normal humans, wears casual clothes with apple themes and an ear piercing he dared Ana to get too

Personality: obnoxious, laid back, jokes too much, trouble maker, only "serious" when it concerns the family, or his apple supply

Power(s): as stated before his skin is a little more resilient to outer trauma, he doesn't have blood but it's more like darkly colored applesauce/juice but don't eat it (ew) he's basically an apple. Just apple

Likes: a p p l e s (no it's not cannibalism), aesthetic, makeup, Ana but he won't admit it

Dislikes: vegetables, junk food, duct tape

Backstory: basically there's a fruit, vegetable, junk food, and other food group im missing family that all have attributes of their respective food. The fruit family has peeps like apples which are old money rich, watermelons are ideal bodyguards, lemon and limes are tricksters and mostly scammers, etc etc. everyone looks human as an evolutionary survival skill ((:

Ana found their way into the family after protecting Pel during a police strike on the apple family. Since then Pel has been kept inside mostly, occasionally let out to make deals with other fruit mobs.

Fun fact: Pel's been kidnapped so many times he just finds the time to nap during his random, in which Ana always comes in guns a blazing and saves him anyway ((:
Has ties to a certain city that provide some weird (illegal) but valuable stuff

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