Frankenstein OC

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Name: Lorenzo Victor Frankenstein

Nationality; Italian

Quote; Go fuck yourself, ya dumb bitch, stop wasting my time, with your petty arguments

Ancestor; Victor Frankenstein

Occupation: Doctor

Height; 6.3 feet tall

weight; 500 pounds

Likes; Steak, Milk drawing, and Italian food

Dislikes: Fire

Alias; Frankenstein or the living zombie

Species; Human Mutate

Flaw; He's an asshole

Hobbies; Gardening, reading drawing, and enjoying quiet things

Personality; Sympathetic, Kind caring curious intelligent, and Chill(towards people) but isn't amused with villains, Hates Fire, and has a Distaste for people Breaking and entering aswell as an asshole(towards villains and is an asshole mostly to people who annoys him)

Age: 18




Fighting style and skills.

Medical Expertise: he has medical knowledge of the human body and how it ticks and whats needed to help fix it

Scientific Expertise: he has a scientific level o knowledge and is at a decent Intelligence level

Psychological Mastery: he has psychological mastery over many things and would, use psychological torture against someone irredeemable.

Regeneration combat: he can fight while regenerating for hours.

Expert hand-to-hand combatant

Enhanced Gunmenship: Is great at using guns.

Axemenship intuition: he has skills with using an axe

Powers and abilities

Defunct physiology(The user lacks any physical weaknesses of an organic, living body including the need for rest, sustenance, or other physical requirements. They do not feel pain and cannot be poisoned or get ill. Usually, the users are formed from inorganic matter (such as stone, metal or etc.) or animated flesh, bone, wood, or other formerly living matter. Redundant physiology may be capable of self-healing or regeneration, and some are capable of reproduction.

Psuedo-Zombie physiology:  Users are pseudo-Zombie, entities that exhibit part or all of the usual features associated with actual monsters but lack their magical origin. The source of their monstrous nature is scientific, not mystical although some mystical elements have occasionally been introduced into them. Unlike real monsters, they are not vulnerable to the traditional weaknesses of monsters..

Bodily Attribute Augmentation: through science and body modification, he can augment his own Body to help his body physically and, get a better increase in abilities.

Prehensile tail: he has a special prehensile tail that he can use it as a weapon for stabbing cutting and impalement, or even used for poisoning someone with a poisoned tip of the tail.

Superhuman Strength: he has superhuman level strength where he can lift up to 10 tons and higher and even lift up a car.

Superhuman Speed: he can run up to 100mph due to being able to catch up to an Eagle flying at high speeds from 99-200 mph.

Superhuman reflexes: he has extremely fast reflexes being able to Dodge bullets at hypersonic speeds.

Superhuman Endurance: he has a superhuman level of endurance as he can survive harsh weather without shelter or even endure powerful explosions, that could destroy cities.

Supernatural Ugliness: his ugliness to some people is at a level where it would make people feel fear and lose the will to fight.

Superhuman Genetics: The user possesses superhuman qualities in their genetic make-up, granting them biological advancement and characteristics that can empower the users to have supernatural capabilities, enhancements, and powers coming from their respective genetic/genomes sources.

Superhuman senses: his senses are heightened allowing him to dodge any attack with ease and even know when someone is going, to attack.

Superhuman Recovery: if he's even remotely harmed he'd just shrug it off and recover from it like it's nothing.

Superhuman Survivability: he can survive anything and walk it off like it's nothing when he has destroyed body parts.

Superhuman Immune system: he has a Powerful immune system where nothing that would make him sick affects him and he merely can handle it like it's normal.

Superhuman Body: his superhuman body helps him Survive stuff that would atomize him and even help him fight longer fights when it comes to stuff like Planet busters.

Superhuman Agility: he's superhumanly Agile and capable of Dodging Bullet fire

Superhuman Durability: he has insanely strong Durability where he can Shrug off a Tank and walk it off like it's nothing and even survive the force of a Nuclear bomb as he'd just shrug it off.

Superhuman Leaping: he can leap at superhuman speeds allowing him, to jump from building to building.

Prehensile Connective tissue: The user can make their connective tissues (tendons, ligaments, fat cells, Dermis layer of skin, underneath the skin, bones, cartridge, lymphatic system, blood cells, abdominal membrane, joints, hair, nails, and the connective lining around organs, veins/arteries, nerves, bones, and muscles) elongate, stretching outward to hold/manipulate objects like a limb or burrow into objects or living beings to usurp their physical coordination.

Chimerism: he infused, different animals, body parts, and DNA into, his body, becoming a chimera affecting him physically and sexually, at sometimes gaining their attributes in hunting.

Body modification: he can modify his own body with Animals affecting him physically and At the atomic level depending on what creatures he's adding to his biology 

Contaminant Immunity: he's immune to all known illnesses and diseases

Physical Augmentation: he can Physically, augment his own physical abilities allowing him,to fight stronger enemies.

Resistance to Electricity, mind control, and the cold

Anti-regeneration: he can negate healing capabilities through his thread or his other abilities)

Decelerated Aging: He ages, slower.

Weakness Immunity: he's immune, to all known common, zombie weaknesses.

Stitching: through controlling threads like stitches he can stitch someone's body together.

thread manipulation: through manipulating thread-like stitches he can use it for combat and even use them to tear someone apart.

Blood manipulation(he has a limited level of blood manipulation where he can generate blood from his body and use it like a weapon or use blood from people to heal people in hospitals)

Wallcrawling: he can climb up walls extremely fast at the same time,has his fists creating holes,for him to grab onto something. 

Electricity Absorption: he can absorb Electricity to grant himself power.

Accelerated Regeneration: The user increases the rate and speed of their Regenerative Healing Factor as the result of the level of punishment sustained. This means that each time user is wounded and healed, this will make the speed of regeneration faster than before, and will get faster each time the user is wounded and healed.

Regenerative Empowerment: User can recover from virtually any damage almost instantly, growing substantially stronger in the process. Reckless users may even damage/destroy themselves to accelerate their empowerment even further.

High pain tolerance: he has an extremely high pain tolerance allowing him to fight longer.

Pain Suppression: he can suppress his pain to the point he feels no form of pain

Electrokinesis: he can manipulate electricity at a decent level.

Enhanced intelligence: he has a level of intelligence making him smarter than a normal human.

Self-Sustenance: he can live without the need to consume food but chooses to eat it cause he likes food.

Sleeplessness: he has no need to sleep but can choose to sleep if he wants to and enjoys sleeping.

Protected Senses: The user is immune to or can nullify any effect that damages or influences the senses, they are unaffected by blinding lights, deafening explosions, and extreme flavors/smells.

Consumptive healing: if he lost a body he can regrow he'll consume stuff like animals fruit dead bodies and etc to regrow a limb fast.

Electrical Ressurection: he can resurrect by electrocuting his own body bringing his body back from the grave.

Unlimited Stamina; he has an unlimited amount of stamina, allowing him to fight without, getting tired.

Zombie manipulation: if he wants he's capable of mind-controlling zombies and having full control over them.

Indombitable digestive system: he can eat more than a normal human.

Self-manipulative puppetry: he can manipulate his own body if he's under control of a form of mind control as he can control his own bodily functions.

Endless growth: through augmentation of his body and anatomy or the more animals he consumes the more he'll grow in power.

Disease manipulation: He can control different, diseases to use to make someone die of any disease   

Auto-Reflexes: he can automatically Dodge any attack with ease and won't feel dizzy while dodging.

Weakness; He has pyrophobia due to fire scaring him as a kid and tricksters, are capable of tricking him with their trickery at the same time his regeneration can be overwhelmed by something, that can atomize his body completely due to his indestructible body from physical attacks at the same time vulnerable to Negation powers.

transformations(through augmentation))

Powerhouse mutation Form(this is used to be all muscle and can use even strength for speed as it can be good for holding his own against things he can't fight against as this form can even be augmented through more muscle being generated to the point he can break the bones of someone, with a bear hug)

Final mutation(this form is used through full augmentation as it can be used for speed, strength, and durability as the muscle is dense but also strong enough to tank stuff like ice electricity and etc. this, the form creates muscle around his body as the tail has a poison it can generate where once it is stabbed it will inject a deadly poison capable of killing a grown man and elephant as the claws themselves, allow him to cut through the strongest armor )


Anti-regeneration shot; He fires multiple bullets, capable of negating regeneration as it's dangerous enough to cause fatal harm.

Seizure attack: he telepathically controls someone and gives them a seizure.

Decapitation: He can decapitate someone, with a strong punch or kick

Dark Vision: He fires a beam of Dark Energy through, Dark Aura manipulation.

Energy Consumption: He drains the energy gaining power and recovering quicker.

Instant Dodge: He Increases his footwork and dodges at high speeds allowing him to be able to dodge any attack he can't handle

Bandage Choke: he can use bandages in crocodile form to choke someone and bind them to the ground.

Electrical torture: He electrocutes someone torturing them from the brain and doing immense damage

Electric punch: He infuses electricity around his fist and punches the opponent sending them flying and electrocuting them

Electric Explosion: he creates a massive explosion of electricity releasing 200 Million Volts of Electricity and it is capable of killing a man.

Berserk: if at low health he will go berserk and gain a large boost of power allowing him to rip Bodies apart with ease)

Dehydration: through sand, he can cause dehydration.

Heart Stop: He can control the cardiology and give someone a heart attack


Lorenzo is a young adult male who will accept, the consequences,of his actions.

the scientific mutation that made him into a living Zombie when he was going to see if he could augment his own anatomy and abilities through science

he can still die it's just impossible to kill him,due to his Endurance and healing factor,being a problem.

he enjoys steak and meat a lot more due to his hunger for it making him starve for it.

He doesn't have any magic due to his abilities being scientific.

he has pyrophobia, yes but he doesn't get so scared he'd have no fire as he learned that he needs, fire to at least use it to benefit him for cooking, food.

he wants a simple life like everyone else.

He's a chill guy who'd be friends with anyone if they show respect but, if they show, disrespect he's kicking them out.

Despite his looks, he's capable of running fast as a golden eagle where, and his best feat of speed is running at supersonic speeds, reaching 768 mph

with his intellect he's used it to create cures for people,in where he lives and,help create any cure or medicine,to help people.

His castle,.

His laboratory

His guard.

Sewer zombie(he created,this guy to handle,the sewers under,his castle,as this guy can handle any beating,you give him but has,a weakness against explosives due to it's anatomy being,quite squishy)



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