DC Onca-Boi meta-Human

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looks.(all art used isn't mine)

Name; Paulov Benicio 

Height: 8 feet tall

Anatomy: Like a bull and jaguar, he has, the speed strength Body and agility of those,animals as it affects his anatomy, along with how he, sleeps and acts as his member,was increased up 3–4 cm in diameter, and 80–100 cm in length.


-i, don't give shit, about Joker or the IRS I will seriously rip, the IRS to shreds-

-for christ's sake Joker, stay out of my Part of my business, or I'm ripping your arm off-

-if I have, to deal, a killer croc find then I'll kick your ass-

-stay, away from me, you fucked, up creep or so help, me i will, waterboard you-

Nationality; Brazilain

Alias; the Onca-Boi

Villain type: Crime Boss 

Species; Metahuman

Personality: Loyal, intelligent, serious quiet calm, and Doesn't start fights unless, forced to(towards other crime bosses) but is Fierce, menacing and violent(towards other crime bosses who start, the fight) 

Age: 25

Hybrid forms

Hybrid Jaguar form

Minotaur form

Bull form

Jaguar form

Fused Beast form/Onca-Boi form

Equipment and weapons.

Katana(this version of a katana is a more advanced, version that, can cut through any material)

Fighting styles and skills.

Expert hand-to-hand combatant 

Anatsuken mastery: The user, either innately or through training, is a master of ansatsuken, any martial arts style or fighting technique that has been developed with the purpose of killing an opponent.

Crime mastery: The user, either innately or through training, is a master of crime. The user can intuitively understand the mechanics behind any crime, criminal organization, criminal scheme, and criminal system, and understand how to manipulate it. Users have an intuitive mastery of the associated criminal skills, speech, and body language, expertly sending all the right signals, granting them major leverage in any criminal situation and allowing the user to easily to be successful in any crime, leaving no evidence of committing a crime, and making themselves untouchable.

Powers and abiltieis 

Onca Boi physiology: he has, the physiology of a Brazilian creature, known as the onca-Boi a Hybrid Jaguar and an ox who has the physical and natural abilities of a jaguar and Ox..

Muscle mass Enhancement: when Absorbing all, the damage he's taken he,grows in muscle mass, becoming Extremely muscular in his size.

Self-Muscle-manipulation: The user has complete control over their own muscles, allowing them to freely alter and manipulate them, including altering muscle tissue itself, its development, increase/decrease muscle mass/strength and thus stamina, flexibility, reflexes, etc.

Superhuman Strength: Users are glaringly, obviously, and unnaturally stronger than their race because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural level and superior to most supernatural beings in their verse; making them immensely stronger than normal members of their species (in that 'verse) can be achieved by any method of training.

Superhuman Speed: Users have the ability to move far beyond what is naturally possible for the vast majority of beings in their universe. Due to the wide range of speed levels within this category, the speed that users of this can obtain varies between sonic, supersonic, hypersonic, light speed, and infinitely beyond. The minimum, possible speed is 617 - 6174 kph, and any speed above that also classifies as such.

Superhuman Durability: The muscle tissue, skin, muscles, and bones of the users are incredibly resistant, allowing them to withstand potent attacks like nuclear bombs, extreme atmospheric/water pressure, temperatures fatal to an average human, cold bordering on absolute zero, or heat that rivals the sun's surface. Due to its extremely high durability, users' bodies also naturally manifest improved levels of stamina and extreme resistance to the physical pain of any kind

Superhuman Endurance: Users are glaringly, obviously, and super/unnaturally more enduring than other beings in their verse because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural limits; making them able to work longer/survive without supplies, resources, energy, or other items for an immensely extended amount of time, far longer than regular beings (in that verse)

Superhuman Stealth: Users are glaringly, obviously, and super/unnaturally stealthier than their race because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural level; making them immensely stealthier and making them harder to spot than even those with enhanced levels of stealth. They can hide behind things that are smaller than them and they can go unnoticed in a crowd full of people, for example.

Superhuman Body: Users' physical abilities are glaringly, obviously, and super/unnaturally physically superior over other beings in their universe because their capabilities are far beyond natural levels, making them immensely stronger, faster, and more durable than regular beings (in that verse) can achieve by seemingly any method of training

Feral Mind: The user can tap into a primal instinctive state of mind, which can release an unstoppable rage that allows them to perform in vastly increased capacity, taking and inflicting damage that they couldn't or wouldn't in their normal state. In some cases, the user's mind descends so far into the feral state that, mentally, they are little more than wild animals.

Enhanced Hearing: Users of this power have their hearing abilities enhanced far beyond the human limit. Users also have the ability to hear different sounds at different frequencies that are miles away from the user

Aura Manipulation: Users can create, shape and manipulate aura, a form of life-force that exists as an invisible etheric phenomenon/emanation produced by and surrounding a person or object.

Enhanced Smell: Users can detect specific persons, objects, substances or even places, locate their origin, and track targets with nothing but their noses. Some may even be able to detect lying, sicknesses, or tumors by which hormones/smells a target excretes

Enhanced Memory: Users can remember great volumes of information, in greater detail and for much longer than the average human, they can read books, listen to song lyrics, encounter people or experience events and recall a vast deal of the details of their experience. In addition, it takes less effort to recall the information they encounter, and they can remember it for longer without having to strain. Their memory is also more resilient against Memory manipulation

Compass Sense::Users can sense directions like a compass, knowing where a specific direction is

Labyrinth Manipulation: The user is able to plan, design, create (usually from matter but also energy), shape, and manipulate labyrinths. They may be able to create labyrinth dimensions that cannot be escaped by normal means by/or create rules that will and must be followed and/or create traps and creatures to use against their victims.

Energetic Pressure: he releases an Energetic pressure as this pressure,can put those in,his presence down, to the ground.

Fertility Inducement

Indomitable Sexuality: The user has indomitably strong and powerful sexuality that's innately imprinted in all the user's aspects; biological, physical, mental, natural, emotional, social, spiritual, etc., Giving them a life full of sexual pleasure and ecstasy that can transcend their inexhaustible libido and unyielding romance to potentially any supernatural levels by any and most effective ways possible to their innate sexual nature.

Labyrinth Sense: The user has innate knowledge and intuitive understanding of labyrinths and mazes. This means the user is able to know how to navigate through labyrinths well, know which turns to take, and how to make out of such labyrinths, all possibly in the fastest time possible.

Labyrinth creation: he can create Labyrinths, to confuse his enemies, like Batman.

Dermal Armor: his Skin works, like Armor allowing, him to survive any attack.

Astral Vision: he has, astral vision allowing, him to see spiritual, beings.

Animal Manipulation: Limited to bovines and Jaguar.

Resistant to poison Fire and heat 

Superhuman Flexibility: Users are glaringly, obviously, and super/unnaturally more flexible than other beings in their universe because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural level; making them immensely more flexible than regular beings (in that verse).

Claw Retraction: he has, retractable claws. 

Jungle Adaption: he can adapt in the jungle.

Damage Empowerment;   The user becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. as they receive damage from their opponents, environment, or by themselves. They may be empowered by physical damage, mental damage, or soul damage. Lethal damage can give a (near) maximum boost on the attacks of the user of this ability.

Pain Empowerment: Users become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. by the pain of oneself and others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from the pain or even slow or stop aging.

Hyper Climbing 

Night vision: The user has excellent night vision, and the ability to see in low light conditions or even total darkness. Whether by biological or technological means, night vision is made possible by a combination of two approaches: sufficient spectral range, and sufficient intensity range.

PredatorInstinct; He has the predatorial instincts, of an ox and jaguar.

Speed Swimming; he can swim fast as a jaguar.

Weakness; He Is Vulnerable to ice attacks and his feral mind is a weakness making him go into his animal instincts.


Big Bang Impact: He focuses all, his aura into,his fist and then uses his aura,to enhance his body to strengthen his Fist for brutal attacks.

Strength Aura; He forms,an Aura increasing his physical, abilities and augmenting them to help, fight against, stronger opponents. 

Absorption over pain: Any pain he's taken or pain someone,else has taken he'll absorb with physical contact from his hands, as it will make him stronger but will also sometimes hurt, depending how much he can take.

Inga Zarashi: ): After transforming to his gigantic, muscular size,Paulo punches his target multiple times with immense force

Damaged Aura; he, Uses the damage and pain he's suffered to form an Aura, that augments and heals himself, back to full health which, allows him, to continue to fight but it's meant to use once he's brutal Damage and harmed and, needs to heal.

Pressure point-Strike; he increases the muscular,strength in his fingers and throws an attack, Knocking out a target.

Finger pistol: A rapid-fire variant of the move where that hits the opponent's body multiple times at a fast rate with the Finger Pistol ability.

Iron Body; he increases, his muscular structure, making his body act like, an iron wall.

Moonwalk: he can walk into,the air and continue to do so,jumping and staying in for a few hours.

tempest kick: he creates an air slash, using tempest kick.

His Maze



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