Jack Harvester

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Nicknames: Racoon Boy, noodle arms

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Personality: It varies depending on who he's with. If he's with someone he hates, Dislikes, or does not trust he is lazy, rude, and just a splash of sarcastic. When he's with his frends or people he likes, entirely different story he's nice, and kind in like a childlike way because he had no childhood.

Position: switch

 Looks: He deserves his nicknames, he's skinny with dark skin and naturally white hair however he dyed racoon stripes into it, his eyes are a beautiful honey colour but they are ruined by the bags underneath them. ( i dont have a photo yet, sorry)

Clothes: He usually can be found in a hoodie and basketball shorts or sweatpants but if he needs to look presentable he has a large variety of turtlenecks and cargo pants.

Shoe: Slides or combat boots no mid ground.

Jewlery: He has a dog tag necklace with his brother's name and birthday on it.Percings: he has a nose percing and three ear percings

Likes: Sweets, video games, drawing, and sleeping

Dislikes: People touching his hair, cleaning, eggs

Extras: He hates fucking eggs eith a burning passion, and he is afraid of the ocean.

(trying to keep these fuckers s h o r t)

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