Cuca OC

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Name; Cuca 

Personality; Smart calculated intimidating menacing and threatening(to intruders) but is loving, kind caring, and friendly(towards children and people )

Sexuality; Straight

Occupation: Daycare director 

Age: 19

Species; Human/Mutant 

Nationality; Brazilian 

powers and abilities.

Magically-Enhanced-Pysiology: The user has their entire physiology completely enhanced with magic; being empowered by magical energies, forces, items, and possible other arcane beings. Through the magic they are imbued with, users can use their embedded magical energy to enhance themselves and achieve new forms of magical abilities that enhanced and redefines their bodies through sheer magic alone, re-sculpturing their physical status and power level depending on how much and what kind magic they have.

Apex predator physiology:  As an archetype, an apex predator is a vastly superior predator in the known world, with a fearsome capacity for hunting down practically any species in their ecosystem, even other predators.

Hybrid Physiology: The user is a hybrid that was created genetically by mixing two or more genetic codes together to create a species with more capabilities than their inherent genetic species. These types of hybrids are extremely dangerous and often highly unpredictable as they were made in a lab and cannot control themselves as they were designed to be killing machines

Half-Mutant physiology: The user either is or can become a half-mutant. Part of the user's DNA is normal while the other part has been transformed and mutated. Compared to mainstream deviants, they have mutations that made them lose their trace of what race they are halfway, yet they still have their consciousness and rationality intact, and this is what makes them stronger than ordinary mutants

Crocodilian Physiology (In this case an Alligator)

Soul Sealing (it takes the soul to a place where it cannot return from)

Shapeshifting (It can take the shape of any shadow)

Cardiology manipulation:The user has complete control over the hearts of oneself and others, including the blood-pressure and heart-rate. They can increase the cardiac fitness, inflict/cure all cardiac diseases and conditions or cause/remove mutations. They can use this offensively by stopping the heart.

 Bite: her, bite force as an alligator is at 2125 PSI.

Byuouncy Manipulation: The user can manipulate, the force exerted by a fluid on an immersed object. Under normal circumstances, buoyancy acts upwards, typically against the weight of an object and with a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

Atavsim: The user reverts into primal form, becoming an evolutionary throwback with traits that have disappeared generations before.

Water Sense: The user can perceive the movement in/on a body of water with extreme accuracy and determine where threats are placed in water sources. They can even understand the size of targets in water by perceiving the waves interfering with certain movements of bodies of water

Infinite Digestive System

Vibration Emission: The user can generate vibration waves that can push targets over, propel them away, shatter them, and even cause tremors by shaking the ground or dislodging underground tectonic plates, thus causing earthquakes.

Opportunity Sense: The user can sense opportunities in any situation for most useful actions to gain what they seek/want. They can sense the right time to strike in combat, or the right moment to take advantage of something.

Super Eating

Lesser Divinity: The user has a minor portion of divinity and divine powers granting them stronger amounts of power beyond the mundane but still weaker then those of full divinity, making users a minor divine being by nature, a status which can be obtained a number of different ways. Users can gain this lower divinity by having a divine ancestry, transforming into a minor deity or other divine being either by another god or by faith, channels, acting as a vessel for, the power/soul of a divine being, mimicking/stealing powers from a divine being, or be enhanced/evolved to the point of minor divinity.

Magic Empowerment: she gains, power from using magic.

Mana Manipulation: in fiction, mana is basically and most commonly portrayed as the magical aspect of life force (i.e. magical life energy, or 'magical energy with life force'). Hence, it can be found on a universal scale, as the life force is fundamental to existence. Magical entities are able to control mana. They can harness this type of energy from not only their own selves but also the ambiance, since everything that exists possesses vitality, as aforesaid. Rare users can create new mana from nothing.

Animal-telepathy: she, can telepathically control, animals.

Alligator manipulation: She, can manipulate alligators telepathically, controlling them.

Water maneuverability: The user can move effectively under/on water and other liquids, allowing for great acrobatics and swimming in the water or jumping out of the water like a dolphin.

Arcanescience: The user knows everything about magic, the occult, the supernatural and everything related to it. As such, they know everything within magic, and the deep secrets that lie within, and around it. The user knows everything when it comes to magic and the occult... because all its secrets are revealed, knowing all the ways and reasons of how magic is supposed to work

Religious Mysticism: The user is able to use esoteric powers that revolve around their religious beliefs, allowing them to channel the powers of their gods.

Power Inheritance: from her magical, side of the family.

Genetics - Possesses and is able to utilize special traits and powers that are exclusive to their genetic code, either of their race/species or family line.

Family Inheritance - Inherit powers from one's family member.

Apotropaic magic: The users are able to utilize apotropaic magic; which is a powerful form of protective magic intended to turn away all forms of harm and evil influences, by deflecting them; "to ward off" or "to turn away" misfortune or averting dark magics like those of the evil eye. This can be performed/utilized through the use of rituals, symbols, items, actions, gestures, and spells by bending supernatural forces to the user's intentions.

Weakness; Vulnerable, to magical attacks 


Water-trap: she creates,a body of water, around,the victim completely,drowning them.

Destabilization spell: she can destabilize, anything to negate attacks and defenses.

Bouncy-Water-spell: She makes the water solid and bouncy,where if any land,they will break their skull and bounce on it, causing brain damage.

Water Beam: she fires a beam, of water using Magic, as it can, be Destructive and,cause a lot of destruction.

Soul Sealing spell: she, can seal someone, soul as if it, includes demons, the bodies of the demons, will be sent and, sealed back, to hell, where they belong.

Shapeshifting-inducement; She turns, you into any animal, person, or object, to help them.

heart-stop-Spell: She, causes, the victim's heart, to stop by manipulating their hearts.

Magical-wall: she,can use mana, to create a magical,wall as this


She's a known mutant hybrid where, she's gained her magical, side from her parents, while her alligator, side gives her Augmented, abilities 

she's capable, of turning, someone's blood into, something, more toxic and, dangerous.

She's capable, of turning you, into any animal, with magic.

her,fights in a forest,was fighting a mapinguari,and she used her, magic to put it, to sleep to help,people get away from it.

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