Avatar of Fenrir

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Werewolf hybrid form

Name: Ufir 

Gender; Male

Height: 10 feet tall

Weight: 700 pounds 

Hobbies.Reading, hunting meat, and training, in the snow

Species; human 

Nationality; German

Personality; Tough, Intimidating menacing, threatening and Ruthless(in combat) but can be soft sympathetic, loving,friendly and, respectful(towards,people and those in his home)

Fighting styles and skills

Expert hand-to-hand combatant 

Powers and abilities 

Warg physiology: The user can create, shape and manipulate cold by reducing the kinetic energy of atoms and thus making things colder, ranging from subjective feeling of cool to absolute zero. A very possible side-effect of this power is the ability to induce illnesses that are directly cold based (for example Hypothermia). Bone and other limbs as well, can become brittle and weaken under extreme cold, to the point that they can shatter without pain due to loss of feeling and color in the affected area (Frostbite).

Avatar physiology: The user possesses the physical body/condition of an avatar, who is the manifestation or personification of a certain being, which they can draw power from to varying degrees to empower their physical form. Most users are strongly affected by the entity they embody, in appearance, personality, etc.

River Deity Physiology(the source of a river).

Transcendent Canine Physiology (God of Wolves)

Divine Beast physiology 

Divine Monster physiology 

Giant Monster physiology: The user is or has the ability to take on the form of a gigantic monster, a creature that is often hideous and may produce fear or physical harm by either its appearance or its actions. The word "monster" derives from the Latin monstrum, an aberrant occurrence, usually biological, that was taken as a sign that something was wrong within the natural order.

Beast Divinity: he has a Form of divinity from a beast.

Absolute Strength: He has limitless, strength being unnatural, strong.

 Absolute Senses

Absolute Hearing

Absolute Smell

Absolute Sight

Reliant Omnipotence: From Fenrir.

Reliant Omniscience: from Fenrir.

Existence Link with the manifested.

Total Mimicry: of the manifested.

Mental Mimicry

Knowledge Replication: he can replicate, the knowledge he's learned.

Memory Replication

Soul Replication

Status ReplicationNight Vision: can see at night.

Absolute Speed: he has, limitless speed making him, impossible to keep up with 

Absolute Stamina; he has unlimited stamina, to the point he cant even, get tired no matter,the damage he suffers

Compass Sense: he has senses, that work, like a compass.

Enhanced Intelligence: he has an Enhanced,level of intelligence.

Environmental Adaptation

Temperature Regulation


Personal Size Manipulation

Large Size

Super Eating

Cold Manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate cold by reducing the kinetic energy of atoms and thus making things colder, ranging from subjective feeling of cool to absolute zero. A very possible side-effect of this power is the ability to induce illnesses that are directly cold-based (for example Hypothermia). Bone and other limbs as well, can become brittle and weaken under extreme cold, to the point that they can shatter without pain due to loss of feeling and color in the affected area (Frostbite).

Cold Energy Manipulation: The user can create, shape, and manipulate extremely cold energy capable of freezing anything it comes into contact with. This energy can be composed of an extremely cold gas such as air, or magical energy

Molecular Deceleration: The user can slow an object or organism's molecules down. This might have the appearance of delaying the time of the target by slowing its molecular structure.

Absolute Freezing: Can freeze anything with no limit.

Freezing: he can freeze anything with ease.

Fire Generation (from his eyes & mouth)

Deity Consumption: can consume deities of similar power or lower power.

Consumption Empowerment: the more he consumes,the more power he'll gain.

Destruction Embodiment: Users embody destruction, possessing key physical characteristics and/or personality traits related to the concept. Most of the time, users are causing/have caused extremely great destruction, and can outperform any other character in destroying. Some personifications act as antitheses to personifications of creation. At an absolute level, users are the source of destruction and all acts and thoughts of destroying, being the very concept itself.

Calamity Embodiment: The user of this power can embody calamity, the concept of the damaging disastrous event. The user can even cause damage on a cataclysmic level which may be considered an act of misfortune.

Apocalypse Aspect Manifestation

Destruction Empowerment: he gains,power from destruction

Disaster Inducement

Killing Instinct

Divine Slayer: he can slay divine beings.

Weakness; He can still die, by unnatural means, like a deity killing him or defeat fenrir,as killing Fenrir,would kill him as well.

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