Universe 1: 🌆🏢The City🏢🌆

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The "overall", the place where if I don't know where to put an oc, they arrive here. It's honestly like a hive of oc lore, angst, and s**tposts.

All images found on Google

A vast city that spans the size of a continent. Logic? Non-exist here.

Uptown/Inner city:

Where big shots and majority of the the upper class reside. They rule themselves and somehow don't destroy each other. A more or less truce broke out between major factions and families and everyone knows where they sit. It's a tight knit community that do whatever they want.


The lesser part of the City as a whole. Mostly middle class and business people. It's a lot more bright and green but a lot more shady stuff behind closed doors happens. It's not all sunshine and rainbows.


A place where people know shady and "illegal" things happen but no one really can do anything or even care. It's has its own government or hierarchy that people soon find where they sit. It's survival of the fittest at its finest.
While, yes, it's away from the super modern tech of Uptown, the Underworld is no slum. People live very comfortably in upscale apartments and houses, some people just choose to live away in run down buildings to hide from whatever law is still applied to people or more commonly gangs and loan sharks or whatever else can kill you in the big city

The Mountains:

The mountain range next to the City that holds unexplored land and undiscovered creatures

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