Boitata OC

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 Name: Gasper Kaique 

Anatomy: Like a Snake, he's got venomous blood, is flexible, and is able, to control any part of his body like a snake including his organs, and has a forked tongue at the same time has two members as he's got Flexible body, Extra organs, of a snake-like 6 hearts,7 livers,12 spleens. he has 13 intestines,1 Esophagus  8 stomaches. he has 8 air sacs,10 gallbladder, and 15 kidneys.

Personality; Smug, Polite Kind caring likes to joke around goofy, and is friendly (towards people) but short-tempered Angry, and dislikes getting put in stupid fights

Age: 19

Species: Human

Height: 8 

Nationality; Brazilian 


Beast form

Hybrid form

 Skills and fighting styles

Snake Combat: The user can infuse their control over snakes with their physical combat.

Enhanced Combat; He has an enhanced level of combat.

Powers and abilities 

Pyrokinetic-mortal-Physiology: Users are pyrokinetic mortals. They have powers of pyrokinesis and/or powers that are pyro-kinetically based. The abilities may vary greatly due to the sources of said powers varying as well with users being divided into paranormal & science groups.

Wood Mimicry; When becoming a Burning log, he's mimicking wood itself.

Nature Guardianship: The user is a protector and keeper, of nature.

Boitata Physiology: The user with this ability is or can transform into a Boitatá (Boitatá, Baitatá, Batatá, Bitatá, Batatão, Biatatá, M'boiguaçu, Mboitatá, and Mbaê-Tata; Old Tupi language "fiery serpent" (mboî tatá)), the Brazilian equivalent of the will-o'-the-wisp

Ash manipulation: he can manipulate control and shape ash into anything and even make it into a dense toxic attack, made to do harm.

Pyrokinetically-Enhanced Condition: The user can use fire to augment their physical prowess. They are able to jump extraordinary distances due to the increase in strength or react faster due to their augmented speed.

360-degree vision: he can see at a 360-directional radius.

Fire-soul: His soul is made up of fire and capable of burning demonic creatures who try to take it.

Poison-fire manipulation: He can shape form and manipulate poisonous fire, capable of poisoning an opponent if they survive the flames.

Blindness Inducement: through the fire, he can Blind someone to the bright light, of the fire.

Night Vision: he can see in darkness and isn't phased by blindness.

pyrokinetic-Wing-manifestation: he can manifest wings made up of fire, to help him fly at high speeds.

Brass mimicry; His nails and bones are made up of tough Brass. 

Spiritual Poison manipulation: The user can create, shape, and manipulate poison formed from one's soul/spirit. Due to being comprised of spiritual power, the poison isn't only stronger than usual toxins but also has the power to affect one's soul in varying ways 

Plasma-Fire manipulation: The user can create, shape, and manipulate plasma fire or fiery plasma. While similar to combustion, there are key differences. It is plasma with the form and properties of fire, and the flames created are powered by the energies that drive the fourth state of matter and are composed of it. Because it is plasma, it does not require oxygen to keep burning.

Snake manipulation: he can control, manipulate and communicate with the many, Serpents allowing, him to understand the emotions of Serpents. this can also be used to help him get info through snakes.

Spiritual Flame manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate fire formed from the soul/spiritual energy. Due to being comprised of spiritual power, these flames aren't only stronger than usual flames but also have the power to affect one's soul in varying ways.

Dermal Armor/Scale Manifestation: he can Form scales to help him survive stronger attacks.

Matter Ingestion: he can Consume any form of matter.

Scale manifestation: he can generate/Manifest Scales, on his body, to Endure more, powerful attacks.

Flame-telekinesis: The user can move, manipulate, and otherwise interact with matter by using fire and heat.

Prehensile Tongue: he has, a prehensile tongue he can move, freely.

Seismic Sense: Can see through vibrations.

Speed Swimming: he can Swim Incredibly Fast in the ocean or rivers, while his flames don't go out.

Elastic Jaws: his jaw is elastic, allowing him, to eat someone if he wants.

Venomous Blood: his blood is venomous.

thermoception: He can find someone through their body heat.

Immunity to poison cold fire VIruses and disease 

Illusion manipulation: he can cast and create illusions, made to scare or confuse people.

Insanity-Inducement: he can cause those, to Go insane.

Fire plant manipulation: he can manipulate plants and fire at the same time, burning and impaling the victim with burning thorns.

Weakness; is vulnerable to magic and anything that's strong

Limitations; He needs Oxygen, to cause the flames, to combust, as without it, they won't combust.


Crushing; He wraps, his snake tail around, the victim, causing them, to lose oxygen and break, their bones, as well. as he can Add flames,to cause the pain,to be worse.

Burning-Insanity: he, combines the flames, with his natural, ability to make People go insane, where they go insane due to the flames, burning them alive.

Firestorm: he manipulates, the weather and, Summons a Storm of Fire burning the target as he, can control the trajectory of the firestorm.

Poison-fire breath: He breathes out, poisonous fire from his mouth both poisoning and, burning them alive.

Heavy Slam: With his tail around an opponent, Kenji slams them head-first into the ground.

Snake Dance:  in his hybrid form, he's able to dodge any attack automatically, with ease. 

Hebigami-tsuki; By forming snake hair, he's able, to use the snake hair, to tear and bite, the Opponent apart alive. 

Negation of fire; With his control, over the flames, he can negate any form of fire with ease.

thermochemistry absorption: he can absorb the thermochemistry, granting him power.

Flaming petrification: When burning someone alive, he turns them, into stone that, has burn marks as this will be agonizing and, the worst form of pain, they can suffer, due to the eyeballs, exploding when their burned alive.

Poison-Dimension: he creates, a Dimension, full of poison where he can, have the opponent in his dimension poisoned and, he has full control and can decide who should, be poisoned.

burning-petrification: when, he looks into someone's eyes they first, burn alive then they turn to, stone.

Snake-Illusion: he creates, an Illusion of Serpents, Making it where, multiple snakes, are Around the body, of the victim causing them to feel fear. as this can make, the victim feel true fear.

Flaming Death; through looking into his eyes, in his more Beast form, he can cause instant, death through fire.

Ash-Breath; he breathes out ash, suffocating his opponent's


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