Brazilian Bull Hero

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Base human form 

Name: Pedro Carlos

Anatomy: like a bull, he has incredible strength, speed Agility reflexes and etc as he's gained advantages in combat and Physical abilities, art the same time his genitalia is increased, up to about 3–4 cm in diameter, and 80–100 cm in length.

species: Mutated Human

Height: 9 feet tall

Flaw; He's an alcoholic and when he's really, drunk he goes apeshit, on people who harm, innocents.

Weight: Between 500-1000 pounds

Hobbies; Playing music, like playing the drums, loves music and Enjoys parties

Age: 20-30

Aliases Boi Bumba or Boi-Vaquim or the Golden bull.

Title; Bull of Celebration and Festivals 

Nationality; Brazilian



Personality; Kind caring, Enjoys festivals friendly laidback, and Chill(when drunk or having a party) But isn't amused, with questionable, festivals, People robbing him, or criminals, in general)


Beast form

Hybrid/Minotaur form 

 Brazen-Bull form. (the brazen bull, form rather than, being a torture method, has uses where, Pedro has full control, where he can either breathe fire from his mouth, use it for carrying items or being a Defense, protecting people, from explosions)

Brazen-Minotaur form(the Brazen Minotaur, form is stronger and, much denser, than normal, Bronze where it's strong as Base metal or, strong as Silver along with having a more Durable body  as this mutation, which can help with defense and durability )

 Fighting styles and skills.

Performance Art Intuition

Music intuition 

Drunken fist: When he's drunk he'll be dodging and countering with Punches,that somehow land

traits: Multiple Mutations: his mutations are able, to affect him giving, him stronger, forms in mutations.

Powers and abilities.

Bovine Monster physiology:  A user with this ability either is or can transform into a bovine monster

Genetic mutation: has a genetic mutation, connected to bulls where he becomes the bull the, more he transforms further, he gains their anatomy even in, human form he still has,the anatomy of a bull.

Superior Human Physiology 

Auric Energy manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate auric energy, a lower energy on the ultraviolet radiological spectra. A type of counter dynamic force that nullifies and depletes most to all other forms of energy used against it. It can also be used to an opposite effect where the energy, when focused through a medium, can be used to strengthen & bolster whomever or whatever it is laden against, broaden the through the said conduit to expand one olfactory reach beyond normally limited extents and even take control of neural electric impulses to commandeer a person ability to physically operate; including their perception of time.

Gold manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate gold, a dense, soft, malleable, and ductile metal with a bright yellow color and luster that is considered attractive, and is maintained without tarnishing in air or water.

Superhuman Condition: He has superhuman physical abilities, allowing him to, fight at an even level when fighting mutants and, other humans as this will grant him the advantage.

Superhuman Strength: he has the strength of a bull and is able, to lift 4,000 tons

Superhuman Speed: He can run at 35 mph.

Superhuman Endurance: he can endure a lot of pain, allowing him to survive blood loss by enduring it.

Wallrunning: he can run up on walls, as he's running at 35 mph.

Superhuman Durability: He has superhuman levels,of durability allowing,him to tank any form of damage.

Superhuman Mobility: he has superhuman levels, of movement)

Superhuman Recovery: He can recover extremely fast even after getting, beaten down)

Lesser Divinity: he has a lesser form, of divinity allowing, him to fight and kill demons,of lower rank as sometimes it's not as strong when facing a true God)

Torture mimicry: Users of this ability can take on a form based upon a torture device or method. Often, these devices or methods are from semi-mythical sources such as the brazen-bull, the iron maiden, or the pendulum. The user may feed on the suffering of others, trapping them within their torturous forms; alternatively, they may be a living factory of pain and suffering themselves, which can be used to empower other beings that feed on suffering. 

Music manipulation: he has a skill in manipulating music and, can use it to make people happy or use, it for combat.

Celebration Manipulation: Users can create, shape and manipulate any celebrations, from parties to events to any occasion of the like.

Dense Horns: His horns are dense to the point, they can't break by normal means, as only someone of similar, strength can break them.

Accelerated Healing factor: he has a healing factor that's accelerated where he can heal at a fast rate allowing, him to regrow limbs.

Supernatural Survivability: he can Survive things at a supernatural level.

Alcohol Manipulation: The user can create, shape, and manipulate alcohol and alcoholic beverages, including beers, wines, and spirits.

Dermal Armor: he has strong skin, that's like armor as it's tough like Metal.

Dance Manipulation: The user can manipulate dance, bestowing dancing talent upon others and taking it away

Happiness Inducement: he can cause people,to be happy through his festivals)

Harvest Manipulation: can control the harvest and forms different kinds of plants or control them, with ease.

Fertility manipulation: can manipulate fertility to use,it to create plants and everything,nature needs.

Party Inducement: he can cause those, to have a party with festivals.

Pleasure Manipulation: The user can sense and manipulate the pleasure, whether mental, spiritual, physical, social, sexual, etc., of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling emotions, even manifesting the emotional energy to the physical level.

Vibration Emission: The user can generate vibration waves that can push targets over, propel them away, shatter them, and even cause tremors by shaking the ground or dislodging underground tectonic plates, thus causing earthquakes. 

Liquid gold manipulation:  The user can create, shape and manipulate liquid gold.

Bronze manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate bronze, an alloy consisting primarily of copper, usually with tin as the main additive. It is hard and tough, and it was so significant in antiquity that the Bronze Age was named after the metal.

Sonic frequency manipulation(He can manipulate and control as well as increase sonic frequencies allowing, him to fight back)

Gold and bronze Empowerment; When he Absorbs both gold and bronze,he gains, power from it.

Event Manipulation: can use it to start events, for parties Festivals, and carnivals.

Fun Manipulation: The user of this power can manipulate the concept of fun itself and thus affect the enjoyment people are having in particular situations. One can make something like video or computer games not as fun to some as it should be, or make an otherwise boring meeting fun to the attendees.

Humor Manipulation: Users can manipulate humor, as in what is funny. They can manipulate funny actions, definitions of what is funny, senses of humor, funny words coming out of people's mouths, etc.

Musical Inducement

Damage Empowerment: he gains power from the damage he takes.

Kinetic Energy absorption: he gains power from the kinetic energy added, from the damage he suffered.

Immunity to telepathic powers, Psychic powers VIruses, and disease

Society Manipulation: limited to Parties Festivals and, carnivals.

Supernatural Dancing: he has supernatural skills in dancing.

Sound manipulation: he can manipulate sound and vibration frequencies.

Spark manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate sparks, whether a small particle of a burning substance thrown out by a body in combustion, a hot glowing particle struck from a larger mass heated by friction, a luminous disruptive electrical discharge, or even all of them combined.

Compass Sense: he can sense through areas, include puzzles, and get his way through with ease.

Enhanced memory: he has an enhanced memory allowing, him to remember stuff,he, forgets.

Holy music manipulation: can manipulate a holy form of music, being capable of Destroying,evil spirits.

Empathetic Voice: he has an Empathic Voice allowing, him to talk to animals)

Flight: he can fly using his wings in his Stronger form.

Omnitone: he has no limit to what, sound he can make.

Particle manipulation: The user can create, shape, and manipulate particles, the basic units of energy and matter (such as molecules, atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons, ions, gravitons, tachyons, photons, etc). With this power, the user can manipulate the entire universe because all things are composed of particles, ranging from the subatomic to the universal in scale.

Electron manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate electrons, subatomic particles with a negative elementary electric charge which are generally thought to be elementary particles because they have no known components or substructure. They have properties of both particles and waves and so can collide with other particles and can be diffracted like light. Many physical phenomena involve electrons in an essential role, such as electricity, magnetism, and thermal conductivity, and they also participate in electromagnetic and weak interactions. An electron moving relative to an observer generates a magnetic field; external magnetic fields will deflect an electron.

Torture mimicry: Users of this ability can take on a form based upon a torture device or method. Often, these devices or methods are from semi-mythical sources such as the brazen bull, the iron maiden, or the pendulum. The user may feed on the suffering of others, trapping them within their torturous forms; alternatively, they may be a living factory of pain and suffering themselves, which can be used to empower other beings that feed on suffering.

Weakness: Is vulnerable, to Energy attacks and heat Attacks

Limitation: the more damage he takes, the more stamina will be Drained, to force him to regrow limbs, to the point, healing will be impossible, if he's Beaten down and, on the ground unable to move.


Gold-transmutation: he can turn, anyone into, gold when using his abilities.

Golden Axe: He forms, a Golden Axe from his Arm as it's used for physical combat.

Ballistic Scream: He creates a powerful scream, capable of shattering the planet's buildings,and stars when 

Voice-replication: he can replicate voices, for information

Vibrational Strike: He infuses vibrations, into his Fist and punches,the target breaking their bones, sending them flying.

Sonic shockwave; He releases, a powerful shockwave, from his body, causing anyone who comes, near him to die or go flying.

Plant transmutation: He can turn anyone, into a plant with ease which causes death.

Sonic Roar; He Shouts, creating a sonic Scream it sounds, like the roar of a bull and is capable of destroying buildings.

Auric-Cannon: He fires, a beam of Auric energy, as this can create explosions and, go at light speed as it also can cause, someone, to have cancer.

Brazen-Bull-Summon: he can not only, transform into a brazen bull but summon one, to use for putting items, away or using it to cook food.



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